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Paramount blir exklusiv studio för HD DVD

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Postad 02 oktober 2007 - 21:32

  • diabolo
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Visst är den fin? ;)

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Postad 03 oktober 2007 - 12:28

  • Unregisteredcadb2904
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Shrek lär inte komma på länge som svenskpress enligt säljarna på para. dem kommer att vänta för den skall tydligen även pressas på BD. spielberg har inte sagt sitt än.


Postad 03 oktober 2007 - 12:42

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Shrek lär inte komma på länge som svenskpress enligt säljarna på para. dem kommer att vänta för den skall tydligen även pressas på BD. spielberg har inte sagt sitt än.




Postad 03 oktober 2007 - 12:44

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Visst är den fin?  :angry:

Som film var den medioker, som "upplevelse" med rätt prylar blir den nog riktigt grym dock.


Postad 03 oktober 2007 - 15:45

  • henke007
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Shrek lär inte komma på länge som svenskpress enligt säljarna på para. dem kommer att vänta för den skall tydligen även pressas på BD. spielberg har inte sagt sitt än.


Discshop säger annat




Postad 03 oktober 2007 - 15:53

Audio Code 3
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Jo, discshop säger bl.a: OBSERVERA! Detta är en HD DVD. Den fungerar bara att spela i en HD DVD-spelare, ej i en vanlig DVD-spelare.

och: Preliminärt releasedatum: 2007-12-19 :angry:


Postad 03 oktober 2007 - 16:09

  • Unregisteredcadb2904
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japp, har sett det, men deras säljare sa en helt annan sak till mej. och på min hemsida (www.videocenter.nu) som sköts av professionella webmakare, så står inte shrek 3 med som hddvd, som jämförelse kan man kolla transformers där står det att den kommer på hddvd.

kan det inte va så att discshop tar in den som import? ska ringa till parmount imorron o höra för säkerhets skull.


Postad 03 oktober 2007 - 16:40

  • diabolo
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Shrek 3 HD DVD är online för pre-order på en hel del websites. November 13...ser ingen BD variant :angry: :( :(


Postad 04 oktober 2007 - 13:56

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Visst är den fin?  :P

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Va e de där för specialbox? <_< :P :P B) I love it!


Postad 04 oktober 2007 - 14:01

  • snuffe82
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Jag tror att det är inget riktigt HD DVD fodral, utan en bild bara.


Postad 04 oktober 2007 - 14:26

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Jag tror att det är inget riktigt HD DVD fodral, utan en bild bara.


nu när du säger de så <_<

Hade ju varit trevligt !!!


Postad 04 oktober 2007 - 14:53

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Jag tror att det är inget riktigt HD DVD fodral, utan en bild bara.


Eller som diabolo skulle ha sagt, "place holder!!" :P
(just kidding <_<)


Postad 04 oktober 2007 - 14:58

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har för mig att den ska se ut så, faktiskt.


Postad 04 oktober 2007 - 14:58

  • mikee
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Eller PLACE ORDER <_< för oss som har HDDVD!


Postad 04 oktober 2007 - 17:39

  • snuffe82
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Här är kanske svaret?


Postad 04 oktober 2007 - 17:43

  • henke007
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Yes, thats the Transformers HD-DVD case. The case is a bit thicker and then a plastic cover with frosted edging is put over it. Yes, it DOES look good. <_<


Postad 04 oktober 2007 - 18:26

  • Gäst_NabCake_*
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Självklart är det vårat fina fodral som snart är påväg till sthlm för att få den kärlek och ömhet det förtjänar <_<


Postad 05 oktober 2007 - 12:54

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Sweeney Todd

Johnny Depp :)

dreamworks i usa / warner bros i europa :)


Postad 05 oktober 2007 - 13:36

  • henke007
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och?? WB kommer välja ett av formaten i Januari, och för dig spelar
det väl ingen roll.. :)


Postad 05 oktober 2007 - 14:38

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och?? WB kommer välja ett av formaten i Januari, och för dig spelar
det väl ingen roll.. :)


Jaså? Har bara sett kommentarer som att dom ska "övervaka" julhandelen.


Postad 05 oktober 2007 - 16:55

  • Scrapanatchi
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och?? WB kommer välja ett av formaten i Januari, och för dig spelar
det väl ingen roll.. :)


så nu ska vi inte posta film nyheterna som kommer ut av detta exklusiva i denna tråd? :) :P


Postad 05 oktober 2007 - 21:51

Audio Code 3
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Transformers ;)

Bifogad fil(er)

Redigerat av Audio Code 3, 05 oktober 2007 - 21:55.


Postad 09 oktober 2007 - 17:43

  • diabolo
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Stardust on HD DVD December 18 :rolleyes:



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Postad 09 oktober 2007 - 17:51

  • henke007
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Ett givet köp, den verkar häftig och med en mängd bra
skådisar :rolleyes: :P


Postad 10 oktober 2007 - 01:42

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More Paramount annoucements...ARCTIC TALE

Recent documentary coming to HD DVD Dec 4. Now on pre-order at DVD PACIFIC.
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Postad 11 oktober 2007 - 01:55

  • Gäst_NabCake_*
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Paramount will release 30+ HD DVDs next year

On October 9, the DVD Forum held a DVD Conference in Universal City, Calif. Here, Paramount commented on its HD DVD support so far.

With only four exclusive HD DVDs for the rest of 2007, the studio promised to bump things up next year. According to a representative, 30 titles exclusive for HD DVD from Paramount and DreamWorks are already planned for 2008.

They went HD DVD only this August.


already planned [img]http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:O-cxBIFborIqCM:http://www.vecernji-list.hr/system/galleries/pics/060525/a-borat2.jpg[/img] :)


Postad 11 oktober 2007 - 01:59

  • KingCat
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Good news and i loove it :)


Postad 12 oktober 2007 - 10:19

  • henke007
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från AVS..

gött att den är skickad från HDMS, nu är det ej långt kvar :o ;) :lol:


Postad 12 oktober 2007 - 16:23

  • henke007
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kommande HDDVD exklusive.. ;)


Postad 12 oktober 2007 - 16:32

  • KingCat
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Nice Henke, blir ju garanterat köp, såg Stardust på BIO förra veckan, och filmen i sig var TOP QUALITY :o .

Undrar lite över Transformers fodral. Hörde rykten förrut om att fodralet skulle vara nån form av Special Edition fodral. Där det skulle vara gjutet som ett transformers huvud på framsidan, utbucklat då alltså, inte ett helt huvud ;) .
Men i mina ögon ser det där fodralet precis ut som alla andra vanliga HD-DVD fodral.


Postad 12 oktober 2007 - 16:33

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Visst är den fin?  :o

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Var det här fodralet jag tänkte på ;)


Postad 12 oktober 2007 - 16:34

  • henke007
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ja reagera också på det, såg inte alls ut som på den där mässan eller va det var
det fodralet visades..har ingen vidare info..


Postad 12 oktober 2007 - 22:38

  • Gäst_NabCake_*
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Henke, min bild är större :)

Bifogad fil  12.jpg   112,36K   0 Antal nerladdningar


Postad 12 oktober 2007 - 22:49

  • henke007
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Damn va nice , den ser man fram emot :)


Postad 13 oktober 2007 - 05:16

  • Gäst_NabCake_*
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Fin HD present :)


Redigerat av Tomas_D700, 18 oktober 2007 - 02:20.


Postad 13 oktober 2007 - 21:58

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HD DVD Review: Transformers

PQ 5/5
SQ 5/5


Redigerat av henke007, 15 oktober 2007 - 21:10.


Postad 15 oktober 2007 - 08:33

Audio Code 3
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Paramount 'Transformers' HD DVD, way more than meets the eye

Friday was spent at the beautiful Paramount studios to view the groundbreaking bonus features for the Transformers HDDVD.

Hosted by Jeff Radoyeis, Chris Sito, Annie Kaprielien, and Alan Bell of the HDDVD's development team, a small group of us got a first look into the brave new world of web enabled features, and what Bell described aptly as the "connectivity" as they "grow the format" of their HDDVD projects. Heady stuff, as we learned just how labor intensive and future application-rich the discs are now capable of being produced.

Bell shared that 23,000 lines of code were written by Deluxe to build the bonus materials application that can connect through your HD player and DVR machine, constantly refreshing features, updating trailers, adding information and generally keeping their hooks into you as an end-user.

The team at Paramount worked hard (still are) on this technology to effectively integrate the actual film with almost a game-like interface featuring widgets, dialog boxes, and life expectancy meters that in all, make the "Transformers HDDVD" a near 10 hour watching and interactive experience.

Disc One is graced with the web-enabled feature of the "Intelligence Mode."

Intelligence Mode frames the screen similar to a video game, with widget avatars of the good and bad 'bots, and their life health meter.

While the film is running in a separate screen box, the robot in Intelligence Mode will kick in the character's biography and vitals plus weapon information.

Underneath the live action film a pop-up ticker shoots up fictional tongue-in-cheek informational blurb about the scene. A GPS tracking system at the top of the screen listing the latitude and longitude too.

Fans of this film will love the features in "Intelligence Mode." "My Clips" is a feature that allows viewers to construct a favorite clip montage and share as well. There will be a customizable tool bar for this feature.

Tons of other downloadable material will be updated periodically. Menus that you can custom program to upcoming production information on Transformers 2 are just some of the possibilities the Paramount team mentioned.

Disc 2 is replete with supplemental material regarding the in-and-outs of production, and the Rhode Island-based Hasbro story of just how the Transformer toys were adapted from Japan, and the evolution of the fanbase from television series to a blockbuster film on screen.

"Our World" focuses on different elements of production, from conception, casting, to car and driver stunts. Director Michael Bay talks American muscle cars and tight budgets; Steven Spielberg talks about how he played with the Transformer toys with his own kids back in the eighties.

"Their War" is a tutorial of the robots creation, their dedicated fans, the morphing toy line, the construction of robots and selection of their vehicles.

"More Than Meets The Eye" focuses more on the pre-vis and post-production digital work that went into constructing the action on film.

"Tech Inspector" allows the end-user to manipulate their favorite 'bot in a 360 degree display insegments and as a whole.

The Paramount team noted that the HDDVD has five Easter Eggs hidden within the discs.

The development team were completely beaming about these marketing possibilities— future roll-out plans, more franchise sequel films, online communities, "future rich" interactivity, extra download content and personalization were some of the high notes they shared.

Those of us who haven't taken the HD plunge yet need to get with it.


Postad 16 oktober 2007 - 08:48

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Paramount to display “Transformers” film prop in L.A. for DVD & HD DVD release

Paramount has sent out an e-mail via PR (Public Relations) that says in L.A. (Los Angeles) Tuesday, October 16th starting at 7:00 a.m., through Sunday, October 21st. A full-size, 18-foot tall, 8,200 pound traffic-stopping robot (of “Bumblebee” from “Transformers” being released today on HD DVD) will greet passers-by in the courtyard of the West Hollywood Gateway shopping center on the corner of La Brea and Santa Monica Blvd. This actual prop from the blockbuster film requires a forklift and 10 ton crane to assemble and set up and he will make for an extraordinary visual.

Since we’re located here on the East Coast and won’t be in the L.A. area to cover this we would like any of our readers out around L.A. to send in your photos. We’ll be more happy to credit you. So today is launch day as this is why they’re doing this promotion so go order your copy from Amazon or if you already have we hope you enjoy the HD DVD as much as we did! Hands down this is ONE OF THE BEST HD DVD’s RELEASED TO DATE.

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Postad 17 oktober 2007 - 06:00

  • Gäst_NabCake_*
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Redigerat av Tomas_D700, 18 oktober 2007 - 02:21.


Postad 17 oktober 2007 - 06:24

  • Johan78
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Hur stor WAF är det på en fullsize Bumblebee i vardagsrummet?


Postad 23 oktober 2007 - 02:20

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DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures’ Megahit TRANSFORMERS Invades Stores to Become This Year’s Top-Selling DVD and the Best-Selling High Definition Title Day One and Week One for Either Format

From Director Michael Bay and Executive Producer Steven Spielberg, In Association With Hasbro, Record-Setting DVD and HD DVD Sales Underscore TRANSFORMERS’ Status As Franchise Of Inter-Galactic Proportions

HOLLYWOOD--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The blockbuster hit from DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures, TRANSFORMERS, is the year’s top-selling week one DVD with North American sales reaching 8.3 million units since the title’s debut on October 16, it was announced today by Paramount Home Entertainment. The biggest original film of the year from director Michael Bay and executive producer Steven Spielberg, in association with Hasbro, Inc. (NYSE:HAS), is also the best-selling DVD day one for the year with over 4.5 million units sold on Tuesday. Additionally, the smash hit has exploded into the high definition market, selling over 100,000 HD DVDs its first day of release, rocketing past previous releases to become the best-selling day one high definition title on either format since their inceptions. TRANSFORMERS has sold over 190,000 HD DVDs in its first week making it the fastest and best-selling week one release on either high definition format as well as the best selling HD DVD ever. The TRANSFORMERS DVD is also the top-selling October DVD release in the history of the home entertainment industry.

“The performance of the TRANSFORMERS DVD and HD DVD has demonstrated the phenomenal success of this global franchise,” said Kelley Avery, president, Worldwide Home Entertainment, Paramount Pictures. “We’re happy to be kicking off the fourth quarter with a title that clearly shows home entertainment releases are still an event that drives consumers into stores—which is a win for both content providers and retailers.” Earning over $700 million at the global box office, the live-action feature film TRANSFORMERS is the latest success in a worldwide franchise that has emerged as one of the most successful properties in action figure history, spawning numerous television series and comic books and a wealth of toys, games and other licensed merchandise. In 2007, TRANSFORMERS has become one of the hottest properties for boys in a variety of categories, including toys, publishing, video games, apparel and back-to-school. Hasbro’s licensing arm, HPG, has signed more than 250 licensees in 70 countries around the world.

The first live-action film based on the enduringly popular “ROBOTS IN DISGUISE”, TRANSFORMERS features the ultimate battle between good and evil, as the peace-loving AUTOBOTS seek to protect humanity from the evil forces of the DECEPTICONS. The TRANSFORMERS Special Edition two-disc DVD and HD DVD sets provide an incredible experience with an arsenal of bonus material that delivers excitement and fun for long-time fans, as well as for viewers who are new to the TRANSFORMERS universe. Further, the HD DVD includes a host of highly advanced web-enabled features that will continue to roll-out through the rest of the year.


Postad 23 oktober 2007 - 14:21

Audio Code 3
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Spike TV Announces Scream 2007 Winners!!!

The summer blockbuster "Transformers" blew away the competition winning several honors, including Best Sci-Fi Movie and Best F/X, while star Shia LaBeouf was named Sci-Fi Star and co-star Megan Fox walked away with Sci-Fi Siren.






Redigerat av Audio Code 3, 23 oktober 2007 - 14:24.


Postad 26 oktober 2007 - 23:55

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Blu-ray/HD DVD: Which Hollywood Studio Is Accused Of 'Big Ass, Fat, Stupid Lie'?

Here's yet another gory round in that ongoing HD vs Blu-ray extreme death match between heavyweight Hollywood studios to see which DVD format is left standing at the end:

UPDATE: Two rival Blu-ray studios which prefer to remain nameless tell me they've caught Paramount / DreamWorks in a "big ass, fat, stupid lie" regarding press releases about the numbers of just released Transformer HD-DVD units sold. Paramount and DreamWorks are denying this-- though a Par exec does admit that some of the info is correct but also adds it's incomplete. Remember my reporting on why this matters? Paramount received $50 mil from the HD-DVD side to, among other things, release the Transformers DVD on October 16th exclusively in what was widely recognized as the losing high-def format. So Paramount Home Entertainment shouted from the roof rafters how Transformers was the best selling Day One and Week One high-def title on either format since their inceptions, selling over 100,000 HD-DVDs its first day of release and over 190,000 HD-DVDs in its first week.

bluhd.JPGBut these rival Blu-ray studios aren't buying it. "Off the record, yes, you're onto something," a second Blu-ray studio told me just now. "Paramount may need to 'transform' their numbers once the final tally comes in."

"You'd think anyone even remotely associated with DreamWorks would know better after the SEC investigation into Shrek 2 DVD sales reporting," the first Blu-ray studio source says. "In an overreaching effort to make a press claim - the #1 high def title position for any format - for Transformers, they've gone beyond exaggeration. Here's the dumb lie: they've claimed to sell 100K in one day and 190K in one week. Exact point of sale data from 3 retailers that make up 62% of the high-def market show sales of 73K units for the week. Being very generous, they could possibly reach 125K-130K, which would barely set a record for HD-DVD. And they couldn't have flooded rental stores since Blockbuster doesn't stock HD-DVD. It’s an outrage. They think they can say whatever they want and that no one will call them on it. They need to be called on it."

One Blu-ray studio then provided me with 3rd party substantiation: an internal email from Nielsen's Videoscan giving the point-of-sale data which Paramount isn't disputing:

Transformers HD-DVD
Week Ending 10/21/07 = 89,871 Units (First Week sales as reported in VideoScan First Alert)
300 HD-DVD/DVD Combo Pack
Week Ending 8/5/07 = 56,191 Units (First Week sales as reported in VideoScan First Alert)
300 Blu-ray
Week Ending 8/5/07 = 107,351 Units (First Week sales as reported in VideoScan First Alert)

hdstudios.JPGSo I contacted bigwigs at Paramount and DreamWorks and received a flurry of responses from on high. Execs claimed to have checked and double-checked their figures and "everything we said is 100% accurate," I was told. But a top Par exec just told me this by way of explanation for the discrepancies: "What they're saying to you is factually correct that the top 3 accounts sold 74,000 units. No disputing that. The mistake they're making is they're underestimating the units sold by nontraditional retailers like Amazon.com, Netflix, and Blockbuster Online."

Paramount claims that as a public company it can't release misleadsing financial information. Meanwhile, everybody to a person at Paramount / DreamWorks chalked this up to HD-DVD vs Blu-ray battling. I'm sure there'll be more as newer and even more desperate moves are made by both sides. After all, Hollywood for a long time was lopsided in favor of Blu-ray when 7 of the 8 major movie studios (Disney, Fox, Warner, Paramount, Sony, Lionsgate and MGM) supported Blu-ray, and 5 of them (Disney, Fox, Sony, Lionsgate and MGM) released their movies exclusively in the Blu-ray format. At first only Universal was exclusively HD-DVD, but then Paramount and DreamWorks Animation came onboard in mid-August, and everyone's wondering which way Warner will lean.

Källa: Deadlinehollywooddaily.com

Redigerat av Addex, 26 oktober 2007 - 23:56.


Postad 27 oktober 2007 - 00:05

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Wally World o de flesta Online retailers utom Amazon ger inte sina försäljningssiffror till Nielsen...det var något mer jag skulle skriva, vad var det?? :P.. Juste, Paramount/Dreamworks är fortfarande HD DVD exklusiva :lol: :D


Postad 27 oktober 2007 - 00:11

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Wally World o de flesta Online retailers utom Amazon ger inte sina försäljningssiffror till Nielsen...det var något mer jag skulle skriva, vad var det?? :P.. Juste, Paramount/Dreamworks är fortfarande HD DVD exklusiva :lol: :D

alla online butiker i usa rapporterar, är bara walmart som undviker... däremot kollar nielsen med under leverantörer till dem och kan då räkna ut en ganska exakt summa


Postad 27 oktober 2007 - 00:17

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Wally World o de flesta Online retailers utom Amazon ger inte sina försäljningssiffror till Nielsen...det var något mer jag skulle skriva, vad var det?? :D.. Juste, Paramount/Dreamworks är fortfarande HD DVD exklusiva ;) :lol:

alla online butiker i usa rapporterar, är bara walmart som undviker... däremot kollar nielsen med under leverantörer till dem och kan då räkna ut en ganska exakt summa


All major brick and mortar retailers but Wal-Mart

No online-only retailers but Amazon

Kan vara svårt o räkna ut speciellt med tanke på att HD DVD är regionsfri o en hel del filmer exporteras :P


Postad 27 oktober 2007 - 00:38

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Inlägg som tar upp HD DVD filmer och det runt omkring tar vi i filmtråden, Paramount eller ej. Låser denna tråd tills vidare.

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