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Vilken av dessa subbasar Yamaha 320 v XTZ 12??

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Postad 19 februari 2003 - 21:01

  • Unregistered6de8f2a4
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Ursäkta mig nu men ******** vad dom e duktiga där då? Vad ska du ha den till, musik eller film?
Klart som fanken man klankar ner på nåt billigt om man själv har nåt lite dyrare att rekommendera.


Postad 19 februari 2003 - 21:48

  • Gurra101
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quote:Originally posted by BengtO
Ursäkta mig nu men ******** vad dom e duktiga där då? Vad ska du ha den till, musik eller film?
Klart som fanken man klankar ner på nåt billigt om man själv har nåt lite dyrare att rekommendera.

Han rekommederade ju mig att inte köpa! Ska ju bara låna hem för att testa vad en sub gör för mitt system! Han sa det var lungt för subben bara står där ändå över helgen så lika bra att den används, inget köptvång[:)] Har handlat där innan och man får bra hjälp! Köpte mina JBL där och han "tvingade" inte på mig några andra då heller!


Postad 19 februari 2003 - 22:39

  • Unregistered6de8f2a4
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quote:Ska endast användas till FILM!

En mullrande sub blir nog kanon till den användning du tänkt, jag tror att båda dem du nämner i Topic dessutom går att lira musik med utan att det blir för pinsamt.


Postad 20 februari 2003 - 13:06

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Har lyckats få en översättning till det franska testet med det var ganska intetsägande (babbelfisken gjorde ju iofs en rätt kul översättning ibland [:)]:

Audience has just presented his last range of enclosures to us dedicated to the Home Theater, Nova. 7 different models facilitate the constitution of a coherent whole with in complement a low register box of the mark of range already famous CGA. The received whole, made up of Nova T3, C3, B2 and CGA 30 , first of all set out again in the manufacturer for a last modifica- tion before returning to us ready to approach one of the most aggressive markets.

the Range Goes down for hearing " Nova " of the group Mosquito France is composed of 3 enclosures of the type column T2/T3/T4, a way centered C3, of four boxes the low ones, of in girded libraries and enclosures of effects B2/B3, is 7 enclosures on the whole, allowing all the possible combinations hi-fi or home cinema listens some. This range profits from program Néo-Project " the research "set up for the enclosure of prestige Néo de Mosquito. Nova were the subject of a design worked out, so much in the field of the ébé- nisteries (simulation by computer using " Neutral Box System " of the number and the EM placement of the reinforcements intern in order to eliminate any parasitic vibration from the walls, baffle incli- born for a setting in optimal phase of all the loudspeakers), that in the field of tion innovated, with the inauguration of a news mem- brane of the type " Amorphous Squale Skin ": this surprising matter, rough and gray, is composed by projection of microballs on a polymeric support, mixes thetic fibres syn- (glass/carbone/minérales) and of cellulose pulp. This material offers a for- midable compromised legerete/rigidity, indis- thinkable to obtain fast transducers and to make move back the distortion. The pre- mière impression is excellent on the visual level: the boxes of pyramidal form - put hor- the box - suggest a very good sta- bility, an unquestionable comfort. This unit is close-cropped surant. Moreover, the nonparallel walls of the cabinet works free the system from the undesirable standing waves. We will be interested in this article in the unit columns T3/center lane C3/B2 environments /box of low CGA30. The columns Nova T3 are camped on solid points and environments Nova B2 have a fastener with respect to the connector block allowing their tweeter installation in bottom. The columns Nova T3 and the power station Nova C3 are envisaged in bi- wiring. Two boxes separated for the low register and the medium constitute the load bass-reflex camera of the columns Nova T3 Just as for Nova T3 and B2, the center lane Nova C3 is of a consequent weight. The silk tweeter and the medium with warhead aluminium with membra Amorphous Squale Skin, commun runs with the five ways, let predict of a good coherence on the acoustic level. Faithful to its philosophy, Audience optimizes its high-by their in order to simplifying the work of the filters and to integrate the minimum of components on the way of the signal. MEASUREMENTS AND TESTS the measurement of the white vibration presents a rising curve of 50 Hz with 20 Khz with a good progressiveness. That of the pink noise shows a perfect balance of the serious frequencies in acute without siologic setting ahead nor phenomenon phy-. The passage of the frequency glissan- you of 20 Hz with 20 Khz shows large a apti- tude to reproduce the whole of the spectrum sound system Re without distortion, except a small distortion of crossing with 1,5 Khz. The setting in phase is, it also, excellent with measurement.


In home-cinema, the unit is very pleasant. We did not detect any aggressiveness. It is the strong point of this system which was worked in this direction. Listening is of a great comfort. On frightening tapes its, it would be préfé- rable to parameterize the central enclosure in " Small ". The columns Nova T3 can box significant levels. Active box CGA30, equipped with a boomer of 30 cm very correctly restores the bottom of the spectrum. We did not have the need to exploit all its potential. The beaches of adjustment of the amplifier of this powerful box are very confor- tables. In stereo listening, and compared to familiar systems, Nova T3 miss of a little presence in the medium and ventilation, but to long, this observation resulting from our reference marks does not assign of anything listening séduisan- you of these robust columns which must be well disengaged from the walls of the part of listening. We preferred in our environment listenings with the sealed vents. Nova T3 have a beautiful stereo image. We have to stop our tests in front of a small embarrassment which we felt with listening concerning a felted aspect of the medium. After having contacted the manufacturer, this last made a small modification which seems essential to us for the right balance of these enclosures. With the pair of modified enclosures, we could continue our listenings to arrive at the following conclusions.


From the start, the restitution of the sound message with the modified enclosures appears firmer placing the medium with its right level, without serving as mask on the acute one or the low register. The acute fine and crystalline remainder, flying over without problem the whole of the spectrum, the low register gives an imposing base, a little heavy by moment, but without exaggeration and the medium becomes finally powerful clear and understandable. We advise you to listen to these enclosures with protects fabric which gets better a équi- free with the various registers. In all the cases of figure, dynamics is with go and the excellent sound image. Idem for the pro founder in the image which remains present constantly , without being invading.


the great force of this homogeneous unit is due to a very successful esthetics, a serious fabri- cation and a listening deprived of any aggressiveness. One will congratulate humility on the manufacturer who did not hesitate to modify his product to adapt it perfectly to the universe of listenings home theater and hi-fi. This level of price, of the serious competitors brawl the market, but the Audience will be able to be always praised pretty, to be well finished and perfor- mantes, which will be able to reassure the amateurs of band its and the anxious ones of the interior design of our small shows.

Gildas Stenfort
Luc Plisson


Postad 20 februari 2003 - 14:20

  • Gurra101
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Blir nog Rel Quake eller Heco subben! Rel subben hittade jag för 4500 inkl frakt på nätet det e ju 2000kr billigare än här i sverige och Heco subben hittade jag för dryga 3500 inkl frakt[:)]


Postad 20 februari 2003 - 17:22

  • Unregistered33192
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Var hittade du Heco subben för 3500 och vilken modell är det ?


Postad 20 februari 2003 - 18:04

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Har Heco Signature Sub 30 A för 344Euro + frakt, som jag räknar högt för jag vet ej vad subben väger men om jag räknar på att den väger 40kg (vilket den inte gör men räknar lite högt) så blir det plus 40Euro alltså 380Euro som är ungefär 3500kr!


Postad 20 februari 2003 - 20:29

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Okey, vilken av de två subbarna tyckte du var bäst? Kan man möjligen få en minirecension [:)]


Postad 21 februari 2003 - 13:34

  • Gurra101
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quote:Originally posted by F.Ultra
Okey, vilken av de två subbarna tyckte du var bäst? Kan man möjligen få en minirecension [:)]

Det kan du få men inte förren efter nästa helg för det är då jag ska låna hem dom[;)]


Postad 21 februari 2003 - 15:16

  • Unregistered33192
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Ahh, se vad som händer när man sover vid tangenbordet [:)]

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