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X06 27-28 September

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Postad 29 september 2006 - 23:09

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Inte många videos som sagt, men desto mer impressions. Ytterligare en grej om Half Life 2:

Gamespy: Speaking of frame rates, the first thing the Valve representative told me when I mentioned that I played the Xbox version of the game was that the Xbox 360 title would be locked-in at 60 frames per second, even during the most intense firefights. While that wasn't the case when I was checking it out, he explained that the game was only running on one of the Xbox 360's cores at the time, and even then it was running fairly smoothly. He also mentioned that the collision calculations in the game were four times faster than in the previous version of the game, meaning everything would react more realistically when hit.

Ok, jag tror inte ens de börjat komma i närheten av att utnyttja multikärnorna på ett bra sätt. Utvecklarna av Alan Wake däremot kanske lärt sig det bättre, lät så på deras presentation, och kanske är det därför det ser så bra ut.

Gears of War är som vanligt bättre än vanligt enligt IGN, kan inte tänka mig att det får annat än höga betyg. Co-op splitscreen ;)

Visually, Gears of War looks simply amazing, with incredibly detailed architecture inspired by Ancient Greece and Rome with a post-apocalyptic hue. That was only the first two levels, however, and a team member at Epic told us that those levels are, in his opinion, the least attractive of the entire game.


Sen var det lite nyheter om Fable 2... att man kan skaffa barn som växer upp och blir som en själv, att man kan påverka mer, äga slott, inga ingamecutscenes osv.

Combat kommer interagera med omgivningen:

Naturally, this implies that there will be much in the way of combat, which, incidentally, is another RPG element that Molyneux is hoping to help redefine. Overall, it sounds like he wants to inject a measure of realism into the action-inflected combat system found in the original Fable. He intends to achieve this mostly by having the environment factor more heavily into the dynamics of the combat system. For example, no longer will your sword strokes be unbound by the laws of physics; you simply won't be able to deliver an arching blow in the confines of a narrow hallway. The intended effect is to make the game's combat system more strategic in the broader sense -- that is, to force players to take into account their location and the nature of their environment -- rather than encourage them to rely on rhythm and reflex alone.


Finns lite att läsa som sagt.


Postad 30 september 2006 - 10:06

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Lite besviken på X06, bortsett från ingame på assasins creed (stavning?) så hade de inte mycket att komma med, enligt mig.


Inte mycket NYTT iallafall, de har ju så jäkla mycket redan ;) . Vart också lite besviken, ville se Halo 3 trailer... minst. Besviken på nytt och överraskande content alltså, inte på lineupen som den är.


Nä, inte på lineupen men hade hoppats få se/höra mer om RE5, Halo 3, Mass Effect, bla. Men klagar inte på vad som komma skall till 360. B)

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