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The Last of Us [PS3/PS4]

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The Last of Us (PS3) (PlayStation 3-spel) 9 9.44 (60) 152:-
The Last of Us - Remastered Edition (PS4) (PlayStation 4-spel) 9 9.31 (89) 110:-


Posted 05 June 2012 - 13:56

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Kan vara youtubes autostabiliseringsalgoritm som stör videon. Den ska man oftast inte köra öht


Posted 05 June 2012 - 13:58

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bättre version

Edited by ROCA, 05 June 2012 - 13:58.


Posted 05 June 2012 - 16:11

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Shit, det här kommer bli kungligt! Förhoppningsvis ett spel som kan få mig ur min långa speltorka.


Posted 06 June 2012 - 09:36

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We are not ready to talk about 2013. But some of the games we showed like God of War and The Last of Us are not coming out this year,” he said in an E3 interview due to go live shortly.


Posted 11 June 2012 - 14:10

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Hideo Kojima paid a sneaky visit to see The Last of Us at E3, reveals Naughty Dog boss Ethan Wells on twitter to learn the secrets of why PS3's flagship game looks so fantastic. The answer, as CVG discovered this week, is down to bearded hero Joel's 'punch lasers'...

Don't laugh. The Last of Us seamlessly blends its dynamic animations into the action using an invisible series of 'lasers' - creating moments like when Joel brutally smashes an assailant's head into a bookcase during the E3 demo, while the camera pans and zooms.

"A lot of people are wondering about the fluidity of animation", says Jacob Minkoff, lead designer on The Last of Us.

"When you push the punch button, it fires a bunch of rays around the game world, and says 'What's nearby?'. Oh, there's a wall nearby. Or there's a desk nearby. So if you press the punch button and make contact, it will smash this guy against the wall".

The result is that fights can look different every time you play, subject to the situation.

"We've developed this engine over four games now, over a period of six years, and have a system that dynamically looks around and sees contextually what sort of animations would be right to play in the area", reveals Minkoff.

"For instance, maybe he'll throw a punch and succeed, and the guy hits the wall, or fail and hit his hand against the wall, and go 'Ow!'. We have this library of dozens and dozens of animations streaming off the disc at all times based on what's happening in the environment".



Only yesterday, Hideo Kojima expressed his respect for The Last of Us, during our exclusive interview with the MGS creator.

"The most surprising thing at the Sony conference was The Last of Us", says Kojima, "I'm very interested in how the game was put together, like at what point do you get controlled by the AI, and when do you get control. The Last of Us is in a different direction to what I want to accomplish, but it was very impressive".

Minkoff returns the compliment. "It's cool since we all spent about a zillion hours on Metal Gear Solid, so it's good to see he's interested. It (The Last of Us) is fantastically complex, but it's finally coming together, and I think that's what Kojima is recognising. We have this intense game, with all this brutal combat and fascinating stealth that's being achieved at a level that has not yet been done, since we finally have the technology to do it."

The irony, of sorts, is that The Last of Us derives its impact from a world without technology. It's an apocalyptic, post-civilisation, landscape of shattered architecture with desperate souls scrapping for survival at any cost - where nature is striving to reclaim beauty, while man is the violator. It's also the most exciting exclusive game on PS3 and, like Hideo Kojima, we can't wait to learn its deepest secrets.


Posted 11 June 2012 - 14:31

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De har utvecklat motorn under Uncharted-spelen alltså. Man märkte ju ett slags förstadie till detta i trean när Nate använde miljön beroende på var han var.


Posted 01 July 2012 - 16:08

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YES! inget coop stöd något som sabbade Resident Evil 5 totalt :)



Posted 14 July 2012 - 09:36

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Posted 16 July 2012 - 11:27

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FYFAN, detta spel kommer bli sjuuuuuuuuuuuukt


Posted 16 July 2012 - 12:37

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blev nyligen helt tagen av Uncharted serien så ser verkligen fram emot detta!


Posted 30 August 2012 - 10:31

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Skön humor =)
- Stay on my ass.
- Can't miss it.


Posted 30 August 2012 - 12:21

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Ska bli grymt kul att ta tag i detta när det dyker upp.


Posted 06 September 2012 - 18:19

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Posted 06 September 2012 - 18:59

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tack morlock!

blev om möjligt ännu mer sugen på detta nu!!


Posted 06 September 2012 - 19:09

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uncharted 4 eller vadå?


Posted 07 September 2012 - 09:12

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båda men menade last of us.


Posted 07 September 2012 - 15:05

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 10:39

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Tolkar det som radiozo tycker att The Last Of Us == Uncharted 4.


Posted 08 September 2012 - 10:48

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Tolkar det som radiozo tycker att The Last Of Us == Uncharted 4.

Ser ut som exakt samma spel. Ljudeffekterna är samma dessutom.
Inte för att det är ngt dåligt. Uncharted spelen var jäkligt bra.


Posted 08 September 2012 - 19:18

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Nej, TLoU siktar väl på att vara lite mer seriöst, färre och svårare fiender samt att de satsar lite mer på storyn, de känns som att de tar element av "The Road" och "I am Legend" och gör spel av det.


Posted 08 September 2012 - 22:38

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Såg ut som ett helt annat gameplay... stealth. I Uncharted dödar man ju tusentals. Kanske blir så här också sen iofs.


Posted 31 October 2012 - 17:40

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Vad hände med det här egentligen?


Posted 31 October 2012 - 17:54

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Vad hände med det här egentligen?

2013 hände med det, precis som det var sagt från början.


Posted 31 October 2012 - 18:34

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Vad hände med det här egentligen?

Otålig =P?


Posted 31 October 2012 - 18:48

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buuuu....too slow


Posted 06 November 2012 - 15:40

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Men det var längesedan det kom någon ny information över huvud taget om detta spel. Visst är det första kvartalet 2013 det ska släppas?


Posted 06 November 2012 - 23:34

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Finns inget datum såvitt jag kan se.


Posted 08 December 2012 - 11:32

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Ny trailer + release datum :)


Edited by l2ickard, 08 December 2012 - 11:33.


Posted 08 December 2012 - 12:51

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7 maj för den som inte orkar se videon.
Inget gameplay som vanligt


Posted 08 December 2012 - 13:06

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Tycker de kan försena och släppa detta spel till PS4, spendera tiden fram till releasen att hotta grafikmotorn... :)

Edited by Unregisteredf64a5233, 08 December 2012 - 13:07.


Posted 08 December 2012 - 13:36

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7 maj för den som inte orkar se videon.
Inget gameplay som vanligt

Som vanligt? Menar du i trailers eller? Finns juh gameplay ute annars.

Tycker de kan försena och släppa detta spel till PS4, spendera tiden fram till releasen att hotta grafikmotorn... :)

Man ska juh avsluta på topp! Blir ett perfekt hejdå till den här generationen :)


Posted 08 December 2012 - 16:21

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Tycker de kan försena och släppa detta spel till PS4, spendera tiden fram till releasen att hotta grafikmotorn... :)

Ser redan bra ut. Hellre att det ser bra ut på PS3 än dåligt till nextgen.


Posted 08 December 2012 - 16:25

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Tycker de kan försena och släppa detta spel till PS4, spendera tiden fram till releasen att hotta grafikmotorn... :)

Och låta oss vänta ännu längre? Aw hell no!


Posted 10 December 2012 - 07:47

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Direct feed, uncensored, 720p:

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GameStop Preorder:
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Svenska Gamestop har inte uppdaterat sig, får se hur det blir med multiplayer-godiset här.

Angående videon, så verkar granater lemlästa fienden, undrar om det blir samma i multiplayer?

Survival låter ju som ett trevligt MP-läge, coop mot grönsakerna, hehe! =)

Edited by Fredag, 10 December 2012 - 07:48.


Posted 10 December 2012 - 13:06

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Tycker fortfarande det är helt sjukt att det inte är Ellen Page som spelar tjejen, hon heter ju t o m Ellie som att de såg likheterna själva. Men Page är ju med i Beyond istället :wacko:


Posted 11 December 2012 - 09:33

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Detta får bli ett givet köp! Enda problemet är att jag måste köpa ett Ps3... Men det kan det nog vara värt!


Posted 11 December 2012 - 11:31

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ser äckligt ut


Posted 11 December 2012 - 12:44

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Givetvis var de tvungna att lägga till ett MP-läge även i detta spel.. coop verkar kunna vara en möjlighet också om man läser mellan raderna.


+ Arne Meyer on December 9th, 2012 at 10:41 pm said:

Not telling yet!

Edited by Unregisteredf64a5233, 11 December 2012 - 12:44.


Posted 12 December 2012 - 15:12

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Lite ny info bakom länken:

They do some pretty dark stuff. I don’t know how much I can say without spoiling the story, but they’re both in the same boat, and the way they see it, there are other people who would kill them for the supplies they have. They’re going to take the first shot if they need to.”

“I believe there’s a misconception that if you put a girl or a woman on the cover, the game will sell less. I know I’ve been in discussions where we’ve been asked to push Ellie to the back and everyone at Naughty Dog just flat-out refused.”

Annie Wersching – the actor behind Tess, who you may remember as Renee Walker in 24:



Posted 24 December 2012 - 20:20

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Det här ser jag fram emot!


Posted 17 January 2013 - 18:00

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Posted 21 January 2013 - 10:28

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Galet vackert.

Det här var lite kul:
Postad bild

"Our high tech farm to render cutscenes", Christophe Balestra @ ND

Edited by pacman, 21 January 2013 - 10:29.


Posted 22 January 2013 - 08:54

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"Our high tech farm to render cutscenes", Christophe Balestra @ ND

Grymma bilder, tack!


Posted 25 January 2013 - 10:48

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Jag gillar normalt inte att spela dylika spel på konsoll, men detta verkar faktiskt riktigt bra. Blir nog till att införskaffa det.


Posted 04 February 2013 - 11:10

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I expected a lot of things from The Last of Us, but what I didn't expect, and what I was pleasantly surprised by, was that it scared me more than any recent survival horror game. I don't know that Naughty Dog would classify it as a straight up survival horror, but between the time I spent scrounging to survive, and the rest of the time I spent scared shitless, it definitely fits under the classification.



Posted 07 February 2013 - 11:05

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 14:22

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Nedräkningsbild för den kommande biofilmen The Last of Us:

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 15:10

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Biofilm? :)


Posted 14 March 2013 - 15:18

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Du tror väl inte TV-spel ser så bra ut? :)


Posted 02 April 2013 - 17:21

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Trailer, ser galet bra ut :)


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