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Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle [Switch]

53 svar till detta ämne Mario Rabbids RPG Switch
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Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle (Switch) (Nintendo Switch-spel) 5 8,57 (13) 208:-


Postad 23 maj 2017 - 22:26

  • Drake001
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Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Confirmed, Key Art
  • Liam Robertson
  • - 05/23/2017
  • Communicating with our Ubisoft sources, we were able to verify the authenticity of the image and are now able to share a full size version of it:

The long-rumoured strategy RPG, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is currently scheduled for release in August and is set to debut at E3 in June. We will have more details on the game and its development soon.


Nintendo World Report has got its hands on new leaked details (and related images) pertaining to Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. We’ve rounded up the latest news below.

– Out this summer
– RPG that mixes exploration and turn-based combat
– The exploration is estimated at 35% of the game
– Combat makes up 65%
– Each of the four worlds are “twisted” Mario worlds filled with references
– Combat is weapon-based
– Mario and company can use guns for the first time
– 8 different characters can be used: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, and Rabbids dressed up as each of them
– Combat is described as more tactical
– More akin to a strategy RPG than what you might expect from a Mario RPG
– Can be played in co-op for two players as well
– Ubisoft appears to be publishing
– Estimated to be 20 hours long
– Again, runs on Ubisoft’s Snowdrop engine
– Ubisoft Paris and Milan developing
– The goal of Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle was to be a surprise announcement at E3 that came out shortly after the announcement
– Still due out in August or September






Redigerat av Drake001, 23 maj 2017 - 22:41.


Postad 29 maj 2017 - 18:48

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Rumor: More Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle details – origins, game details, possible amiibo



 Posted on May 29, 2017 by Brian(@NE_Brian) in RumorsSwitch



WWG was the first site to have posted the full key art for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. Following up on that, a new article has been shared with additional details.

Today’s information covers the game’s origins (including a potential start on Wii U), more game details, and possible amiibo. We’ve rounded up the tidbits below. You can also read the full article here.


– Development began roughly three years ago
– Not a case of Nintendo approaching Ubisoft
– Supposedly Ubisoft’s brainchild
– Began as a proposal that went through the standard pitching process one has to go through to get a game made at Nintendo, including a presentation to their higher ups
– Site’s sources say they have seen functional prototypes of a Wii U version of the game at various points in development
– Ubisoft Milan is handling the core creative direction
– Prevailing sense of Nintendo letting go of the reins with the project
– Nintendo reps are closely overseeing it and approval is needed for anything concerning the use of their characters
– However, even the most outlandish ideas from the developers have been met with little resistance
– Twisted sense of humor
– Has surreal, self referential gags
– Early prototype had a hulky Donkey Kong themed rabbid serving as one of the first boss encounters
– The rabbid has access to a pile of bananas that it can use to replenish its health
– Players are required to first cut off his food supply to prevent him from recovering before they can do some real damage
– The DK rabbid apparently will dab periodically if it lands an attack correctly (a possible reference to DK’s dab from Mario Kart 8)
– Once the boss is defeated, one member of the player’s party, a rabbid cosplaying as Princess Peach, takes out a smart phone and nabs a selfie with the DK Rabbid as it collapses
– All playable characters have an individual skill tree of sorts through which they can develop their own special abilities
– Each one starts with a base skill that they can later improve
– Learn new skills as well
– Ex: Mario has a passive ability which enables him to automatically fire at an enemy if they enter his field of vision during the enemy’s turn
– Some of these powers are common across multiple characters
– Unique ones like Peach’s powerful ability to inflate enemies using a foot pump until they explode
– Online suite was apparently being tested several months back, but it was inaccessible in the test build
– “Arena” mode spotted in the test UI promising some local co-op action.
– amiibo support seems to be planned
– Prototypes feature a mode dubbed ‘amiibo machine’
– Ubisoft is said to be producing prototype figurines of some of the game’s characters
– These could be for a potential Kingdom Battle amiibo line
– Was planned to be announced during Switch’s unveiling in January, but was pushed back to receive further polish



Postad 12 juni 2017 - 21:06

  • Drake001
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Redigerat av Drake001, 12 juni 2017 - 21:39.


Postad 12 juni 2017 - 21:28

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Postad 12 juni 2017 - 22:23

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Postad 12 juni 2017 - 23:11

  • BioBerra
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Verkar nästan vara en ny typ av spel, svårt att kategorisera detta. Skön trailer men kan det vara roligt att spela??


Postad 12 juni 2017 - 23:14

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Ser ju störtskönt ut.


Postad 13 juni 2017 - 00:54

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 Skön trailer men kan det vara roligt att spela??


Det kan det nog.


Postad 13 juni 2017 - 09:25

Svante Skoog
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Jepp, detta blir ett givet köp :)


Postad 13 juni 2017 - 19:29

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Postad 15 juni 2017 - 14:41

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Postad 21 juni 2017 - 18:12

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Postad 01 augusti 2017 - 17:18

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Postad 01 augusti 2017 - 17:38

Svante Skoog
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Postad 01 augusti 2017 - 18:22

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Postad 03 augusti 2017 - 18:17

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Postad 07 augusti 2017 - 19:39

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Postad 15 augusti 2017 - 16:59

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Postad 15 augusti 2017 - 17:39

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Postad 23 augusti 2017 - 06:02

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Fick mail av spelbutiken nu fem på morgonen att det var skickat. Så det bör väl dyka upp snart.


Postad 23 augusti 2017 - 09:46

Svante Skoog
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What the hell?!?


Trodde inte det skulle släppas förrän den 29:e, men Spelbutiken verkar va de enda som fått det tidigt.

Beställt!!! :)

Redigerat av Svante Skoog, 23 augusti 2017 - 09:46.


Postad 23 augusti 2017 - 10:41

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Enligt mitt konto på spelbutiken skulle det skickats igår. Sitter och vaktar brevlådan nu  :ph34r:


Postad 23 augusti 2017 - 13:54

  • Drake001
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Postad 23 augusti 2017 - 21:50

Svante Skoog
  • Svante Skoog
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Enligt mitt konto på spelbutiken skulle det skickats igår. Sitter och vaktar brevlådan nu :ph34r:

Fick du nåt spel?
Ser nu att Spelbutiken ändrat datumet till den 29:e :(

Fick också ett mail om att det var skickat :)

Redigerat av Svante Skoog, 24 augusti 2017 - 07:12.


Postad 24 augusti 2017 - 08:59

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Fick inget igår. Men idag måste det komma. Om det är lika bra som jag tror kommer man nog köpa det här också.


Nu har Ubisoft bekräftat ett Season Pass till spelet. 


Det handlar om tre paket med material som kommer att släppas till spelet. Det första kommer vid lanseringen och innehåller åtta bonusvapen med steampunk-tema. 


Under hösten kommer nya banor för spel solo och co-op.


Och under 2018 ska det komma en expansion till berättelsen i spelet.


Det här kommer att kosta 20 dollar.


Redigerat av New Player, 24 augusti 2017 - 09:09.


Postad 25 augusti 2017 - 10:42

Svante Skoog
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Bifogad fil  20170825_114133.jpg   101,5K   0 Antal nerladdningar

Edit: Varför strular forumet ibland, och lägger bilderna i fel vinkel?

Redigerat av Svante Skoog, 25 augusti 2017 - 10:47.


Postad 25 augusti 2017 - 10:49

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Jaså det är idag det händer.


Postad 25 augusti 2017 - 11:23

Svante Skoog
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Vet inte om senaste uppdateringen strulat till det hela. Men fan va suddigt spelet är :(

Dockat så är menyer i 1080p, men själva grafiken verkar va renderad i 720p och endast 30fps.
Det är ju rätt så simpel grafik, så borde inte ha några problem med 1080p/60.

Såg ju klipp på youtube, där spelet rullade i 60fps.

Portabelt är det brutalt suddigt, och ser inte ut att va mer än 480p :(

Va fan hände Ubisoft??


Postad 25 augusti 2017 - 11:26

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Vet inte om senaste uppdateringen strulat till det hela. Men fan va suddigt spelet är :(

Radera och ta bort wifi och försök igen.


Postad 25 augusti 2017 - 11:32

Svante Skoog
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Får testa det. För spelet ska enligt info rulla i 900p dockat å native 720p portabelt.

Eller så har dom öst på redigt med Anti-aliasing, vilket också kan leda till en soft look. Men skärpan från alla andra Switch spel saknas. Förutom själva menyerna som är skarpa.

Ska testa att rensa å starta om.

Hur som helst, så är iaf spelet brutalt kul :)


Postad 25 augusti 2017 - 11:42

  • Drake001
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Postad 25 augusti 2017 - 17:32

Svante Skoog
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Suverän trailer :D


Insåg just nu att jag spelat spelet nonstop i 5 timmar :D

Grymt bra!


Postad 25 augusti 2017 - 17:44

Svante Skoog
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Fanns två till :D






Postad 26 augusti 2017 - 08:31

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Riktigt jäkla bra är det.


Postad 28 augusti 2017 - 08:57

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Redigerat av Drake001, 29 augusti 2017 - 17:43.


Postad 28 augusti 2017 - 13:24

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Postad 28 augusti 2017 - 16:21

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Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle – Amiibo rewards revealed


Postad 29 augusti 2017 - 17:42

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Postad 02 september 2017 - 11:21

Svante Skoog
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Klarade spelet igår kväll.

Det var ett par episoder i sista världen, som fick mig att vilja bryta av Switchen på mitten, men slutbossen var inte så svår som väntat.

Höll på att få en stroke, när spelet krachade i slutet, men som tur va, så var det i början av bossfighten.

Men jag var rätt nervös över att den skulle krascha igen, när jag var i sista fasen med bossen.


Ett av de roligaste spelen jag spelat på länge, och jag väntar ivrigt på kommande världar :)


Hoppas spelet säljer så bra, att vi får uppföljare i framtiden.


Vore kul att se Ubisoft göra nån mer spin-off med Nintendo karaktärer :)


Postad 08 september 2017 - 18:44

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Postad 08 september 2017 - 18:58

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Precis pucklat på mid-boss i värld 3. Gillar inte när nån dör så då börjar jag om. En del fighter är lite små kniviga. Men annars är det riktigt roligt.


Postad 09 september 2017 - 18:28

  • Truckerhate
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Kan man spela 2 st samtidigt och kan någon förklara hur man gör det isåfall?
Tacksam för svar


Postad 07 oktober 2017 - 18:31

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Är det xcom 2 man ska köpa om man gillade detta?


Postad 07 oktober 2017 - 21:58

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Japp. Och Fire Emblem kanske.


Postad 16 oktober 2017 - 09:12

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15 October, 2017 by rawmeatcowboy | 5

Pack 1 - New Challenges

- Oct. 17th, 2017

Pack 2 - Story Pack

- Jan. 16th, 2018

These dates come straight from Nintendo. They appear in the digital receipt you get for purchasing the Season Pass for Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle.


Postad 17 oktober 2017 - 10:28

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Postad 18 november 2017 - 08:02

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Upcoming Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle DLC to include new world and hero

Posted on November 17, 2017 by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Ubisoft launched a “Gold Edition” for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle on the Switch eShop today. It’s nothing really too special since it just includes the game and the season pass.

There is something interesting in the listing, however. Ubisoft says that the DLC coming in early 2018 will include “an exclusive world featuring a new hero”. Unfortunately, no other details are provided.

The last round of Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle dropped in October. It provided players with access to the Ultra Challenge Pack, featuring a new co-op campaign and five exclusive co-op maps.


Postad 07 december 2017 - 16:38

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Postad 11 januari 2018 - 15:16

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Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle will feature Donkey Kong as a new playable character

Posted on January 11, 2018 by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News



Postad 11 januari 2018 - 15:53

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