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Blu-Ray framflyttat igen

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Postad 09 februari 2005 - 22:58

  • nervsjuk
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Båda formaten använder sig av blue-ray, alltså blå laser som är "smalare" än den
vanliga röda lasern som cd/dvd använder.

Det ena formatet heter BLU-RAY, det andra HD-DVD.
Båda formaten är HD format och stödjer i princip samma codecs.
t.ex. wmv9HD (vc6), Dolby Digital Plus och DTS HD

Den största skillnaden är att Blu-Ray rymmer ca 25 GB per lager och kommer att ha 2 lager till att börja med. Sony har exprimenterat och lyckats bränna ända upp till 8 lager.
Kommer inte ihåg exakta siffror, men tror HD-DVD rymmer ca 30GB. Och det är på 2 lager som jag förstått det. HD-DVD tror jag inte stödjer fler lager än det heller.

Så jag tycker att Blu-Ray är det mest intressanta formatet just nu.


Postad 10 februari 2005 - 00:04

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HD-DVD använder sig av en röd laser, inte blå...

Om det bara är lagringsutrymme du är "imponerad" över finns ju andra format som är betydligt bättre...

Läs lite mer här om några "coolare" format eller vad sägs om Atomic Holographic Optical Data Storage NanoTechnology som klarar från runt 20,000 DVD:er till 1.5 Exabyte, vilket är ungefär lika med 1.5 milljoner terabyte - allt på en 3.5" disk...




Postad 10 februari 2005 - 00:24

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HD-DVD använder sig av en röd laser, inte blå...

Om det bara är lagringsutrymme du är "imponerad" över finns ju andra format som är betydligt bättre...

Läs lite mer här om några "coolare" format eller vad sägs om Atomic Holographic Optical Data Storage NanoTechnology som klarar från runt 20,000 DVD:er till 1.5 Exabyte, vilket är ungefär lika med 1.5 milljoner terabyte - allt på en 3.5" disk...




:) inte dåligt, lite mer än en diskett om man säger så :wub:

Redigerat av ZoomAir, 10 februari 2005 - 00:25.


Postad 10 februari 2005 - 08:47

  • jsl_80
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HD-DVD använder sig av en röd laser, inte blå...

Fel. HD-DVD använder liksom Blu-ray blå laser...


Postad 10 februari 2005 - 21:24

  • nervsjuk
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Som jag skrev och jsl_80 skrev, HD-DVD använder blue-ray, alltså blå laser som är kortare våglängd. Och på det sättet kan man ju göra "hålen" i skivan mindre, och på det sättet ökas mängden data som ryms.

Och nej, det är inte bara hur mycket data som ryms som gör att jag föredrar Blu-Ray.
Men av de 2 formaten så är det ju självklart att ju mer data det får plats, det högre bitrate på ljud/bild kan man ha. Och även upplösning.
Extramaterial får plats bättre också.
Och då både formaten använder samma komprimeringsmetoder för ljud/bild så har ju inget av formaten övertag när det gäller sådant. Det enda som egentligen skiljer är ju datamängden som får plats.
Det andra som talar för Blu-Ray är ju att de funderar på att lägga skivan i en "caddy" som gamla cd-rom hade och som tidigare nämts - minidisc.
Visst, det blir dyrare... MEN man slipper i princip alla repor på skivorna.
Tänk vad bra det skulle vara för videouthyrningsbutikerna.
Hos dem är ju repor ett stort problem.

De andra formaten du nämner som t.ex holografisk lagring är ju inte ens aktuella.
Varför drar du upp dem för????
De har ju nada med nästa generations DVD:er att göra.

Det är ju som att säga att varför skaffa t.ex. Bredbandsbolaget 100Mbit när det finns forskare vid universitet som skickad flera gigabyte på ingen tid alls över Atlanten?
Såna uppkopplingar finns ju bara för just univeritet där expriment för framtida internet görs....

Eller varför köpa en 3G telefon när 4G redan planerars?

Så kan man väl inte tänka?

Den här tråden handlar ju om nästa generation, inte näst, näst, nästa....


Postad 10 februari 2005 - 22:31

  • fm77
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Till Mindfire!!!

Måste bara svara på dina inlägg!

Hur gör du själv?

Hyr du aldrig DVD? och varför gör du inte det?

Om man inte tittar på filmerna innan man köper så kanske man köper grisen i säcken som det heter, men det kanske inte du har fattat?

Jag har själv aldrig bränt en enda film och tänker inte heller göra detta, för ett original är alltid mer värt enl mig.

Jag tror att det är du som laddar ner filmer från nätet och bränner eller kopierar, det brukar vara den som anklagar andra utan anledning som själv gör det för att kunna hitta på en sådan sak ur tomma intet.

Det är ganska många som hyr DVD filmer nu och det blir fler och fler. ;)


Postad 11 februari 2005 - 13:09

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HD-DVD använder sig av en röd laser, inte blå...

Fel. HD-DVD använder liksom Blu-ray blå laser...


OK, jag hade fel - inte röd, och inte heller blå - faktisk violett om man skall vara petig :P

Det som är intressant är att HD-DVD är bakåtkompatibelt med DVD genom att den såkallade "optical drive" som HD-DVD använder sig av har ett dualmode optiskt huvud med både röd/violett laser.

Det gör att man kan köra både DVD, CD och HD-DVD på samma maskin - om det är en fördel eller inte beror väl på om man har plats för flera olika spelare, eller gillar att köra allt i en maskin - samt om man har ett gäng hundra DVD:er som vore kul att köra även när de nya formaten har anlänt :lol:

De andra formaten du nämner som t.ex holografisk lagring är ju inte ens aktuella.
Varför drar du upp dem för????
De har ju nada med nästa generations DVD:er att göra.

Det är ju som att säga att varför skaffa t.ex. Bredbandsbolaget 100Mbit när det finns forskare vid universitet som skickad flera gigabyte på ingen tid alls över Atlanten?
Såna uppkopplingar finns ju bara för just univeritet där expriment för framtida internet görs....

Eller varför köpa en 3G telefon när 4G redan planerars?

Så kan man väl inte tänka?

Den här tråden handlar ju om nästa generation, inte näst, näst, nästa....


Med tanke på vad som skrivs i avseende om olika standarder så är det väl intressant att veta vad som är på väg... Frågan är väl snarare vad som är i konsumentprisklass, och vad industrin samt filmbolagen beslutar sig att backa upp? Blu-Ray innebär att man måste bygga om produktionsanläggningar, HD-DVD kan man i princip köra med nuvarande utrustning - detta är en av anledningarna att många filmbolag har backat upp HD-DVD, kostanden för dem blir lägre...

Att jag sedan tycker att det är för mycket snack om olika lagringsmedia, och för lite snack om deinterlaceing och hantering av bilden för dessa format är en annan sak. Blu-Ray och HD-DVD har i princip nada med kvalitén på bild och ljud att göra, eller ganska precis lika mycket som holografisk lagring.

Visst är det så att om din tes om att "ju högre lagringsutrymme man har, ju bättre bild" vore sann så skulle jag också tycka att det format som ger mest "byte/mm2" vore att föredra - tyvärr är det så att filmbolagen skiter ganska fullständigt i detta, eftersom de i så fall skulle fylla DVD formatet till bristningsgränsen, vilket de är "pretty far from" för närvarande - normal fyllnadsgrad ligger mellan 40% - 75%.... Vad filmbolagens ignorans till själva DVD-masteringen, där de inte lägger speciellt mycket tid på vertical/horizontal filtering, brusreducering, samt andra möjligheter för att åstadkomma bättre bild säger om hur de kommer att behandla framtida format låter jag vara osagt - go figure!!

Angående teknik och framtid så tycker jag (och säkert andra också) att det är kul att följa vad som händer - om du inte tycker det så kan du väl bara strunta i att läsa mina länkar, jag blir inte speciellt ledsen för det ;)

Jag funderar ändå över vad man får plats med på ett gäng terabytes - tänk, alla filmer i hela världen på en disk, det kallar jag framtid :lol: :lol:




Postad 11 februari 2005 - 13:29

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Kan tänka mig att filmbolagen helst föredrar mindre lagrings utrymme för att vissa konsumenter inte skall börja och trixa (för det gör dom) och spela in en sju helsikes massa filmer på en och samma skiva och kränger detta vidare antingen gratis eller till mycket nedsatt pris -olagligt!


Postad 11 februari 2005 - 17:24

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Jag har varit och tittat lite på HDmareriall på en LG PY10 idag.
Matatad med en värstingPC med VLCspelaren.
Jag upptäckte bland alla snuttar att vissa tex DIE HARD inte såg speciellt
mycket bättre ut än en referensdvd idag.
De filmer som finns på Internet idag tex Matrix och Sagan om Ringen
är de representativa för för det framtida HDformatet i bild?
Kan jag ta en kompis o visa han detta, och säga att så här kommer det
att se ut, när du ser Matrix från HDTV eller HDDVD?
Klippen som finns är ju gjorda för att imponera, så de är ju rätt tveksamma :lol:
Med tanke på det som står i ett inlägg ovan, varför är inte DVD-skivan
fylld full med film? varför finns det utrymme kvar, när de kunnat
valt en lägre komprimering? Då hade tex inte superbit kunna dyka
upp och sälja filmen en gång till? (iochförsig är jag ju tacksam för det,
då tex femte elementet, aldrig kunnat ses i en sån kvalite ).
Samtidigt köpte en forumkompis AAKEE en taskig superbit och
blev så skrämd att han sannolikt inte köper en igen. Han chansade
och tog en rakt av, vad jag förstår ;)


Postad 11 februari 2005 - 20:19

  • jsl_80
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Det som är intressant är att HD-DVD är bakåtkompatibelt med DVD genom att den såkallade "optical drive" som HD-DVD använder sig av har ett dualmode optiskt huvud med både röd/violett laser.

Det gör att man kan köra både DVD, CD och HD-DVD på samma maskin - om det är en fördel eller inte beror väl på om man har plats för flera olika spelare, eller gillar att köra allt i en maskin - samt om man har ett gäng hundra DVD:er som vore kul att köra även när de nya formaten har anlänt  :D

Flera tillverkare har redan färdiga pick-up heads som klarar läsa och bränna CD, DVD och Blu-ray också så det är ingen fördel för HD-DVD. Philips demade t ex en PC-brännare på CES-mässan: http://www.cdfreaks.com/article/173/3 (längst ner på sidan). De stand-alone BD-recorders som redan säljs i Japan/Korea hanterar också att läsa CD och DVD.


Postad 31 mars 2005 - 11:37

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-Oj en nyhet! Nu har det lossnat lite bland format kriget, om man ska tro på detta. Det kan finnas en smula hopp i och med detta.

Top Sony exec hints at Blu-ray, HD-DVD detente
By Paul Kallender, IDG News Service

After more than a year of touting Blu-ray as the best technology to replace DVD for storing high-definition video and winning proponents including Apple, a top executive at Sony Corp., one of Blu-ray's major backers, has opened the door to the possibility of unifying the format with its arch rival, HD-DVD.

"Listening to the voice of the consumers, having two rival formats is disappointing and we haven't totally given up on the possibility of integration or compromise," Ryoji Chubachi, Sony's president-elect, said at a news conference Thursday in which he discussed the company's performance and future strategy.

The statement may surprise backers of the rival camps, who have assembled consortiums of major electronics companies, disc makers and Hollywood studios to promote the formats in a battle that echoes one fought a quarter of a century ago between Betamax and VHS.

HD-DVD backers, which include NEC Corp. and Toshiba Corp., say HD-DVDs can be produced for about the same price as DVDs and are backward-compatible with DVDs and CDs, making the format more convenient for both consumers and the industry. HD-DVD movie titles, PC drives and players are all due out by the end of the year.

Sony has steadfastly promoted Blu-ray as a technology that has greater capacity, saying this makes the format more useful because more content can be stored on a disc. The technology also has wider support in the technology industry, although release dates for movie titles have not yet been announced.

Chubachi's comments mark the second time that a Sony executive has signalled the possibility of a compromise between the two camps. In January, Ken Kutaragi, executive deputy president of Sony, said a format war was not in the public interest and that Sony had not ruled out the possibility of uniting the formats.

As Sony's future president, Chubachi's remarks Tuesday may carry more weight. Currently head of Sony's electronic components and manufacturing businesses, he will replace Kunitake Ando as Sony president on June 22 following the recent shake-up of Sony's top management. That shake-up saw Kutaragi step down from Sony's board, although he still heads its important gaming business.

Kutaragi also admitted in January that Sony, by supporting its proprietary audio encoding system and not the widely-supported MP3 format, had lost ground to competitors such as Apple Computer Inc. in the portable music player market, which Sony had once dominated with the Walkman.

While Sony's technological and engineering base is sound, the company must ensure that its products are aligned with the wants of consumers, Chubachi said on Tuesday. Sony's engineers have traditionally been regarded within the company as heroes and the creators of new markets, but recently their ideas have not always led to products that matched consumers' needs, he said.


Postad 31 mars 2005 - 13:34

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evert>> Det finns en hel del "HD-klipp" på nätet som inte alls är representativa för HDTV:s potential. Precis som det kryllar av DVD-releaser som suger.
Bra HD-klipp ser riktigt, riktigt bra ut tycker jag.

På olika sätt dessutom...

1080i: Gör biofilmer riktigt bra rättvisa. Man kommer mkt närmre den detaljrikedom som man uppnår på en "riktig biograf".

720p: Sport t.ex. blir så ohyggligt mkt bättre, både i rörelser och upplösning. Kan även gälla andra live-arrangemang som t.ex. konserter m.m. Det finns ett exempelklipp från ESPN som cirkulerar på nätet där man verkligen kan se hur jäkla bra sport kan se ut hemma. :D

Mina åsikter. :wub:


Postad 08 april 2005 - 23:15

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Jag måste tro på Sony och PS3. Med 80 miljoner sålda PS2 och säkerligen lika många kommande säljande PS3 så är Bluray redan IMO formatet som folk kommer att använda och ta till sig. Priset på en PS3 kommer att vara väldigt lågt relativt standard HD-DVD.
Men man kan aldrig vara helt säker men siffrorna talar för sig. PS3 kommer troligen att sälja som smör. A fact of life.......


Postad 14 april 2005 - 13:22

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Mer signaler från Blue ray om samgående. Frågan är om HD DVD laget ställer upp på detta.

Sony corp said on Wednesday it was open to discussions to create a single standard for the next generation of DVD discs, a move which could head off the looming threat of a major format war among the world's biggest technology companies.

"From the point of view to provide the best service to the consumer one format is better than two. We're open to discussions," Yukinori Kawauchi, general manager in charge of the next DVD format at Sony's Video Group, said in an interview.

But he added that specific proposals had yet to be tabled.

"There's no visible progress to do that (create a single standard)," Kawauchi told Reuters at an event organized by Sony.

The electronics industry is facing a battle between the so-called Blu-ray optical discs and HD DVD discs, two different new DVD formats which offer higher capacity than current DVDs.

The first players and recorders for the new formats are expected to be on the market by the end of this year, and as the introduction dates draw closer industry specialists fear a bloody battle similar to the video tape war between the VHS and Betamax formats in the early 1980s.


Postad 20 april 2005 - 15:33

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Något nytt????

Verkar gå trögt med att bestämma det nya formatet? kommer förmodligen aldrig att bestämmas.

Känns detta igen sedan tidigare? SACD och DVD-Audio kriget.

Fan va trött jag blir på dessa tillverkare!


Postad 21 april 2005 - 07:28

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Kanske börjar det hända grejjer ändå...

Report: Sony, Toshiba Discuss Single DVD Standard
Wed Apr 20, 2005 04:11 PM ET

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Sony Corp. (6758.T: Quote, Profile, Research) and Toshiba Corp. (6502.T: Quote, Profile, Research) are working on an agreement that could come as early as this month to jointly develop a new unified standard for next-generation DVDs, The Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported in its Thursday online edition.

The report said Sony and Toshiba stepped up closed-door negotiations around February to find a resolution to the standoff between their competing products. As the leaders of the two camps supporting rival standards, Sony and Toshiba have waged a three-year battle that involves nearly 200 companies worldwide.

After reaching a basic agreement that a unified standard would be desirable, they are now looking to develop a hybrid standard that takes advantage of each standard's strengths, the Nikkei said.

Sony is said to have proposed using Blu-ray's disc structure and HD DVD software technology. Toshiba has presented the idea of using HD DVD's disc structure, which is closer to that of current DVDs, and employing Sony's multi-layer data-recording technology, the report said.

Although the companies have yet to forge a detailed agreement, the talks are expected to produce a workable solution since both companies are likely to be eager to avoid a repeat of the VHS-Beta videocassette war.

The Nikkei report said Sony and Toshiba have already begun briefing Walt Disney Co. (DIS.N: Quote, Profile, Research) and AOL Time Warner Inc. (TWX.N: Quote, Profile, Research) , as well as Hollywood movie studios, for approval of a unified standard and to pave the way for the signing of an official agreement between the rival camps.



Postad 22 april 2005 - 09:17

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Fler nyheter om formatet...



Postad 11 maj 2005 - 09:29

Audio Code 3
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När man tror att det kan bli nåt gemensamt mellan formaten då har Toshiba ett Ess i ärmen som alternativ, dom tog just fram den och den visar potential. Jag tror jag blir galen, om inte genast så blir man det senare, läste detta alldeles nyss!

TOKYO / LAS VEGAS, May 10, 2005 – Toshiba Corporation today announced development of a triple-layer HD DVD-ROM (read-only) disc with a data capacity of 45 gigabytes, 50% more than the 30-gigabyte dual-layer HD DVD-ROM disc already announced and enough to record twelve hours of high-definition movies on a single disc. The new disc adds a high-end option to the previous HD DVD-ROM disc lineup that includes the 15GB (single-layer, single-sided) and 30GB (dual-layer, single-sided). These two discs are already approved and standardized at the DVD Forum.

Toshiba also announced a double-sided, dual-layer hybrid ROM disc comprised of dual-layer HD DVD-ROM side and dual-layer DVD-ROM side. The hybrid disc can store 30GB of high-definition content on the HD DVD-ROM side and 8.5GB of standard-definition content on the DVD-ROM dual layer side. More than 84 million DVD players and recorders were produced worldwide in 2004 alone. The standard definition content of the new hybrid discs can be replayed on these platforms, while their owners will also be able to enjoy high-definition content from the same source when they purchase HD DVD players in the future. The new disc further prepares the way for a smooth transition from DVD to HD DVD.

Details of these new discs will be presented at the May 11 HD DVD workshop at Media-Tech Expo 2005 in Las Vegas, U.S., the leading annual trade show for the optical disc manufacturing industry.

All these new versions of HD DVD-ROM discs share the same disc structure as previously announced HD DVD formats, and today's DVD format: two 0.6-mm thick discs bonded back-to-back, a time-tested physical structure with proven volume manufacturing capability at little cost increment.

Cinram, one of the largest independent DVD replicators in the world, has noted that the HD three layer disc manufacturing process is a variation on the current DVD 14 process, which is a technology Cinram is very familiar with. Therefore, they are confident with the manufacturing feasibility and the near and long term manufacturing costs.

Memory-Tech Corporation, Japan's largest independent disc replicator, has confirmed the new 45GB and hybrid discs can be produced on their existing manufacturing lines and equipment, which are tailored to produce HD DVD discs, with only minor additional investment and minimum additional production cost per disc.

Mr. Shiroharu Kawasaki, President and CEO, Memory-Tech, said: "These new HD DVD discs will surely be welcomed by content holders, including Hollywood studios and game developers, as further broadening the scope of future applications. We have already started verification for volume production of triple-layered discs, and we are confident of early verification as they are based on the 0.6mm disc structure and established production technologies. We at Memory-Tech are fully committed to flexibly meeting variety of user requirements."

NEC Corporation and SANYO Electric Co., Ltd., both strong supporters of the HD DVD format also welcomed this announcement. "We are excited by the new discs and the way they further extend the possibilities of the HD DVD format," said Mr. Hiroshi Gokan, Executive General Manager of Computers Storage Products Operations Unit at NEC. SANYO's Dr. Keiichi Yodoshi, Deputy General Manager of R&D Headquarters said, "The new discs demonstrate that 0.6mm discs can support diverse applications and achieve technical excellence, while fully securing firm backward compatibility."

Technical features

1) Triple-layer 45GB disc
The newly developed ROM disc has a single-sided, triple-layer structure (see attachment). Each layer stores 15 gigabytes of information. Triple-layer discs can be easily produced by back-to-back bonding of a 0.6mm-thick dual-layer disc and a single-layer 0.6mm disc.

In the process, a single-layer disc is first produced, using the same process as for HD DVD-ROM. Next, the second layer is formed on first layer using a one-time polycarbonate stamper, the same process used for the DVD-18 disc, the double-sided DVD disc that has dual-layers on both sides. Finally, the single-layer 0.6mm disc is bonded to the dual-layer disc, using standard technology.

2) Double-sided, Dual-layer Hybrid Disc
In December 2004, Toshiba and Memory-Tech announced development of a single-sided, dual-layer HD DVD-ROM/DVD-ROM hybrid disc. The DVD layer had a 4.7GB capacity, meeting the specification for current DVD discs, while the HD DVD layer had a 15GB capacity.

Now Toshiba has developed a double-sided, dual-layer HD DVD-ROM/DVD-ROM hybrid disc. Simply explained, the new hybrid disc bonds together a 0.6mm thick dual-layer HD DVD-ROM disc with 30GB capacity, and a 0.6-mm thick dual-layer DVD-ROM disc with an 8.5GB capacity (see attachment).

The dual-layer DVD-ROM disc structure is well established. The new disc has a structure as simple as that of current dual-layer DVD-ROM discs. Today, more than fifty percent of DVD-ROM discs on the market are dual-layer versions.

The new disc brings the clear benefit of satisfying consumers, retailers, disc producers and Hollywood studios. It allows consumers to view DVD content on standard DVD players and, after purchasing an HD DVD player, to enjoy high definition content on the HD DVD layer from the same disc. The new disc structure also increases options for content providers: they can provide the same content in two formats, or use the HD DVD layer for a feature movie and the DVD layer to store promotional videos or audio content, including the movie sound track. Retailers can also promote HD DVD hardware as well as maintaining standard DVD sales.


Postad 17 maj 2005 - 17:17

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Kan det vara så bra att man kommer kunna spela upp sina gamla dvd skivor i en sådan här mackpär vilken sort det än nu blir? Är det av målen eller? B)
För det vore en stor fördel om man vill slå igenom stort och snabbt! :o

När tror ni att det kommer börja säljas sådana här mackpärer i större skala?

Är det värt att vänta? Kommer det komma filmer i detta format när dom släpps?


Postad 17 maj 2005 - 18:19

Audio Code 3
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Tillfällig lösning?

TOKYO (Reuters) - Toshiba Corp. said on Thursday competing formats for the next generation of optical discs will eventually be unified, but products based on two different standards may be around for a limited time.
"We may actually have a situation where merchandise from both sides are put on store shelves. But the market would not allow that situation to last very long," Toshiba President Tadashi Okamura said in a gathering of Japanese business leaders.
The two sides have been engaged in a last ditch effort to forge a common format but no substantial progress has been made so far.

But the clock is ticking. Toshiba plans to launch HD DVD-based players by the end of 2005 and Sony plans to put a Blu-ray disc drive in its new PlayStation game console next year.

Redigerat av Audio Code 3, 27 maj 2005 - 16:50.


Postad 28 maj 2005 - 00:28

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Tillfällig lösning?

TOKYO (Reuters) - Toshiba Corp. said on Thursday competing formats for the next generation of optical discs will eventually be unified, but products based on two different standards may be around for a limited time.
"We may actually have a situation where merchandise from both sides are put on store shelves. But the market would not allow that situation to last very long," Toshiba President Tadashi Okamura said in a gathering of Japanese business leaders.
The two sides have been engaged in a last ditch effort to forge a common format but no substantial progress has been made so far.

But the clock is ticking. Toshiba plans to launch HD DVD-based players by the end of 2005 and Sony plans to put a Blu-ray disc drive in its new PlayStation game console next year.


Kommer dessa vara regionsfria? Även för gamla dvd?


Postad 28 maj 2005 - 12:14

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En svensk version...

"Visst ska vi ha ett gemensamt format för nästa generations dvd, bara det blir vårt". Det verkar vara den rådande uppfattningen.

Under veckan har ledningen för de båda företagen tillsammans med Matsushitas vd träffats för att ena de tekniskt olika inkompatibla teknikerna.

Men det verkar som om inte något av de båda lägren vill släppa sin egen teknik. Sonys Ken Kutaragi har sagt till reportrar i Japan att "det enda hoppet att få fram en enad standard är om vi kan komma överens om ett format som inte fysiskt skiljer sig från Blu-ray".

Toshibas representant Tadashi Okamura säger:
- Det ser ut som om vi kommer att få en situation där varor från båda lägren hamnar på butikshyllorna. Men marknaden kommer inte att tolerera det särskilt länge.

Det skulle kunna bli så men å andra sidan har branschen genomgått en liknande situation. Dvd-skivor och dvd-brännare i plus- respektive minus-formatet befann sig i en liknande sitaution. Den situationen har lösts genom att brännare har stöd för båda formaten.


Postad 08 juni 2005 - 19:11

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Tadashi Okamura, Toshiba's president, said he will continue his efforts to reach an agreement with Sony, and all other companies involved, to create a unified next-generation DVD format.

A solution to unify the Blu-Ray and HD-DVD formats is said to be near. Last month Toshiba and Sony reached final stages of the negotiations, but they were postponed as Toshiba stated the superiority of Blu-ray hasn't been proven yet.

Okamura said the structure of the next-generation DVD format for video discs has to be determined according to interests of users, rather as the result of negotiations between two companies.

Sony's main ally, Matsushita, recently stated it will not give up on the idea of backing Blu-ray and Sony already decided to use Blu-ray for its PlayStation 3 console.


Postad 08 juni 2005 - 22:14

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Så om jag har förstått det här helt korrekt så måste man köpa både ny processor och spelaren?
Och sen vill jag verkligen ha svar på ifall de nya spelarna kommer vara bakåtkompatibla. (Har inte läst hela tråden så noggrant så det kanske har nämnts, ber om ursäkt isf.)



Postad 09 juni 2005 - 06:46

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Så om jag har förstått det här helt korrekt så måste man köpa både ny processor och spelaren?
Och sen vill jag verkligen ha svar på ifall de nya spelarna kommer vara bakåtkompatibla. (Har inte läst hela tråden så noggrant så det kanske har nämnts, ber om ursäkt isf.)



Räcker med ny spelare.

Ny processor? Jag skulle tippa på att spelarna kommer kunna outputta de nya ljudformaten (Dolby Digital Plus etc) precis på samma sätt som man idag får ut t.ex. DVD-audio, dvs via analogt via 6 rca kontakter eller digitalt via hdmi eller i-link. Så för att utnyttja de nya formaten måste processorn ha nån form av 5.1-ingång, vilket de flesta ha idag. Givetvis kommer spelarna även kunna outputta "gamla" dolby digital och dts så ny processor är inget måste.

Och ja, de nya spelarna kommer vara bakåtkompatibla med den "gamla" dvd-standarden.


Postad 09 juni 2005 - 07:25

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Kommer man kunna modda HD-dvd och Blu-Ray spelarna med SDI utgångar?? :(

Eller kommer det inte att behövas om man använder dvi och hdmi utgångarna?


Postad 09 juni 2005 - 07:34

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MS gav ju upp HD-DVD tekniken till Xbox360, kanske bör man ge upp den helt och hållet och satsa på Blue-ray till 100% för nästa generation DVD format.
HD-DVD har vad jag vet ingen fördel gentemot Blue-ray rent teknikmässigt.
Denna process kommer försena next gen spelarna ännu mer, inte för att jag bryr mig så mycket i dagsläget då jag nyss köpt en klass 1 DVD spelare :(


Postad 06 juli 2005 - 18:09

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En Utdragen grej det här som till allas besvikelse -inte verkar nå sitt slut... :)

DVD format duel heating up

By Alex Pham and Jon Healey

Los Angeles Times

One, called HD DVD, is the official choice of the group that backs conventional DVDs, and last week Microsoft and Toshiba agreed to develop players for the format. The other, called Blu-ray, is spearheaded by more than a dozen big-name consumer-electronics and high-tech companies.

The two camps are still trying to strike a last-minute deal and agree on common technical standards. But with the first devices and discs slated to hit store shelves this Christmas, the window for a compromise is closing fast, people close to situation say. In addition to the money and egos involved, the physical differences in the two disc formats are keeping the two sides far apart.

"The train is going to start leaving the station shortly," said Josh Petersen, director of strategic alliances for Hewlett-Packard, which backs Blu-ray. A format war "looks more and more inevitable every day. We're approaching the point of no return."

Major Hollywood studios exacerbate the problem by splitting their support between the two formats, each of which promise to deliver richly detailed pictures and cinema-quality sound. Guided by differing visions for the high-definition future, half of the studios have announced plans to release HD DVD discs, and the other half are expected to back Blu-ray.

Source: Los Angeles Times
Should the format war reach consumers, the battle could be over quickly. Sony plans to include a Blu-ray drive in its highly anticipated PlayStation 3 video-game console next year, which could put Blu-ray in several million homes in a matter of months.

The worst casualties could be the video enthusiasts who spend close to $1,000 on a new disc player only to have it become quickly obsolete. Analysts say a format war would also slow the transition to high-definition discs, reducing sales for consumer-electronics manufacturers and studios alike.

To spend, or not

At stake is a multibillion-dollar market for next-generation DVDs. Since their introduction in 1997, DVD players have become the fastest-selling consumer-electronics device of all time and are now in two-thirds of U.S. homes. Americans spent more than $20 billion buying and renting DVDs last year.

But sales of players are starting to slow, prompting technology and entertainment companies to lay the groundwork for a replacement.

The audience for high-definition discs is relatively small today. Viewing the new discs requires a high-definition TV set, and fewer than 13 million homes in the United States had one by the end of 2004, according to market-research firm In-Stat.

That number is rising rapidly, helped in part by the growth in TV programs aired in high definition by broadcasters, cable and satellite TV networks. The main piece missing for these viewers has been an improved version of the DVD that could bring high-definition pictures to home video.

Consumers such as Mike Fujii from Emeryville, Calif., are prepared to spend $1,000 on a new DVD player — as long as the picture quality is a significant leap over his current DVDs.

"If the difference in picture quality is that great, then yeah, I'll buy one fairly soon," said Fujii, 41, who bought a 52-inch rear projection HDTV two years ago to watch high-definition satellite-television broadcasts. "If not, I would just use the DVDs I have now. A thousand dollars is a lot to spend on a player. Right now you can get a DVD player for under $100."

Old DVDs fading fast

Still, prettier pictures may not be enough to persuade the masses to embrace high-definition discs, said Bob Chapek, president of Buena Vista Home Entertainment, a division of Walt Disney. "You'd better be chock-full of features" that are not available on DVD, Chapek said.

That is why Disney is backing Blu-ray, which offers at least 25 gigabytes per disc, compared with 15 gigabytes for basic HD DVD discs and 4.7 gigabytes for conventional DVDs.

Executives at Warner Bros., which has announced plans to release HD DVD discs, counter that the Blu-ray group has not been able to answer critical questions about manufacturing costs, their discs' resistance to warping and other reliability issues. They say the HD DVD group has proved its ability to mass-produce double-layer discs and hybrids that combine a conventional DVD on one side with a high-definition movie on the other — a key product for movie fans who have yet to buy an HDTV.

In spite of the format dilemma, many consumer-electronics executives are eager to shift to high-definition discs because profit margins have shrunk dramatically on conventional DVD players and sales have started to drop. According to Strategy Analytics, worldwide sales of DVD players peaked in 2004 at $20.1 billion and are expected to drop this year for the first time by 1 percent to $19.8 billion, falling to $15.3 billion in 2010.

Disc sales and rentals are growing more slowly, too, yet DVD sales and rentals accounted for about 55 percent of the revenue from feature films in the U.S. last year, according to Adams Media Research. While the studios are leery of disturbing that cash cow, they also want to replace DVDs with a format that is less vulnerable to piracy.

No compromise this time

The home video market has endured two format wars already, starting with the battle between Sony's Betamax and JVC's VHS in the mid-1970s. The fight lasted a little more than a decade, with the VHS share growing from about 75 percent of the market in 1980 to 95 percent in 1988, despite Betamax's reputation for better picture quality. Sony finally abandoned its Betamax product line in 2002.

In the mid-1990s, Sony and Philips Electronics backed a new format for video discs, while Toshiba and Warner Bros. supported a more radical shift to a higher-capacity approach. Sony and Philips eventually backed a compromise approach based largely on Warner and Toshiba's technology, and the DVD format was announced in December 1995.

But a format war broke out anyway when retailer Circuit City Stores, a handful of consumer-electronics manufacturers and a few of the major studios offered — briefly — a pay-per-play approach called Divx.

This time around, a split-the-baby compromise is virtually impossible, both sides acknowledge. That's because the core difference lies with a single aspect of the disc — a thin layer of plastic that sits just above the metal surface on which data is written. An HD DVD disc calls for a 0.6 millimeter coating, while a Blu-ray disc requires 0.1 millimeters.

While that doesn't seem like much, the half-millimeter gap amounts to a technological chasm. HD DVD's thicker coating is the same as current DVDs, which allows manufacturers to use existing disc-stamping equipment to make the new discs. That gives HD DVD a significant cost advantage and more predictability about what those costs will be, backers say.

HD DVD players can also rely on some of the same technology as conventional DVDs, making it easier to build players that can handle both generations of disc. That's an important feature, given how many conventional DVDs movie buffs already own, backers say.

Blu-ray's thinner coating requires all new manufacturing equipment, but it's the secret behind the disc's higher capacity. Because the laser travels through a thinner layer of resin, it's able to focus more sharply and write 67 percent more data onto the disc itself.

"Since they're different designs, it's not possible to compromise down the middle," said Brian Zucker, technology strategist at Dell and a Blu-ray spokesman. "To come up with a mix of the two approaches for that physical layer would not be practical."

No war, please

The two sides could use one camp's disc structure and the other's software, generating royalties for both. But doing so would require one side or the other to give up the core advantages of its format — either the cost, compatibility and reliability strengths of HD DVD, or the capacity of Blu-ray.

Retailers prefer a single format over two competing technologies.

"Ultimately, we believe one standard is far preferable to multiple standards," said Circuit City spokesman Jim Babb.

"Nobody wants a format war," said Dell's Zucker. "Not the device manufacturers. Not the studios. Not the consumers. Consumers will delay their purchase if there's confusion, and that results in a market stagnation for everyone. The problem is that we all believe we have the solution that's best."



Postad 15 juli 2005 - 16:40

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Ingen annan än jag som finner nyheter :lol: nåväl ytterligare nåt att tillföra tråden...

Now it's up to the Hollywood producers to decide.
Besides the technical aspects and the users, the most important referee in the battle of the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray formats are the Hollywood producers. It's up to them to choose which type of format will be used for launching the future movies.

And seeing that the DVD is no longer an appealing option compared to the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, the movie industry must make a choice. Some have already clarified their position, and it's quite obvious that Sony Studios is counting on Blu-Ray, and so does Disney, the two companies accounting for 39 percents of the DVD market.

HD-DVD has just a small advantage, its supporters, Warner, Universal and Paramount having a market share of 43%. The only ones left are the companies controlling the remaining 18% and which haven’t yet joined any of the opposing groups

To roll out a title in both types of formats would generate production expenses that would practically cancel the profits obtained from a movie. The unified format solution would have been the ideal one for the movie studios, but after the latest developments of the talks between Sony and Toshiba and especially after Microsoft's announcement that the new Xbox 360 gaming console will offer HD-DVD support, a compromise is not likely to be attained.

Thus, the people from Hollywood are placed in the position of taking a decision likely to be vital for their future profits, especially for the ones which haven’t decided yet on which format to choose. As for the ones which have already chosen to back either Blu-Ray or HD-DVD, all that they can do now is wait and see whether they’'e made the right decision or not.

Seeing that the HD-DVD players will probably be launched towards the end of the year, if Sony doesn’t come up with a solid offer for Blu-Ray we might witness a grand finale in which the favorite looses the last battle.



Postad 15 juli 2005 - 23:49

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Kommer man kunna modda HD-dvd och Blu-Ray spelarna med SDI utgångar??  :lol:

Eller kommer det inte att behövas om man använder dvi och hdmi utgångarna?


HD-SDI i sådana fall eftersom i SDI endast supportar SDTV... Försök dock hitta en proodukt som äter HD-SDI för vettiga pengar.

Jag har dåligt med praktiskt erfarenhet men det enda som borde skilja (HD)SDI mot dvi/hdmi är att det ligger en hdcp-signal på de senare. Känns inte så betungande så det känns som poängen med SDI inte är så väsentlig i framtiden...

Redigerat av pacman, 15 juli 2005 - 23:50.


Postad 15 juli 2005 - 23:55

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En poäng med SDI är att man kan ha mycket långa kablar, något som blir svårare med DVI/HDMI ju högre upplösning man har.


Postad 16 juli 2005 - 13:03

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Ingen annan än jag som finner nyheter :)

Jodå, jag brukar följa AVSforum's enorma tråd (snart 300 sidor) där alla väsentliga (och icke-väsentliga) nyheter postas men jag orkar inte reposta dem här :huh: I den tråden deltar även en del "insiders" i diskussionen (en som är "the corporate vice president of Microsoft Windows Media division", en snubbe från Sigma Designs, och tidigare deltog även VD'n för Panasonic Hollywood Labs fast han har tyvärr slutat posta då han börjat jobba för Microsoft istället).


Postad 31 juli 2005 - 19:55

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Jul 29, 2005 - Twentieth Century Fox to Support Blu-ray Disc Format

"The company will begin releasing new films, TV programming and other titles from Fox's vast celebrated library of best-selling film and television programming when Blu-ray hardware launches in North America, Japan, and Europe."

Mycket "luftnyheter" nu, har inte hänt mycket det senaste året.. Inga nya spelare förutom ceatec modellerna som bara verkar vara "plastlådor".. När får vi se spelare på marknaden? Själv gissar jag Jul 2007 =/


Postad 01 augusti 2005 - 16:52

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Finns i Japan.

B.D ;)


Postad 02 augusti 2005 - 18:32

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Jul 29, 2005 - Twentieth Century Fox to Support Blu-ray Disc Format

"The company will begin releasing new films, TV programming and other titles from Fox's vast celebrated library of best-selling film and television programming when Blu-ray hardware launches in North America, Japan, and Europe."

Mycket "luftnyheter" nu, har inte hänt mycket det senaste året.. Inga nya spelare förutom ceatec modellerna som bara verkar vara "plastlådor".. När får vi se spelare på marknaden? Själv gissar jag Jul 2007 =/


Enl AreaDVD så planerar Toshiba att släppa HDDVD på den europeiska marknanden först sommaren/hösten 2006. USA slutet av 2005 förstås.

BD våren 2006 i USA och Japan. Europa våren eller hösten, beror väl på när PS3 släpps här.

BD-brännare finns redan i japan ja. Men dessa kan inte spela upp "köpfilm" så det är ganska ointressant i sammanhanget.


Postad 02 augusti 2005 - 20:44

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En liten nyhet från The Digital Bits. "20th Century Fox väljer nu officiellt Blu-Ray":

Well, we promised you we'd check back in with any major breaking news this afternoon... and this is pretty major. We've been saying this was going to happen for many months now, so it should come as no surprise. However, 20th Century Fox today confirmed that it is supporting Blu-ray Disc, rather than HD-DVD, in the upcoming high-definition format war. The move has been expected for almost a year - last October the studio joined the Blu-ray Disc Association as an advisory member, but said they had yet to decide which format they would ultimately support (Fox is, of course, also a member of the DVD Forum). Now their preference for the format is official. With their decision, Fox joins Sony, MGM and Buena Vista as the major Blu-ray Disc supporting studios. By comparison, the HD-DVD camp includes Warner Bros., Universal and Paramount. You can read more on this here at Home Media Retailing and here at Video Business. You can also read Fox's official press release here.

In addition to its greater data storage capacity and features that Fox considers to be a greater technical innovation beyond the existing DVD spec, the main reason Fox ultimately decided to support Blu-ray Disc over HD-DVD is that the Blu-ray Disc spec calls for a particular form of renewable copy protection, which is considered more robust. Fox and other studios had called for the HD-DVD format to include the same renewable copy protection, but forces within the HD-DVD camp apparently believed that it was too expensive and unnecessary. Despite this announcement, there's no specific word yet as to which titles will be among Fox's initial Blu-ray Disc releases when the format officially launches early next year.

Redigerat av Pete, 02 augusti 2005 - 20:44.


Postad 04 augusti 2005 - 13:46

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Kan någon tänka sig 2 olika spelare exklusive den man äger idag?
Vilken av lägren vill man ha? Det blir inte att välja version utan vilka filmer man föredrar. Detta blir ett skräck scenarium som kan bli verklighet om ingen ger med sig. Tänk er vilka filmer ni vill ha: Spindelmannen, Star Wars, Men in Black men inte Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, E.T, Hajen, Sagan om Ringen och Batman!
Man kan fortsätta hur länge som helst och detta är ett få tal exempel.
Tänk er ytterligare att filmen Titanic gavs ut på Fox i USA och Paramount i den övriga världen! Vil man ha region 1 och 2 blir 2 spelare ett absolut måste!


Postad 12 augusti 2005 - 10:07

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En poäng med SDI är att man kan ha mycket långa kablar, något som blir svårare med DVI/HDMI ju högre upplösning man har.

Om man inte kör med optisk DVI/HDMI, då är en kilometer eller mer inga problem. :P Har en 20 m optisk DVI från amerikanska Dtrovision och den fungerar precis hur bra som helst. De klarar upp till UXGA eller 1080p@60Hz. Inga framtida problem där alltså. :P


Postad 12 augusti 2005 - 10:18

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En poäng med SDI är att man kan ha mycket långa kablar, något som blir svårare med DVI/HDMI ju högre upplösning man har.


SDI klarar, vad jag förstått, inte HD-upplösningar. Det gör att det blir ointressant i sammanhanget.

HD-SDI däremot, men hur många apparater har stöd för det?


Postad 12 augusti 2005 - 11:09

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Ok, nu verkar dom snåla till sig lite hos HD-DVD :P

The much-touted holiday rollout of HD-DVD, one of two planned formats for next-generation DVDs, seems to be losing steam.

HD-DVD, backed by Toshiba Corp. and others, is battling Blu-ray, backed by Sony Corp., to become the dominant format in the next generation of DVDs, which promises high-definition pictures and other features. Supporters of the brand-name HD-DVD earlier this year pledged a strong fourth-quarter launch as a way of getting a leg up in the heated competition, even as talks proceeded to unite the rival technologies in an effort to prevent a format war. Blu-ray has said that its product will be available sometime in 2006.

But it appears that both hardware and software deliveries of HD-DVD products will be lighter than expected, blunting HD-DVD's first-mover advantage. Viacom Inc.'s Paramount Pictures, which had committed to releasing more than 20 titles on the HD-DVD brand starting in the fourth quarter, now won't release any in the quarter, according to a person familiar with the matter. General Electric Co.'s NBC Universal plans to release about a dozen HD-DVD titles in the fourth quarter, scaling back from the 16 titles it had announced in January.

Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Home Video, the biggest backer of the format, says its exact plans are up in the air, as it waits to see whether a compromise is reached between the rival formats. "If there is a unification of formats, we would want to work toward that," said Jim Cardwell, president of Warner Home Video, who didn't rule out a holiday-season launch for Warner movies on HD-DVD.

Warren Lieberfarb, a consultant to HD-DVD backers, characterized rollout efforts as "no big deal" and added that "there was never a rock-solid date about the fourth quarter."

But many HD-DVD backers, including hardware makers such as Toshiba, had counted on a big fourth-quarter rollout to get a jump on the competition. In fact, Toshiba will likely be the only company to introduce an HD-DVD player in the U.S. in time for the holidays, although some computers with HD-DVD-ready drives may be available.

Just three months before players and movies should be on store shelves to catch the wave of holiday shoppers, it is unclear how much promotion is planned. A Toshiba America spokeswoman said the company was currently talking to retail partners about the size of the launch for its HD-DVD players, and what kind of marketing campaign to run.

Circuit City Stores Inc., the electronics retailer, says it plans to carry the Toshiba player if it is ready, but doesn't expect strong sales while consumers are still unfamiliar with the product and its cost, expected to be around $1,000, remains high. "We don't have a lot of information yet," says Randy Wick, general-merchandising manager for home audio and video at Circuit City.

It is more likely the product will do well among specialty retailers that cater to so-called early adopters of technology. "It's going to be one of the highest-demand products in our store," said Casey Crane, president of Ken Crane's Home Entertainment, a Southern California retail chain. "We're the movie-industry capital -- the people here are definitely leading edge."

Late last month News Corp.'s Twentieth Century Fox, the last studio that hadn't yet committed to bringing out titles in one of the two formats, said it would release titles in the Blu-ray format, joining Sony Pictures and Walt Disney Co.

Fox's move leaves the studios roughly evenly split when it comes to next-generation DVD, with about half of DVD releases in the Blu-ray camp and half in HD-DVD, according to Tom Adams of Adams Media Research.

To get Fox's support, Blu-ray agreed to add some features, including extra copy protections, according to people familiar with the matter. The extra copy protections had been rejected by some Blu-ray members. A Fox spokesman said it wouldn't be appropriate to discuss the negotiations.



Postad 12 augusti 2005 - 14:48

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Undrar varför de bryr sig om kopieringsskydd alls...
Finns det ngt kopieringsskydd som har hållit sig med tiden? :unsure:
Går det att pilla dit det så går det ju att pilla bort det.

Det segaste som jag har "hört talas om" :blink: är det analoga skydd som Disney använder på sina VHS-filmer. De kanske kan låna det och göra en digal variant? :D


Postad 06 september 2005 - 21:12

  • Pete
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Lite oroväckande info från The Digital Bits.

Länk till artikeln hos CNN.

"And around the Net, CNN recently posted a story about the looming high-definition disc format war. It confirms a bit of news a LOT of you out there are going to really hate (and which the industry isn't keen on you knowing at the moment): Blu-ray Disc players (and possibly HD-DVD players as well) may need to be connected to a phone line or some kind of broadband Internet connection (like - dare we say it? - Circuit City's now defunct Divx players of old). This connection would allow the Hollywood studios and the player manufacturers to have an unwanted degree of control over the players and movies in your home, even after you've paid for them. For example, your Blu-ray Disc player will be able report certain kinds of activity back to the manufacturer (and possibly the studios as well), who will in turn have the ability to remotely disable your player. This is part of an effort to protect the digital content rights of the Hollywood studios. There's the strong potential in this plan, however, for a decided lack of protection for the rights of consumers. We'll have more to say on this subject in the next couple of weeks, you can be sure."

Nånting säger mig att dom är ute på djupt vatten :ph34r:


Postad 06 september 2005 - 21:22

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Det var det mest korkade jag hört på länge... Är det första April? Nej inte ens nära.....


Postad 07 september 2005 - 06:51

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Lite oroväckande info från The Digital Bits.

Länk till artikeln hos CNN.

"And around the Net, CNN recently posted a story about the looming high-definition disc format war. It confirms a bit of news a LOT of you out there are going to really hate (and which the industry isn't keen on you knowing at the moment): Blu-ray Disc players (and possibly HD-DVD players as well) may need to be connected to a phone line or some kind of broadband Internet connection (like - dare we say it? - Circuit City's now defunct Divx players of old). This connection would allow the Hollywood studios and the player manufacturers to have an unwanted degree of control over the players and movies in your home, even after you've paid for them. For example, your Blu-ray Disc player will be able report certain kinds of activity back to the manufacturer (and possibly the studios as well), who will in turn have the ability to remotely disable your player. This is part of an effort to protect the digital content rights of the Hollywood studios. There's the strong potential in this plan, however, for a decided lack of protection for the rights of consumers. We'll have more to say on this subject in the next couple of weeks, you can be sure."

Nånting säger mig att dom är ute på djupt vatten :ph34r:


Det var typ det värsta jag hört


Postad 08 september 2005 - 10:12

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Jisses... De har ju redan provat den varianten en gång. Med de beryktade Divx-skivorna. Undrar hur många sådana de hyrde ut egentligen... 2-3 st skivor? Förmodligen USA:s mest korkade medborgare som hyrde dem... :D

Nä, det där kommer att bli en flopp. Tyvärr kommer de väl att baka in utvecklingskostnaderna för det där i priserna på skivorna den dagen de inser att ingen kommer att köpa sådana spelare... :ph34r:


Postad 12 september 2005 - 20:21

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HD DVD verkar inte släppas förrän nästa vår 2006, ungefär som blu-ray, inte ovanligt med förseningar :) kanske ändra lite på tiden i tråd ämnet...

Lite fakta, en 30GB HD DVD klarar av att återge 8 timmar 1125 linjers film mot dagens 4.7GB dvd med 525 linjer som klarar 2tim. För samma 30GB skulle det motsvara 48 timmar med dvd standard. En 2tim HD film motsvarar 8GB.

En nyhet om ljudet för dessa format har dock kommit.

Dolby Laboratories Debuts Dolby TrueHD, ''Picture-Perfect'' Sound for Next-Generation High-Definition Discs, at CEDIA Expo 2005

INDIANAPOLIS, Sep 08, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Dolby Laboratories (NYSE:DLB) today announced its latest advancement in lossless audio technology, Dolby® TrueHD, which is designed to complement the recent developments in high-definition optical disc formats. With Dolby TrueHD, home theater viewers will experience audio performance equal to the highest-resolution studio masters currently available.

The company is demonstrating Dolby TrueHD along with Dolby Digital Plus at its CEDIA Expo exhibit booth (#538). These two Dolby technologies are essential elements of next-generation high-definition entertainment, having been adopted for use in both the HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc formats. Dolby TrueHD and Dolby Digital Plus technologies are mandatory audio codecs in the HD DVD format as well as optional features in the Blu-ray Disc format. Dolby Digital is mandatory in both formats.

"The high-definition disc formats being discussed today will provide viewers with new levels of image quality," said Craig Eggers, Dolby Senior Manager, Consumer Electronics Technology Marketing. "With Dolby TrueHD, those same viewers can experience multichannel surround sound that fully complements the detail and fidelity of the high-definition picture."

Dolby TrueHD builds upon the proven foundation of MLP Lossless™ by incorporating higher bit rates, additional channels, enhanced stereo mix support, and extensive metadata functionality, including dynamic range control and dialogue normalization. Enabling recordings that are bit-for-bit identical to studio masters, MLP Lossless was first introduced in DVD-Audio, and has since become the leading multichannel lossless audio format. In addition, Dolby TrueHD provides support for all of the new speaker locations designated by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) for digital cinema applications (RP 226).

"When coupled with high-definition video, Dolby TrueHD offers an exceptional home theater experience that enables you to enjoy sound as stunning as the picture," said Ed Schummer, Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Consumer Division, Dolby Laboratories. "When a playback system displays the Dolby TrueHD logo, viewers are assured they are hearing the highest-quality audio performance possible -- as if they are hearing the studio master itself."



Postad 16 september 2005 - 17:18

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Läget är en katastrof, det ser verkligen illa ut skriver man i media. Nu manar "The HD Disc Consumer Advocacy Alliance" upprop! Läs om detta i http://www.dvdsite.org/


Postad 27 september 2005 - 12:44

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Nu har även Intel och Microsoft gett klartecken för HD DVD...

Toshiba's Statement on Intel and Microsoft's Announcement to Support HD DVD

27 September, 2005


Toshiba Corporation is delighted to learn that Intel and Microsoft Corporation have announced their support for HD DVD, the next generation DVD format.

Toshiba actively promotes HD DVD and serves as the chair of the DVD Forum, the industry organization that has defined the specifications of HD DVD as the next-generation DVD format.

This announcement of support by two of the key companies in the IT industry reflects the growing recognition of HD DVD as the ideal format for the IT industry in terms of superior scope, versatility and reliability—essential factors that also apply to the consumer electronics industry. This endorsement underlines the excellent interoperability offered by HD DVD in respect of sustaining the digital convergence of consumer electronics and IT.

We are confident that Intel and Microsoft's endorsement of HD DVD, in addition to the support already expressed by major Hollywood studios, Japanese and international content holders and disc replicators, will add to the momentum of support that is powering acceptance of HD DVD as the format of choice for next generation HD applications.

The HD DVD format is the family of advanced optical discs defined by the DVD Forum, an international body with some 240 member companies, including major Hollywood studios and leaders from the CE and IT industries. Disc specifications approved by the Forum are arrived at as a result of open and extensive discussions and technical evaluations.

HD DVD features compatibility with current DVD, and to this adds advanced features, including cost-efficient manufacturing of discs and hardware, superior interactivity through the adoption of iHD software, and the ability to meet rapidly increasing consumer demand for high definition DVD content on large-sized flat panel TVs and PCs.

HD DVD also realizes Hollywood's most pressing concern: robust content protection – essential for content holders – thereby supporting healthy growth of the content industry.

Toshiba will continue to promote accelerated adoption of the HD DVD format and collaboration with interested companies.


Postad 29 september 2005 - 18:53

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Med tanke på den senaste is-lossningen i det här "slaget" kan det betyda att det verkligen ser ut att bli ett släpp inom kort.
Konkurrenten Sony har enorma ekonomiska problem, vad det beror på kan man bara spekulera om, för sonys del ser det ut att bli en mardröm tills ps3 släpps.
Microsoft har det inte heller så bra, enorma förluster med xbox men Gates föredrar hd dvd av förklarliga skäl liksom Intel. Det kan bli ett släpp i USA med xbox 360, sedan hänger resten av världen med enligt schema, men dom här 360 är inte bara att plocka ihop och få det att fungera med det nya hd dvd, -eller är det? Vet inte vad Gates hoppas uppnå, men hans dröm är naturligtvis att det levereras med just hd dvd och det är en användares dröm att äntligen gå upp ett rejält snäpp i standarden där hemma.
Toshiba kommer naturligtvis att leverera samtliga bärbara datorer med hd dvd och det blir nånting att bita i, tänk er hd dvd på en bärbar...

In a statement issued in Tokyo on behalf of the HD DVD Promotion Group, the four companies noted that: "The participation of the two global leaders in the IT industry will assure enhancement of HD DVD format promotion, bring their technical and marketing expertise to the Group, and will contribute to the early market penetration of HD DVD products."
"The capacity for volume production of HD DVD discs is already in place, and the content industry has great expectations of HD DVD as the key product to sustain the growth of the next-generation audio-visual software market," said Shiroharu Kawasaki, President and CEO of Memory-Tech. "We welcome the participation of Intel and Microsoft as further enhancing HD DVD's potential applications."
"HD DVD format is extremely important for the development of both the PC and AV markets, as it fulfills the needs of PC applications requiring high-capacity data and AV applications that require the recording and playback of high definition images," said Hiroshi Gokan, NEC's Executive General Manager of Computers Storage Products Operations Unit. "We are fully confident that Intel and Microsoft's affiliation with the HD DVD Promotion Group will significantly contribute to the propulsion and penetration of the HD DVD format".
"SANYO believes that the participation of the two leaders of the US IT industry in the HD DVD Promotion Group will accelerate the synergistic conversion of the technologies they have nurtured in the PC and server industries with those from the digital consumer domain, encouraging further technology innovation and the creation of new markets," said Hiroshi Ono, General Manager of SANYO's R&D Headquarters.
"The announcement from these two leading IT companies reconfirms the design advantages of HD DVD format and its achievement of maximum compatibility between AV and PC products. In fact, it is increasingly clear that HD DVD offers the best way forward in the convergence of the AV and PC worlds," said Hisashi Yamada, Chief Fellow of Toshiba's Digital Media Network Company and Chairman of Technical Coordination Group at the DVD Forum. "Hollywood studios are now working on preparation of HD DVD content, and I look forward to the near future, when people everywhere will be able to enjoy high definition images on TV and their PC."
About HD DVD Promotion Group
Established on December 22, 2004, the HD DVD Promotion Group is a voluntary organization dedicated to promoting development and assuring the early impact and long-term success of products and content based on the new HD DVD formats. Membership in the Group is open to any company or organization that is engaged, or will engage, in the development and/or manufacture of any HD DVD content or hardware products. As of today, the Group has 110 member companies.
For more information on the HD DVD Promotion Group please visit:
Features of HD DVD
HD DVD is standardized by the DVD Forum, the international association of some 240 companies, and its physical, file and application formats have been all approved by the Forum.
In addition to a versatility that assures support for many applications, including players, recorders, PCs and automotive devices, HD DVD's main features are:

1) The same disc structure as DVD, two 0.6mm-thick polycarbonate discs bonded back-to-back, makes it much easier for HD DVD to achieve backward compatibility with DVD. It also assures easier manufacturing of discs and hardware devices, resulting in lower manufacturing costs.
2) Robust playability, with no need for a disc cartridge to protect against surface blemishes and fingerprints.
3) The ability to meet all capacity demands. The DVD Forum has approved HD DVD-ROM discs with a data capacity of 30GB, and higher capacities are on the way. High data capacity is achieved by adopting a shorter wavelength blue-violet laser and advanced data processing technologies, assuring the ability to store large capacity data sources including high-definition images.
4) Adoption of iHD technology to deliver enhanced user interactivity on PCs and assures optimization for both AV and PC applications.





Postad 03 oktober 2005 - 14:29

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Det verkar som Blu-ray verkar bli ett allt säkrare kort att satsa på....

Paramount embraces Blu-ray
Warner expected to make similar move this week
By Scott Hettrick 10/2/2005

OCT. 2 | In a stunning announcement Sunday morning, Paramount Home Entertainment has decided to support Sony's Blu-ray Disc format for the next-generation of high-definition DVDs.

Although Paramount will continue to support Sony's rival, the HD DVD platform from Toshiba, the studio is the first to end its singular commitment to one format, which both sides had hoped would give the industry its best chance of avoiding a Betamax/VHS-like format war.

With Warner and Universal expected to follow suit very shortly, Paramount's decision potentially throws the decision once again into the hands of consumers and retailers next year. Both formats are expected to be introduced next spring.

Thomas Lesinski, Paramount Pictures president of worldwide home entertainment, one of the staunchest supporters of HD DVD, said in a statement Sunday that the studio will release movies on Blu-ray in North America, Japan and Europe as soon as Blu-ray hardware launches in those markets.

"We have been intrigued by the broad support of Blu-Ray, especially the key advantage of including Blu-Ray in PlayStation 3," Lesinski said in a statement. "After more detailed assessment and new data on cost, manufacturability and copy protection solutions, we have now made the decision to move ahead with the Blu-ray format. We believe the unique portfolio of Viacom content coupled with this format will provide great benefit for consumers and our shareholders alike."

A format war is precisely what studios, hardware manufacturers, retailers and consumers desperately want to avoid. The introduction of two incompatible formats has the potential to cause a much slower adoption of a new format for their movies, games, music and other programming, as consumers hesitate to pick one for fear of selecting the next Betamax that quickly will be obsolete. Studios and hardware manufacturers managed to find a compromise solution on DVD, which led to the introduction of the most successful consumer electronics product ever.

With the DVD market rapidly maturing and slowing to single-digit growth rates, media companies, which derive most of their studio revenue and profits from DVD, are pressuring their home video and consumer electronics units to get the next-gen format into the market as quickly as possible, whichever one it is, in order to rejuvenate sales of their vast libraries of TV, movie and music programming on discs.

"All we're doing is guaranteeing a format war," said a top exec at one studio DVD division about the Paramount announcement.

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment president Ben Feingold said that while the Paramount announcement is very important to the Blu-ray camp, "being on both formats will confuse the consumer."

Several execs in each camp believe the Paramount announcement to publish in both formats—which is the direction Warner has been leaning for the past week or two with a similar announcement expected this week—is simply a temporary face-saving strategy and that ultimately all studios will shift completely over to Blu-ray by launch time.

"Launching with a single format is the only way to get back quickly to double-digit compound growth," Feingold said.

Universal would not comment, but if Warner does announce that it also will publish in both formats, Universal is expected to be pressured to reluctantly follow suit.

Warner's softening position was believed to be what motivated Microsoft and Intel to announce support of HD DVD last week.

But many said at the time that announcement was too little, too late.

A big setback for HD DVD was the delay of the launch of its HD DVD players from this holiday season until sometime next year. Blu-ray has always set mid-2006 as its launch date, most likely with the launch of Sony's PlayStation 3 videogame system, which will incorporate Blu-ray. Microsoft will not commit to including HD DVD in its next-gen Xbox 360 system.

In fact, the PlayStation 3 factor—Sony will not be swayed from introducing Blu-ray as the format is locked as a component in millions of PS3 machines next spring—is believed to be what has turned Paramount and Warner around in their thinking.

And major hardware companies including Sony, Samsung and Panasonic are expected to announce shortly that they will have Blu-ray players in the market by next spring, regardless of when the PS3 systems are launched.

WHV is believed to be under great pressure from parent Time Warner, which has its own pressures relative to the recent stock performance challenges by Carl Icahn, to do whatever it takes to get a high-def disc to market at the earliest possible time in order to rejuvenate the maturing DVD market.

Sources say Paramount was prompted to action by the imminent announcement of Warner.

Although it would be a little more expensive to release movies authored and inventoried in two different formats, it's something the studios have done before with Betamax and VHS and even laserdisc and 8mm, in some cases. And it's something the videogame industry has become used to.

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