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Forza Motorsport 7 (PC, Xbone, Xbone X)

258 svar till detta ämne
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Forza Motorsport 7 (Xbox One | Series X/S) (Xbox Series X/S spel) 9 6,14 (6) 305:-
Forza Motorsport 7 (PC) (PC-spel) 9 (0) Inga priser
Forza Motorsport 7 - Ultimate Edition (Xbox One | Series X/S) (Xbox Series X/S spel) 9 (0) Inga priser
Forza Motorsport 7 - Deluxe Edition (PC) (PC-spel) 9 (0) Inga priser
Forza Motorsport 7 - Ultimate Edition (PC) (PC-spel) 9 3,5 (1) Inga priser
Forza Motorsport 7 - Deluxe Edition (Xbox One | Series X/S) (Xbox Series X/S spel) 1 (0) Inga priser


Postad 11 juni 2017 - 22:28

  • sinnes
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Då har MS visat Forza Motorsport 7 på E3.


Över 700 bilar sades finnas i spelet och det kommer att köras i native 4K/60fps på Xbone X samt ha dynamiskt väder.



Redigerat av sinnes, 11 juni 2017 - 22:48.


Postad 12 juni 2017 - 00:05

  • Zartok
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Såhär ska ett bilspel vara. 700 bilj*vlar!! :D

Shit vad bra det kommer att vara.


Postad 12 juni 2017 - 01:37

  • sinnes
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Widebodykit verkar det finnas, iaf till RX7 och E36 samt även Truckracing, grymt detta =)


5 minuter från ringen


Redigerat av sinnes, 12 juni 2017 - 02:06.


Postad 12 juni 2017 - 08:00

  • Andreas3200
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Ser intressant ut visste att jag ville ha Forza motorsport 7 men verkar ännu bättre än vad jag trodde. Skaffar man sig ultimate edition kan man till och med börja spela i slutet på september


Postad 12 juni 2017 - 08:58

  • oqvist
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Jösses så okänslig på gasen. Känns onödigt bränna 1000 kr extra på att få spela beta version en vecka tidigare.

Snyggt är det naturligtvis släpps det på Windows 10 samtidigt som Xbox?

Redigerat av oqvist, 12 juni 2017 - 08:59.


Postad 12 juni 2017 - 09:53

  • Guru

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Hoppas det är dynamiskt väder på alla banor, och inte script styrt. (Story mode så är väl allt lika) men när man lirar annars så ska man kunna välja alla väder/tider på dygnet på alla banor.


Postad 12 juni 2017 - 14:44

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Widebodykit verkar det finnas, iaf till RX7 och E36 samt även Truckracing, grymt detta =)


Det där ser ju redigt bra ut får man säga.


Postad 12 juni 2017 - 15:08

  • Andreas3200
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Jösses så okänslig på gasen. Känns onödigt bränna 1000 kr extra på att få spela beta version en vecka tidigare.

Snyggt är det naturligtvis släpps det på Windows 10 samtidigt som Xbox?

Onödigt tycker jag inte, det beror helt på hur mycket man tänkt spela och hur mycket innehåll man vill ha och jag kommer spela det väldigt mycket så det kommer vara värt det för min del. Tror det bruka ligga på 900 kr och man får spela från den 29e september istället för 3 oktober på tanke på hur sugen jag är på deras spel innan de släpps så tycker jag att det är värt det med ultimate edition så man kan få spela ännu tidigare. Detta ser ut att bli mycket roligt spel om inte det mest intressanta i år enligt mig och inte lite bilar i heller


Postad 13 juni 2017 - 08:08

  • Andreas3200
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The fate and furious car pack är också bekräftat till Forza motorsport 7 Vilka bilar det kommer vara vet jag inte än.
Kommer att finnas med deluxe och ultimate edition. Gameplay på Forza 7 ska tydligen släppas idag så ni som intresserade av att se det gå in på ar12 gamings youtubekanal


Postad 13 juni 2017 - 21:25

  • Andreas3200
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3 banor från Forza 4 kommer tillbaka
Mapple valley
Och även Volkswagen kommer finnas igen.


Postad 13 juni 2017 - 22:19

  • oqvist
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Mugello och Suzuka?


Postad 13 juni 2017 - 23:47

  • Unregistered1d4d1f09
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I dagens artikel om FM7 på det officiella forumet skrevs det "You can race NASCAR vehicles", så NASCAR kommer tillbaka! Yeehaw!


Postad 14 juni 2017 - 00:07

  • Zerox_no1
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Postad 14 juni 2017 - 01:31

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Hyfsad skillnad.


Postad 14 juni 2017 - 08:09

  • Andreas3200
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Mugello och Suzuka?

Japp + mapple valley som var mångas favoritbana i Forza 4. Nu blir det heller inga problem med Volkswagen licensen nu vet vi att dom kommer finnas vid release


Postad 15 juni 2017 - 07:26

  • Andreas3200
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Nu går det att boka Forza motorsport 7 från Xbox store digitalt.
Standard edition går som vanligt på 599 kr som innehåller preorder bonus. Sen är där deluxe som kommer gå på 829 kr som även också har dayone car pack som jag misstänker är fate and furious car pack och sen vip memberchip som innehåller exklusiva bilar och andra grejer i spelet som annars man inte får tillgång till. Så vip är något som är ganska viktigt i Forza spelen och ännu viktigare i Forza motorsport 7 eftersom man får nu nu mer exklusivt material. Ultimate edition kan man köpa för endast 70 kr mer och där man dessutom också får car pass som ger 6 carpacks helt utan extra kostnad och dessutom early access
Ultimate edition ger bättre värde för pengarna. Ser ingen anledning till att köpa deluxe när ultimate är så lite dyrare
Kommer boka ultimate edition

Redigerat av Andreas3200, 15 juni 2017 - 07:27.


Postad 15 juni 2017 - 07:34

  • BioBerra
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Känns som ett givet köp för mig som är Racing spelare, älskar bilspel men en ratt är ett måste anser jag. Tur man redan har en G920 :D

I väntan på Forza 7 och One X kommer det bli mycket Dirt 4 i sommar.


Postad 15 juni 2017 - 08:12

  • Andreas3200
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Action house kommer också tillbaka. Och karriär läget är också ändrat lite nu är där bilar man kan vinna och kan endast få dom genom att spela i karriären låter otroligt bra tycker jag
Lite innan det släpps får man gå på Forza motorsport 6. Nu sommar får man lira lite gta 5 online gunrunning


Postad 15 juni 2017 - 12:44

  • letmefly
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För mig som inte har någon Xbox One blir nog det här spelet som får mig skaffa en One X...


Postad 15 juni 2017 - 15:47

  • oqvist
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Har du en pc?


Postad 15 juni 2017 - 18:57

  • Andreas3200
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En sändning på Forza motorsport 7 på e3 med Ryan cooper och bryan Ekberg från turn 10 där ställs lite frågor om själva spelet


Postad 15 juni 2017 - 22:40

  • Ageve
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Hoppas det är lika bra optimerat som 6an/Apex.


4K60 är inga problem med GTX 1070.


I 1080p ligger det på 120-150 fps, på ultra...

Redigerat av Ageve, 15 juni 2017 - 22:47.


Postad 16 juni 2017 - 05:16

  • oqvist
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Minns inte hur de var. För att köra både one x och pc då köper man one x varianten? Eller spelar ingen roll?

Redigerat av oqvist, 16 juni 2017 - 05:16.


Postad 16 juni 2017 - 05:55

  • Unregistered42176b20
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Minns inte hur de var. För att köra både one x och pc då köper man one x varianten? Eller spelar ingen roll?

Hittills för play anywhere så gäller det bara download i Xbox/Windows Store, inte om man köper en fysisk kopia.


Postad 16 juni 2017 - 14:43

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Woof, spelet kräver 100 GB vid launch.


Postad 16 juni 2017 - 22:02

  • Ageve
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700 bilar tar väl en del plats.

Redigerat av Ageve, 16 juni 2017 - 22:05.


Postad 17 juni 2017 - 08:06

  • Andreas3200
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100 GB j.vlar kommer då ta en stund att ladda ner och med ett internet på endast 10 mb/s så får man förboka det i god tid.
Informationen om spelet flödar just nu. Forzathons kommer också finnas action house som inte funnits sen Forza motorsport 4
Karriärläget kommer också förändras med som vissa bilar kommer att vara exklusiva till just karriären som endast man kan få om man spelar i karriär läget kommer väl kallas i form showcase events. Det ska tydligen var olika championchips i 6 forzacups. Och du ska kunna justera karriär racen hur du vill i princip med både antal varv vilken bil du vill ha samt om du vill dynamiskt väder eller inte. Om dom kommer ha wheelspins igen vet man inte men dom sagt att belöningarna ska bli annorlunda så det återstår att se vad som händer. Man har sett mycket positivt hittills.

Redigerat av Andreas3200, 17 juni 2017 - 08:10.


Postad 17 juni 2017 - 15:10

  • Zoiler
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Dynamiskt väder, vatten på banan och dag/natt är ju häftigt iaf, det hade inte Forza 6.


Postad 17 juni 2017 - 19:48

  • appel_
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Hoppas de bygger in stöd för Xbox Arena. Det hade varit skoj.


Postad 18 juni 2017 - 07:37

  • Andreas3200
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Forza Motorsport 7 Confirmed Car List
Published on: Jun 15, 2017
Forza Motorsport 7Xbox E3E3 2017Porsche
Forza Motorsport 7 has hit E3 hard with some gameplay, an amazing trailer, and the debut of the all-new 2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS. Among these are the cars of Horizon 3 and here is what we've spotted so far racing through footage in its 4K glory. If you've seen another car that you think we missed or think we got something wrong? Let us know what you found and where in the comments and we'll add it! Check out the list below.

Please note that this car list will constantly update as more and more cars are spotted or confirmed. Also note that the comment section in this article is not a wishlist. You can discuss what you'd like to see as well as read our Forza Motorsport 7 wishlist here.

2017 Acura NSX

Alfa Romeo:
1965 Alfa Romeo Giulia TZ2

1934 Alfa Romeo #12 Scuderia Ferrari P3

Aston Martin:
2017 Aston Martin DB11

2016 Aston Martin Vulcan

2016 Aston Martin Vantage GT12

2014 Aston Martin V12 Vantage S

2006 Aston Martin #007 Aston Martin Racing DBR9

2016 Audi R8 V10 plus

2014 Audi #45 Flying Lizard Motorsports R8 LMS Ultra

2014 BAC Mono

2014 Bentley #7 M-Sport Bentley Continental GT3

2016 BMW M4 GTS

2015 BMW i8

2014 BMW #55 BMW Team RLL Z4 GTE

2014 BMW #56 BMW Team RLL Z4 GTE

2009 BMW #92 Rahal Letterman Racing M3 GT2

1997 BMW M3

2013 Cadillac XTS Limousine

2015 Chevorlet Corvette Z06

2014 Chevorlet #3 Corvette Racing Corvette C7.R

2011 Chevorlet #4 Corvette Racing ZR1

1969 Chevorlet Camaro Super Sport Coupe

2016 Dodge Viper ACR

2014 Dodge #93 SRT Motorsports Viper GTS-R

1970 Dodge Coronet Super Bee

1967 Eagle-Westlake T1G

2015 Ferrari F12tdf

2015 Ferrari 488 GTB

2014 Ferrari FXX K

2014 Ferrari #51 AF Corse 458 Italia GTE

2014 Ferrari #62 Risi Competizione 458 Italia GTLM

2013 Ferrari 458 Speciale

1962 Ferrari 250 GTO

1957 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa

2017 Ford GT

2016 Ford #66 Ford Racing GT Le Mans

1969 Ford Mustang Boss 302

1967 Honda RA300

2014 Jaguar #14 Emil Frey GT3 Jaguar XK

2016 Koenigsegg Regera

2016 Lamborghini Centenario LP 770-4

2015 Lamborghini #63 Squadra Corse Huracan LP620-2 Super Trofeo

2014 Lamborghini #14 GMG Racing LP 570-4 Super Trofeo

2014 Lamborghini #18 DragonSpeed Gallardo LP 570-4 Super Trofeo

2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Superleggera

2014 Maserati #35 M.Calamia Swiss Team MC Trofeo

2010 Maserati GranTurismo S

2014 Mazda #70 SpeedSource Lola B12/80

1997 Mazda RX-7

2015 McLaren 650S Coupe

2015 McLaren 570S Coupe

2014 McLaren #60 Bhaitech 12C GT3

2011 McLaren MP4-12C

2017 Mercedes-AMG GT-R

2015 Mercedes-AMG GT-S

2015 Mercedes-Benz #24 Tankpool24 Racing Truck

2014 Mercedes-Benz #84 HTP Motorsport SLS AMG GT3

2011 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG

1955 Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR

2017 Nissan GT-R


2012 Nissan GT-R Black Edition (R35)

2016 Pagani Huayra BC

2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS

2015 Porsche #19 Porsche Team 919 Hybrid

2014 Porsche 911 Turbo S

2012 Porsche 911 GT3 RS 4.0

2011 Porsche #45 Flying Lizard 911 GT3-RSR

1995 Porsche 911 GT2

1960 Porsche 718 RS 60

2016 Radical RXC Turbo

1965 Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe

2016 Spania GTA Spano

2013 SRT Viper GTS

2015 Ultima Evolution Coupe 1020

Dan Greenawalt confirmed at the Xbox Media Showcase that Volkswagen will be making its return to Forza after the brand was left out of Forza Horizon 3.

Forza Motorsport 7 will be launching worldwide on Xbox One and Windows 10 on October 3, 2017. Remember, this list will update with each new car confirmed until the game launches,


Postad 21 juni 2017 - 08:31

  • Andreas3200
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Forza Motorsport 7 isn’t only about innovating upon the technology found in its predecessor and making it 4K-enabled for Xbox One X – the official name of Microsoft’s Project Scorpio console that was finally unveiled at E3 2017. Instead, it’s focus is about returning the series to its competitive racing roots while making the franchise more human and real, and focusing on the person who matters the most in a racing game – you, the driver, and racer competing in exhilarating racing events who’s aiming to come out on top every time you play.

When we played Forza Motorsport 7 for the first time, we could immediately tell that the overall racing experience was one of the key components focused on by its developer, Turn 10 Studios. However, it wasn’t until a behind-closed-doors session at E3 2017 last week with the game’s Creative Director Bill Giese that we learned much more about the series’ return to its legacy racing roots while also innovating across the overall gameplay experience.

Making Forza Competitive Again
Some could argue that in recent years, Forza Motorsport has become less and less competitive to appeal more to casual players. With Forza Motorsport 7, Turn 10 believes it has the perfect balance with an improved handing model for realism, a range of new assists, and the biggest level of support for peripherals yet. That means if you have a rig setup at home ready for racing, there’s a good chance it will work with Forza Motorsport 7 – and should also work surprisingly well.

Forza Motorsport 7 is the first full Forza Motorsport experience for Windows 10 PC. Turn 10 brought its ForzaTech engine that powers every entry of the franchise on Xbox One to PC with the launch of Forza Motorsport 6: Apex last year. It then launched Forza Horizon 3 shortly after, but the specification required for optimal performance was – and still is – extremely demanding.

PC spec is unknown at this point for Forza Motorsport 7, but Giese did explain to us during the demo that the game focuses on three key areas:

It is being built to be the best-looking Forza game to-date.
Turn 10 has “reimagined everything” to return to the series back to its roots of competitive racing.
With 4.8 million monthly active users, Turn 10 aims to unite them all with a range of community and online features in Forza Motorsport 7.
Those were the goals outlined by Giese that the team at Turn 10 Studios had for Forza Motorsport 7, and he believes the developer has exceled across all of them.

Introducing Forza Motorsport 7
Our Forza Motorsport 7 behind-closed-doors demo begun with Giese showing us a glimpse of the main menu. Instead of the extremely clean and full-screen interface found in Forza Motorsport 6, Turn 10’s latest racer focuses on putting the driver and their car front and centre. That means the menu takes up the right-hand portion of the screen, while the left shows your customized racer in the gear you’ve given him with whatever car you were driving last.

On the menu, you’ll find all the options you come to expect from Forza – including Career, Online, Community, Garage, and Forzavista options. One of the more interesting things I noticed on the demo was an option for ‘Timed Vendor.’ I asked Giese what this feature was about, and he said to expect more details closer to launch. It sounds like some sort of buy-or-rental car service, but we already know the Auction House will be returning to Forza Motorsport 7, so that kind of rules that out.

You’ll also hear music when inside your Garage through in-game speakers, and this will be played from either the composed score for Forza Motorsport 7 or a playlist you’ve saved on OneDrive and integrated with Microsoft’s Groove Music service. That’s right, the same custom music functionality you know and love from Forza Horizon 3 is coming to Forza Motorsport 7.

Any music you own that’s ripped from CDs or downloaded from other music services can be saved onto OneDrive and added to your Groove Music account, allowing you to then create your own custom playlist for it in Forza Motorsport 7. This music will broadcast through your Garage speakers within Forzavista and the main menu, and you’ll even hear it come from the in-grandstand speakers on the track – creating a more authentic and immersive audio experience overall.

Forza Driver’s Cup
The first bit of gameplay Giese walked us through came from the Forza Driver’s Cup. He explained that whilst Forza Motorsport 6 really blew-out the campaign with the Stories of Motorsport, in Forza Motorsport 7, the developer aims to take things even further. For example, racers will face serious point scoring, can utilize race length tools to customize their experience, and even win in-game prizes such as trophies.

The Forza Driver’s Cup is broken down into six major championships; Seeker, Breakout, Evolution, Domination, Masters, and the Forza Masters Championship Cup. Each of these highlight the diverse race divisions of each of the cars in Forza Motorsport 7, and include events such as standard races, high-speed chases, endurance race showcases, historic moments in motorsport, formula pre-war cars, the rise of the supercar and GT race cars, and much more – as well as fun events like car bowling and autocross.

Racers will earn Series Points (SP) as they complete race events, and these allow players to progress through championships. They will also win credits, XP, mods, and collection items – such as Driver Gear and excusive reward cars. There’s also milestone rewards every three levels, as well as collection tiers.

By collecting cars, you can progress through each tier and improve the rewards you get. Car collection has been entirely revamped in Forza Motorsport 7, and it’s central to the overall experience. Giese said to expect more information and a deep dive on car collecting in the game at Gamescom 2017 in August.

To showcase the Forza Driver’s Cup, Giese headed into the Seeker Championship, which compromised of events featuring NASCAR, Trophy Trucks, and the Mercedes Racing Truck. For our demo, he chose the Exotic GT Series with the 2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS racing on Dubai – the cover car of Forza Motorsport 7 that debuted on stage at the Xbox E3 2017 Briefing.

There’s also an Open Series, so you can continue using whatever car you were last driving if you prefer to not change. Showcases also return in Forza Motorsport 7, and these highlight unique race modes and diverse cars. The ‘Voices of Motorsport’ are also present for these events, and feature “automotive celebrities.” Giese said we’ll also hear more about these in the Summer.

Cars & Forzavista
With more than 700 Forzavista cars from over 80 manufacturers that can be fully-explored and customized, players are expected to have massive garages with diverse car collections in Forza Motorsport 7, including the largest line-up of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and Porsches in any racing game. For those who desire rare cars, the Showcase events will offer cars that are only available by winning them. Forzavista is also back, and cars can now be explored across both the usual array of homespaces and every track available in Forza Motorsport 7.

That’s a lot of new locations to take advantage of Forzavista, and Turn 10 has gone and touched up all 700 cars by making windshield wipers and straps shake whilst racing to give intensity, while others part rattle and vibrate – allowing your car to realistically react to the surfaces it drives on.

In addition, there’s also a new cockpit view without the wheel on show, and each car also has a different, unique feel when racing in cockpit. For example, the three cars available to drive in the E3 2017 demo – the brand-new Porsche 911 GT2 RS, the Mercedes Racing Truck, and the Nisssan GT-R race car, all have very different feelings, with each car having a unique personality. The GT-R is built for weight reduction and feels intense to drive during a storm, for example. There’s also a “robust” damage system in Forza Motorsport 7, Turn 10 has promised, including “a crack damage system with performance damage.”

In the race, we got a glimpse of some of the cars in Forza Motorsport 7, including the 2017 Ford GT, 2017 Audi R8, 2008 Aston Martin One-77, 2011 Ferrari FF, 2010 Lamborghini Murciélago LP670, and 2011 Lamborghini Aventador. There was also the 2000 SVR Cobra R, a glimpse of Trophy Trucks and NASCAR vehicles, and even the return of our old friend, the 2013 Cadillac XTS Limousine, which will be integrated into Showcase events in Forza Motorsport 7. In addition, the customization you know and love from Forza Horizon 3 returns, with even more bodykits and parts to look forward to.

Interactive Loading & Race Wheel Support
When loading into race events in Forza Motorsport 7, there’s a new interactive loading screen instead of the static one we’ve become accustomed to in recent years. Here, players can change their car, driver gear, assists, and tune, and easily go from race-to-race as they customize their car, driver, and racing setup between each event. This will save players tons of time, and all this even applies to online multiplayer as well. The in-race menu, meanwhile, allows players to access the Race Info and their Setup with two distinct menus. There’s also an option for ‘Car Collection’ should you decide to swap vehicle ahead of the race.

In addition, every fan-requested wheel is available in Forza Motorsport 7, and on Windows 10 PC, even the PlayStation Logitech G920 and DualShock 4 controller works thanks to multi-USB support. It’s important for Xbox One and PC that the peripherals you use are supported, Giese noted. The new cockpit setting is also a great addition for wheel users on Windows 10 PC.

Forza 7 on Xbox One X
Of course, the big selling point of the new Xbox One X console is the ability for it to render games in native 4K resolution, and Forza Motorsport 7 doesn’t disappoint. Running in True 4K with a rock-solid 60fps, it’s amazing. From the way it looks – to how it feels, and the contrast with colours and light enabled by High Dynamic Range, Forza Motorsport 7 is the best-looking entry in the series by far. Photogrammetry is a new method of recreating geometry in the world that Turn 10 has utilized in Forza Motorsport 7, and it helps get both the imperfections and perfections of the real-world into the game.

Forza Motorsport 7 “looks incredible, and awesome” on Xbox One in 1080p, Giese said, but the game is also future-proof with HDR support as the technology becomes more readily available in the years ahead. In addition, dynamic clouds and sky shadows changes the composition of the game, creating a unique look with dynamic race weather. For example, the Nürburgring event with the Nissan GT-R race car sees the track dry with a storm in the distance before it rolls through, and bam – there’s thunder and lighting, lashing rain, constantly-changing colours above you in the sky, and of course, the formation of puddles that grow and expand as the race continues. In Forza Motorsport 6, puddles were static on the circuit and placed with exact precision. In its sequel, puddles expand based on rain speed and in real-time.

Driver Gear & Online Experience
Forza Motorsport 7 has more than 300 racing suits to collect, and Mods from Forza Motorsport 6 are also returning. Your collection, be it of cars, gear, or mods, should matter, Turn 10 explained, adding that levelling up and XP is “exactly as you expect” in Forza Motorsport 7. Giese said there’s “a whole new layer around car collecting. The more cars you have the better the rewards you have as you level up.” Racers will also earn credits and car discounts from completing events as well. The people with the best cars and racing gear will be those who play the most, Giese teased.

With 4.8 million monthly active users, Turn 10 wanted to bring them all together – whether they are on Xbox One, Xbox One X, or Windows 10 PC. Forza Motorsport 7 is an Xbox Play Anywhere title, which means if you buy it on one of the aforementioned platforms, you can enjoy it on all of them. In addition, with cross-platform play and Looking for Group and Clubs recently integrated into Xbox Live, Turn 10 has used all this to revamp the social experience in Forza Motorsport 7.

The new online lobby experience for Forza Motorsport 7 is now integrated into the Pits. Ahead of a race, players can socialise with other drivers, tune their car, or run hot laps. The Driver will be shown outside of their car, wearing one of the more than 300 suits that span decades of racing and pop culture. Some of these span the birth of the gentleman racer, such as the Pioneer suit which saw too many racers die back in the day, while others like ‘Bowtie’ and ‘Interstellar’ show the diverse line-up of gear available. You’ll also be able to name your driver as well, and Forza Rewards will offer fans even more Driver Gear with “exclusive rewards.” Players can choose to express themselves how they desire on the track, in the garage, and on the pits in Forza Motorsport 7.

Each race in the E3 Demo had three suits to choose from, which was a nice touch. All suits are extremely diverse and different, and they also apply to Campaign. Drivatars will use the cars loved by their owner, as well as their paintjobs and driver gear. What Giese showed us was “a taste of the work” the team over at Turn 10 has done for Forza Motorsport 7’s online functionality.

There’s also Mixer Integration confirmed, as well as the option to broadcast in 4K resolution directly from the game when playing on Xbox One X. The Auction House and Forzathon were also confirmed to return, as well as split-screen gameplay, widebody kits for even more cars, and race wheels. Forza TV is also back for replays, as is the Galley for Photo Mode.

New Features & Enhancements
In the Q&A, Giese revealed that Forza Motorsport 7 won’t support wet weather on every track. For example, when in Dubai would it rain? It wouldn’t. Instead this circuit is all about its spectacular vistas and massive scale. Turn 10 has added rain to the tracks where it makes sense, such as Nürburgring, Sebring, and Silverstone. Furthermore, the feature-set between Xbox One, Xbox One X, and Windows 10 is equal – meaning all Forza Motorsport 7 players will get to experience dynamic weather and conditions, regardless of the platform they are playing on. Giese said that Xbox One and PC also benefits by the advancements made on Xbox One X.

Giese also spoke about the new Adjudication System in Forza Motorsport 7, which aims to discourage corner-cutting and cheating in online multiplayer. If you cut in eSports, the game will “take you down,” he said, adding time on to your final lap or completely dirtying it. This won’t necessarily apply to Campaign, but it will in Rivals and Multiplayer. In Endurance events, meanwhile, drivers can walk around their car, but not the pits. They can scroll through them however, as seen in the Grid Preview feature recently added to Forza Motorsport 6.

Leagues also return in Forza Motorsport 7, and they have been built with competitive racing in mind. Like before, these events are divided into Seasons, where players will earn points, and be placed into bands. Turn 10 has said they are “new and improved, and more integrated with ForzaRC." You'll be racing with the top guys. Matchmaking remains a key part of achieving that and racers will be up against people of similar skill for what promises to be a fair, competitive experience.

Making Dynamic Conditions Real
In building Forza Motorsport 7, Turn 10 wanted to ensure that every time a player returned to the track – it felt different. From the weather, clouds and shadows, there’s a lot of things happening within race events thanks to mother nature in Forza Motorsport 7. Precision, consistency, dynamic skies and sky shadows – these all change the composition of the track and every turn you make on it.

During the demo, Giese pulled over the Porsche in the Dubai race to show a quick video of how the weather and sky adjusts based on the time-of-day and current race conditions, and it simply looked glorious, and each scene made the track look completely and utterly different.

Cloud shadows move across the track, changing the perspective of the race, as well as the light with dynamic race weather that leads to rain and storms as the puddles expand across each map, the ominous skies become cloudy, then eventually open to unleash the sun with its startling brightness to create a glorious evening orange sky for a breathtaking finish like no other.

Each time you return to the track, it will be different. That’s the promise Turn 10 has made in its goal to make racing reborn in Forza Motorsport 7 with its most technically advanced and comprehensive game yet. Tracks such as Maple Valley and Suzuka International Race Circuit will return, however, it was announced that the fan-favourite drift circuit Fujimi Kaido won’t be coming into Forza Motorsport 7. Not at launch, at least. Drifting and Drag Racing will be in Forza Motorsport 7, but only for the online component and not in the campaign, Giese said.

In Conclusion
Some other titbits of info revealed by Giese include the fact designs from past Forza titles on Xbox One and Windows 10 can be carried over to Forza Motorsport 7, and players can now paint their cars and vinyl groups using mouse and keyboard on PC. There’s no painting on “glass” however, which rules out windscreen decals and window stickers. There are more material types, and Turn 10 has also added more lettered tires and bodykits to Forza Motorsport 7, with nearly all customization parts from Forza Horizon 3 coming over to Forza Motorsport 7 with new additions.

Giese concluded by saying Forza Motorsport 7 is a “massive, massive game.” It has been built with Xbox One X in mind, and is the studio’s best-looking game yet. It also goes back to Forza’s roots of competitive racing, with an improved simulation, tons of new racing-orientated features, and plenty of innovation across the overall experience.

Forza Motorsport 7 is shaping up to be Turn 10’s best game yet, and we’re excited to learn more about it later this Summer ahead of its worldwide release on October 3rd, 2017.


Postad 21 juni 2017 - 10:24

  • oqvist
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Lovande törs man hoppas på stöd för separata usb pedaler månntro. Vad är det för källa?


Postad 21 juni 2017 - 10:38

  • pacman
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The mother of all texts

Funka det inte att länka?

Jag menar, skriver nån nått bra så förtjänar ju sidan att få en träff. ;)


Postad 21 juni 2017 - 14:29

  • oqvist
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Det var f-n att hålla en på halster :)


Postad 21 juni 2017 - 14:57

  • Andreas3200
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Funka det inte att länka?

Jag menar, skriver nån nått bra så förtjänar ju sidan att få en träff. ;)



Postad 19 juli 2017 - 07:46

  • Andreas3200
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Want to know what the first batch of announced cars are for Forza Motorsport 7??

Then here is the first list of 167/700 Cars in alphabetical order featuring 29 Porsches

2013 Ariel Atom 500 V8
2016 Ariel Nomad
1958 Aston Martin DBR1
1960 Aston Martin DB4GT Zagato
1964 Aston Martin DB5
1977 Aston Martin V8 Vantage
1998 Aston Martin V8 Vantage V600
2006 Aston Martin #007 Aston Martin Racing DBR9
2008 Aston Martin DBS
2010 Aston Martin One-77
2012 Aston Martin V12 Zagato
2012 Aston Martin Vanquish
2013 Aston Martin V12 Vantage S
2016 Aston Martin Vantage GT12
2016 Aston Martin Vulcan
2017 Aston Martin DB11
2014 BAC Mono
1992 Bugatti EB110 Super Sport
2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport
2013 Donkervoort D8 GTO
1948 Ferrari 166MM Barchetta
1952 Ferrari 375
1953 Ferrari 500 Mondial
1957 Ferrari 250 California
1957 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa
1962 Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta Lusso
1962 Ferrari 250 GTO
1963 Ferrari 250LM
1964 Ferrari F-158 F1
1967 Ferrari #24 Ferrari Spa 330 P4
1968 Ferrari 365 GTB/4
1969 Ferrari Dino 246 GT
1971 Ferrari #2 Ferrari Automobili 312 P
1976 Ferrari #1 Scuderia Ferrari 312T2
1982 Ferrari #71 Ferrari France 512 BB/LM
1982 Ferrari #72 N.A.R.T. 512 BB/LM
1984 Ferrari 288 GTO
1987 Ferrari F40
1989 Ferrari F40 Competizione
1990 Ferrari #1 Scuderia Ferrari 641
1992 Ferrari 512 TR
1994 Ferrari F355 Berlinetta
1995 Ferrari F50
1996 Ferrari F50 GT
1998 Ferrari #12 Risi Competizione F333 SP
1998 Ferrari #30 MOMO Doran Racing F333 SP
2002 Ferrari 575M Maranello
2002 Ferrari Enzo Ferrari
2003 Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale
2004 Ferrari 612 Scaglietti
2007 Ferrari 430 Scuderia
2008 Ferrari California
2009 Ferrari 458 Italia
2010 Ferrari 599 GTO
2010 Ferrari 599XX
2011 Ferrari #62 Risi Competizione 458 Italia GTC
2011 Ferrari FF
2012 Ferrari F12berlinetta
2013 Ferrari 458 Speciale
2013 Ferrari LaFerrari
2014 Ferrari #51 AF Corse 458 Italia GTE
2014 Ferrari #62 Risi Competizione 458 Italia GTLM
2014 Ferrari California T
2014 Ferrari FXX K
2015 Ferrari 488 GTB
2015 Ferrari F12tdf
2012 Hennessey Venom GT
2011 Koenigsegg Agera
2015 Koenigsegg One:1
2016 Koenigsegg Regera
2013 KTM X-Bow R
1967 Lamborghini Miura P400
1986 Lamborghini LM 002
1988 Lamborghini Countach LP5000 QV
1988 Lamborghini Jalpa
1997 Lamborghini Diablo SV
2008 Lamborghini Reventón
2010 Lamborghini Murciélago LP 670-4 SV
2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera
2011 Lamborghini Sesto Elemento
2012 Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4
2013 Lamborghini Veneno
2014 Lamborghini #14 GMG Racing LP 570-4 Super Trofeo
2014 Lamborghini #18 DragonSpeed Gallardo LP 570-4 Super Trofeo
2014 Lamborghini Huracán LP 610-4
2014 Lamborghini Urus
2015 Lamborghini #63 Squadra Corse Huracán LP620-2 Super Trofeo
2016 Lamborghini Aventador LP750-4 SV
2016 Lamborghini Centenario LP 770-4
1956 Lotus Eleven
1966 Ford Lotus Cortina
1967 Lotus Type 49
1971 Lotus Elan Sprint
1976 Lotus #5 Team Lotus 77
1990 Vauxhall Lotus Carlton
1999 Lotus Elise Series 1 Sport 190
2000 Lotus 340R
2002 Lotus Esprit V8
2005 Lotus Elise 111S
2009 Lotus 2-Eleven
2011 Lotus Evora S
2012 Lotus Exige S
2016 Lotus 3-Eleven
1939 Maserati 8CTF
1953 Maserati A6GCS/53 Pininfarina Berlinetta
1957 Maserati 300 S
1961 Maserati Tipo 61 Birdcage
1997 Maserati Ghibli Cup
2004 Maserati MC12
2010 Maserati Gran Turismo S
2014 Maserati #35 M.Calamia Swiss Team MC Trofeo
2014 Maserati Ghibli S Q4
1966 McLaren M2B
1969 McLaren #4 McLaren Cars M8B
1976 McLaren #11 Team McLaren M23
1988 McLaren #12 Honda McLaren MP4/4
1993 McLaren F1
1997 McLaren F1 GT
2011 McLaren #59 McLaren GT 12C GT3
2011 McLaren 12C
2013 McLaren P1
2014 McLaren #60 Bhaitech 12C GT3
2015 McLaren 570S Coupé
2015 McLaren 650S Coupe
2015 McLaren P1 GTR
2010 Noble M600
2009 Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster
2010 Pagani Zonda R
2012 Pagani Huayra
2016 Pagani Huayra BC
1955 Porsche 550A Spyder
1957 Porsche 356A Speedster
1960 Porsche 718 RS 60
1970 Porsche 914/6
1973 Porsche 911 Carrera RS
1982 Porsche 911 Turbo 3.3
1987 Porsche #17 Porsche AG 962C
1987 Porsche #17 Porsche Dunlop 962C
1987 Porsche 959
1989 Porsche 944 Turbo
1993 Porsche 928 GTS
1995 Porsche 911 GT2
1998 Porsche 911 GT1 Strassenversion
2003 Porsche Carrera GT
2004 Porsche 911 GT3 (996)
2008 Porsche #7 Penske Racing RS Spyder Evo
2011 Porsche #45 Flying Lizard 911 GT3-RSR
2012 Porsche 911 GT2 RS
2012 Porsche 911 GT3 RS 4.0
2012 Porsche Cayenne Turbo
2014 Porsche 911 Turbo S
2014 Porsche 918 Spyder
2015 Porsche #19 Porsche Team 919 Hybrid
2015 Porsche Macan Turbo
2016 Porsche 911 GT3 RS
2016 Porsche Cayman GT4
2017 Porsche #1 Porsche Team 919 Hybrid
2017 Porsche Panamera Turbo
2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS
2011 Radical SR8 RX
2015 Radical RXC Turbo
2004 Saleen S7
2016 Spania GTA GTA Spano
2005 TVR Sagaris
2015 Ultima Evolution Coupe 1020
2016 W Motors Lykan HyperSport
2016 Zenvo TS1


Postad 19 juli 2017 - 21:24

  • vinncent
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46 Ferraribilar!😱😱


Postad 25 juli 2017 - 16:44

  • Andreas3200
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The Forza Garage - Week 2
1968 Abarth 595 esseesse
1934 Alfa Romeo P3
1950 Alfa Romeo 158
1965 Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA Stradale
1965 Alfa Romeo Giulia TZ2
1968 Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale
1939 Auto Union Type D
1959 BMW 507
1957 BMW Isetta 300 Export
1953 Chevrolet Corvette
1957 Chevrolet Bel Air
1960 Chevrolet Corvette
1964 Chevrolet Impala Super Sport 409
1966 Chevrolet Nova Super Sport
1967 Chevrolet Chevelle Super Sport 396
1967 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray 427
1969 Chevrolet Camaro Super Sport Coupe
1969 Chevrolet Nova Super Sport 396
1969 Datsun 2000 Roadster
1967 Dodge Coronet WO23
1968 Dodge Dart HEMI Super Stock
1969 Dodge Charger Daytona HEMI
1969 Dodge Charger R/T
1969 Fiat Dino 2.4 Coupe
1952 Fiat 8V Supersonic
1932 Ford De Luxe Five-Window Coupe
1940 Ford De Luxe Coupe
1946 Ford Super Deluxe Station Wagon
1964 Ford Fairlane Thunderbolt
1965 Ford Mustang GT Coupe
1967 Ford Falcon XR GT
1969 Ford Mustang Boss 302
1951 Holden 50-2106 FX Ute
1967 Honda RA300
1959 Jaguar Mk II 3.8
1961 Jaguar E-type S1
1956 Jaguar D-Type
1954 Jaguar XK120 SE
1945 Jeep Willys MB
1968 Lancia Fulvia Coupé Rallye 1.6 HF
1939 Mercedes-Benz W154
1954 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Coupé
1955 Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR
1967 Mercedes-Benz 280 SL
1949 Mercury Coupe
1965 MINI Cooper S
1969 Nissan Fairlady Z 432
1966 Nissan Silvia
1969 Oldsmobile Hurst/Olds 442
1968 Opel GT
1958 Plymouth Fury
1965 Pontiac GTO
1969 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am
1969 Pontiac GTO Judge
1965 Shelby Cobra 427 S/C
1965 Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe
1963 Volkswagen Beetle
1963 Volkswagen Type 2 De Luxe
1967 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia
1967 Volvo 123GT
Såg ingen 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle ss 454 men den blir nog
I en senare reveal


Postad 01 augusti 2017 - 08:06

  • Andreas3200
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Fram till release så kommer där var car reveals varje vecka
Undrar vad som kommer visas idag🤔


Postad 02 augusti 2017 - 08:14

  • Andreas3200
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Ingen produktions bilar från Toyota lite av en besvikelse faktiskt


Postad 09 augusti 2017 - 08:37

  • Andreas3200
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Week 4 of the Forza Garage brings all kinds of American treats.. Muscle, Buggies, Trucks and a Limo :)

1970 AMC Rebel "The Machine"
1971 AMC Javelin AMX
1977 AMC Pacer X
1970 Buick GSX
1987 Buick Regal GNX
2011 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe
2012 Cadillac Escalade ESV
2013 Cadillac XTS Limousine
2016 Cadillac ATS-V
2016 Cadillac CTS-V Sedan
1970 Chevrolet Camaro Z28
1970 Chevrolet Chevelle Super Sport 454
1970 Chevrolet Corvette ZR-1
1970 Chevrolet El Camino Super Sport 454
1971 Chevrolet Vega GT
1979 Chevrolet Camaro Z28
1988 Chevrolet Monte Carlo Super Sport
1990 Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z
1995 Chevrolet Corvette ZR-1
2002 Chevrolet Camaro 35th Anniversary Super Sport
2002 Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2009 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
2012 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1
2014 Chevrolet Super Sport
2015 Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2016 Chevrolet Camaro Super Sport
2017 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1
1972 Chrysler VH Valiant Charger R/T E49
2012 Chrysler 300 SRT8
1970 Dodge Challenger R/T
1970 Dodge Coronet Super Bee
1986 Dodge Shelby Omni GLHS
1999 Dodge Viper GTS ACR
2005 Dodge SRT-4 ACR
2008 Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR
2012 Dodge Challenger SRT8 392
2012 Dodge Charger SRT8
2013 Dodge Dart GT
2015 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat
2016 Dodge Viper ACR
1998 Eagle Talon TSi Turbo
1956 Ford F-100
1971 Ford Falcon XY GTHO Phase III
1971 Ford Mustang Mach 1
1972 Ford Falcon XA GT-HO
1973 Ford Capri RS3100
1973 Ford Escort RS1600
1973 Ford XB Falcon GT
1975 Ford Bronco
1977 Ford Escort RS1800
1978 Ford Mustang II King Cobra
1981 Ford Fiesta XR2
1985 Ford RS200 Evolution
1987 Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500
1992 Ford Escort RS Cosworth
1992 Ford Falcon GT
1993 Ford SVT Cobra R
1995 Ford SVT Cobra R
2000 Ford SVT Cobra R
2003 Ford Focus RS
2005 Ford GT
2009 Ford Focus RS
2007 Ford Shelby GT500
2010 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor
2011 Ford F-150 SVT Raptor
2011 Ford Transit SuperSportVan
2013 Ford F-150 SVT Raptor Shelby
2013 Ford Shelby GT500
2014 Ford Fiesta ST
2014 Ford FPV Limited Edition Pursuit Ute
2015 Ford Falcon GT F 351
2015 Ford Falcon XR8
2015 Ford Mustang GT
2016 Ford Shelby GT350R
2017 Ford F-150 Raptor
2017 Ford Focus RS
2017 Ford GT
1983 GMC Vandura G-1500
2006 HUMMER H1 Alpha
1970 International Scout 800A
1976 Jeep CJ5 Renegade
1991 Jeep Grand Wagoneer
2009 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8
2012 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon
2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT
2016 Jeep Trailcat
2014 Local Motors Rally Fighter
1970 Mercury Cougar Eliminator
1971 Meyers Manx
2011 Penhall The Cholla
2015 Polaris RZR XP 1000 EPS
1977 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am
1971 Plymouth Cuda 426 HEMI
1971 Plymouth GTX 426 HEMI
2000 Plymouth Prowler
1973 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am SD-455
1987 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am GTA
2002 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am Ram Air
2009 Pontiac G8 GXP
2009 Pontiac Solstice GXP
2013 Ram Runner
2013 SRT Viper GTS

Ingen 2015 Chevrolet camaro z28 eller dodge charger hellcat som funnits i tidagare spel vet ej om dom är borttagna eller ej
Får hoppas dom kommer tillbaka. 2012 camaro zl1 och challenger srt8 392 kommer tillbaka


Postad 10 augusti 2017 - 21:37

  • sinnes
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Hoonigan bilarna kommer med, både till FM7 och FH3.


Postad 12 augusti 2017 - 12:47

  • Andreas3200
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Hoonigan bilarna kommer med, både till FM7 och FH3.

Såg det får det utan extra kostnad om du förbokar Forza motorsport 7 digitalt


Postad 16 augusti 2017 - 07:47

  • Andreas3200
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Forza Motorsport 7 - Garage Week 5 "Around The World"

Great to see Volkswagen Back in the Mix

2013 Abarth Punto SuperSport
2016 Abarth 695 Biposto
1970 Alfa Romeo Montreal
1986 Alfa Romeo GTV-6
1986 Alfa Romeo Spider Quadrifoglio Verde
1990 Alfa Romeo SZ Sprint Zagato
1992 Alfa Romeo 155 Q4
1992 Alfa Romeo Milano Quadrifoglio Verde
2007 Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione
2011 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Quadrifoglio Verde
2014 Alfa Romeo 4C
1983 Audi Sport quattro
1995 Audi RS 2 Avant
2001 Audi RS 4 Avant
2003 Audi RS 6
2004 Audi S4
2006 Audi RS 4
2009 Audi Q7 V12 TDI
2009 Audi RS 6
2010 Audi TT RS Coupé
2011 Audi RS 3 Sportback
2011 Audi RS 5 Coupé
2013 Audi RS 4 Avant
2013 Audi RS 7 Sportback
2013 Audi R8 Coupé V10 plus 5.2 FSI quattro
2015 Audi RS 6 Avant
2015 Audi S1
2015 Audi S3 Sedan
2015 Audi TTS Coupé
2016 Audi R8 V10 plus
2013 Bentley Continental GT Speed
2015 Bentley EXP 10 Speed 6 Concept
2016 Bentley Bentayga
2017 Bentley Continental Supersports
2012 Bowler EXR S
1973 BMW 2002 Turbo
1981 BMW M1
1986 BMW M635CSi
1988 BMW M5
1991 BMW M3
1995 BMW 850CSi
1995 BMW M5
1997 BMW M3
2000 BMW 323ti Sport
2000 BMW Z8
2002 BMW Z3 M Coupe
2003 BMW M5
2005 BMW M3
2008 BMW M3
2009 BMW M5 E60
2010 BMW M6 Coupe
2011 BMW 1 Series M Coupe
2011 BMW Z4 sDrive35is
2011 BMW X5 M
2012 BMW M5
2013 BMW M6 Coupe
2014 BMW M4 Coupe
2015 BMW i8
2015 BMW X6 M
2016 BMW M2 Coupé
2016 BMW M4 GTS
2013 Caterham Superlight R500
1975 Fiat X1/9
1980 Abarth Fiat 131
1980 Fiat 124 Sport Spider
1973 Holden HQ Monaro GTS 350
1974 Holden Sandman HQ panel van
1977 Holden Torana A9X
1985 HDT VK Commodore Group A
1988 Holden VL Commodore Group A SV
2009 Holden HSV W427
2011 HSV GTS
2014 HSV Limited Edition GEN-F GTS Maloo
2013 Hyundai Veloster Turbo
1990 Jaguar XJ-S
1993 Jaguar XJ220
2012 Jaguar XKR-S
2015 Jaguar F-Type R Coupé
2015 Jaguar XE-S
2015 Jaguar XFR-S
2015 Jaguar XKR-S GT
2016 Jaguar F-TYPE Project 7
2017 Jaguar F-PACE S
1974 Lancia Stratos HF Stradale
1982 Lancia 037 Stradale
1986 Lancia Delta S4
1992 Lancia Delta HF Integrale EVO
1972 Land Rover Series III
1997 Land Rover Defender 90
2012 Land Rover Range Rover Supercharged
2015 Land Rover Range Rover Sport SVR
1972 Mercedes-Benz 300 SEL 6.3
1990 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.5-16 Evolution II
1998 Mercedes-Benz AMG CLK GTR
2004 Mercedes-Benz C 32 AMG
2009 Mercedes-Benz ML 63 AMG
2009 Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series
2011 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG
2012 Mercedes-Benz C 63 AMG Coupé Black Series
2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK 55 AMG
2013 Mercedes-Benz A 45 AMG
2013 Mercedes-Benz E 63 AMG
2013 Mercedes-Benz G 65 AMG
2015 Mercedes-AMG GT S
2016 Mercedes-AMG C 63 S Coupé
2017 Mercedes-AMG GT R
2009 MINI John Cooper Works
2012 MINI John Cooper Works GP
1979 Opel Kadett C GT/E
1984 Opel Manta 400
1984 Peugeot 205 T16
2011 Peugeot 308 GTI
1973 Renault Alpine A110 1600s
1980 Renault 5 Turbo
1990 Renault Alpine GTA Le Mans
2003 Renault Sport Clio V6
2010 Renault Clio RS
2013 Renault Clio RS 200
1993 Renault Clio Williams
2010 Renault Megane RS 250
2014 Rolls-Royce Wraith
2016 Rolls-Royce Dawn
2018 TAMO Racemo
2006 Vauxhall Astra VXR
2009 Vauxhall Corsa VXR
2012 Vauxhall Astra VXR
2016 Vauxhall Corsa VXR
1972 Volvo 1800E
1983 Volvo 242 Turbo Evolution
1997 Volvo 850 R
2015 Volvo S60 Polestar
2015 Volvo V60 Polestar
1981 Volkswagen Scirocco S
1984 Volkswagen Rabbit GTI
1988 Volkswagen Scirocco 16v
1992 Volkswagen Golf Gti 16v Mk2
1995 Volkswagen Corrado VR6
1998 Volkswagen GTI VR6 Mk3
2003 Volkswagen Golf R32
2008 Volkswagen Touareg R50
2010 Volkswagen Golf R
2011 Volkswagen Scirocco R
2014 Volkswagen Golf R

Ingen golf mk5 gti synd ville så gärna ha tillbaka den från Forza motorsport 4. Ingen Mercedes slr konstigt. Men BMW m5 e60 är tillbaka👍


Postad 17 augusti 2017 - 18:46

  • oqvist
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Föll till föga. Får fail hela tiden på alla delar i installationsprocessen? Knepigt att de konstant ska försöka installera förbokningen om det inte är preload filer man ska ladda ner?

Redigerat av oqvist, 17 augusti 2017 - 18:47.


Postad 17 augusti 2017 - 21:43

  • Andreas3200
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Jag har problem med hoonigan car packet gick inte att installera


Postad 18 augusti 2017 - 22:51

  • oqvist
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Har fått in hoonigan i FH 3 :)


Store fortsätter att bete sig märkligt. Nu har jag fått in vip passet efter många om och män står det som installerat. Den håller på med preorder bonus sen igår och de går inte in. Så de ska va då de inte är släppt än men varför ska den stå på nedladdningsstatus och snurra i all evighet? Försökte även installera en dds viewer men inte heller den vill installeras.


Postad 20 augusti 2017 - 11:15

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Funkar nu som tur är kan knappt vänta till nästa vecka då kommer allt i spelet visas upp. Ser fram emot och höra om karriärläget och om wheelspins ska vara kvar vill ha bättre drag racing möjligheter. Och givetvis fnf8 car pack vill ju ha challenger demon. Och dom måste lägga till Ferrari 812 superfast den är grym


Postad 21 augusti 2017 - 08:29

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Nu kan vi nog vänta oss massor av nyheter denna veckan till Forza motorsport 7 på gamescom och sista car week 6 förmodligen race cars har inte sett många nya bilar för Forza serien sparas kanske till slutet. Vill ju ha dodge challenger demon och Ferrari 812 superfast blir förmodligen dlc


Postad 26 augusti 2017 - 13:37

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https://m.youtube.co...h?v=me1lHoWmsl4 Låter lovande

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