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Blu-ray - Nyheter och Rykten

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Postad 14 juni 2007 - 12:04

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Philips' Muller Readies For Holiday Battle

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TWICE: What’s your plan for Blu-ray Disc this year?

Muller: We are staying committed to the Blu-ray camp. We are a founder. As far as hardware, we are waiting for our next generation player to start pushing it. The reality right now, with the cost of the components, where going from analog TV to HDTV is an order of magnitude in difference, going from regular DVD to Blu-ray is not in equality with the difference in price you are going to pay. As this gets down into the price points that are more in line with the incremental benefits, we will be going after it aggressively. We remain firmly committed to Blu-ray Disc.

Redigerat av Addex, 14 juni 2007 - 12:13.


Postad 14 juni 2007 - 14:01

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dvdempire.com Week of Jun. 12th:
HD-DVD Blu-ray
26.90% 73.10%

Australien 90% Blu-ray:


Postad 15 juni 2007 - 02:11

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Sony: More Than 100k Blu-ray Players Sold In 2006

Washington, D.C. (June 14, 2007) -- Sony said from 100,000 to 125,000 Blu-ray players were sold last year, not including PlayStation3 consoles which include Blu-ray players inside.

That's according to an article by TWICE magazine.

Sony's assertion would seem to contradict a statement from Toshiba this week that there have been 150,000 HD DVD players sold to date, representing 60 percent of the standalone high-def DVD market.

If 100,000 to 125,000 standalone Blu-ray players were sold last year, then it's likely that the total sold to date would come close to or surpass the 150k mark offered this week by Toshiba.

Sony is the leading backer of the Blu-ray high-def DVD format while Toshiba supports the HD DVD format.

Randy Waynick, a Sony senior vice president, said he expects sales of Blu-ray to rise 600 to 700 percent this year. The company just released a new $499 Blu-ray player (BDP-S300), which is hundreds of dollars less than its previous model.

However, it's still more expensive than Toshiba's entry-level HD DVD player, which can be had for less than $300 in most stores.

But Waynick tells TWICE that the BDP-S300 is competitively priced.

“We feel the $499 Blu-ray player will be competitive and a great value," he said.

Sony officials also said today that hundreds of thousands of PlayStation 3 consoles have been sold, adding to Blu-ray's lead in the format war.


Postad 15 juni 2007 - 11:06

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Hitachi GGW-H20N HD DVD / Blu-ray player

Hitachi has unveiled a dual format player that can play both HD DVD and Blu-ray media. It can write dual layer (50GB) BD disc, BD-R and BD-RW as well as all the DVD and CD formats. The only thing this drive will not do is HD-R and HD-RW.

Redigerat av Guppa, 15 juni 2007 - 12:01.


Postad 15 juni 2007 - 23:43

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Sony looking to "refine" cost of PlayStation 3, says Stringer

ny boss Sir Howard Stringer has said he is aware that consumers would like the cost of PS3 to be lower - confirming that the company is working to "refine" how much it can afford to drop the console's price.

Speaking in an interview with the Financial Times Stringer said, "While people have not bought as many PlayStation 3s as it looks, it is no different from PS2 and PS1 in terms of percentage of sales."

However, he conceded, "I think that the public would like the cost to be lower, there’s no question about that."

When asked by how much Sony could afford to cut the price the CEO replied, "That’s what we’re studying at the moment; that’s what we’re trying to refine."

The interviewer then asked if Sony will "come up with an answer by Christmas" - and Stringer answered, "Yes, of course." He went on to observe that PS2 is "selling gangbusters", and that introducing a PSP price cut sent sales of the handheld "into an upward spiral".

"So I think PlayStation 3’s travails are usually solved by time. And it will have an instant gratification environment, not only in life but in the press as well as everything else. It’s a good story right now, 'Will PlayStation 3 get to Christmas?' And the answer is, of course it will get to Christmas."

According to Stringer, gamers who have already bought a PS3 are happy with the experience it offers - despite the fact the console's full potential has yet to be exploited.

"It takes a long time for producers, and more time because of the cost factor, to embrace the full bandwidth of PlayStation 3," he said.

"It’s only using 20 per cent of it right now. And producers will always wait to see how it’s going, and once they use the full bandwidth the games experience is stunning.

"And their games will get better," Stringer added, observing that "20 or 30" titles are due out this summer. "So I don't worry about that at all."

On the subject of one of Sony's major rivals in the console space, Stringer had this to offer: "I would be the first to say to you that Nintendo Wii has been a successful enterprise and a very good business model compared to ours... Because it's cheaper."

When it was suggested by the interviewer that Wii might also be considered "more creative, more fun" Stringer replied, "No, no. Fun is in the eye of the experiencer... I think PlayStation 3 is following a particular trend of 1 and 2, and if you looked at the history of it, it’s a very similar history."

EDIT: Nu kommer iaf jag att vänta tills priset går ner... :)

Redigerat av Addex, 15 juni 2007 - 23:44.


Postad 16 juni 2007 - 08:49

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Härligt med en prisnedgång. Jag har sagt att jag ska försöka vänta året ut innan jag börjar dubbeldippa i hd dvd och bluray, så en prissänkning till mellandagsrean passar mig utmärkt :)

(Visserligen har jag haft 2importmaskiner redan, men det räknas inte, eller hur :) )


Postad 16 juni 2007 - 11:26

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Det går bra för Blu-ray!

Week Ending 6/10: Blu-ray Disc: 66 HD-DVD: 34
Year to Date: Blu-ray Disc: 67 HD-DVD: 33
Since Inception: Blu-ray Disc 59 HD-DVD: 41

Redigerat av Guppa, 16 juni 2007 - 14:57.


Postad 17 juni 2007 - 01:02

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Blu-ray disc coatings starting to rot?


Redigerat av diabolo, 17 juni 2007 - 01:03.


Postad 17 juni 2007 - 13:33

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Bifogad fil  June10.jpg   22,92K   1 Antal nerladdningar


Postad 17 juni 2007 - 18:14

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Blu-ray disc coatings starting to rot?



Det är inget specifikt Blu-ray problem, det händer vanliga CD-skivor också:

CD rot


Postad 17 juni 2007 - 18:23

  • diabolo
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Det är inget specifikt Blu-ray problem, det händer vanliga CD-skivor också:

CD rot


Det verkar vara något problem med the "hardcoat application" som används utav Blu-ray...personligen har jag inte haft några problem än.

» Klicka här för att visa spoiler - Klicka en gång till för att dölja den... «


Postad 17 juni 2007 - 18:31

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In April 2007 it was reported that HD DVD copies of Dazed and Confused, The Breakfast Club, and The Scorpion King had encountered this issue

Redigerat av Guppa, 18 juni 2007 - 18:35.


Postad 17 juni 2007 - 22:34

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I have heard a rumor that there will be a press announcement next week announcing the Blockbuster will begin carrying Blu-ray in all of its stores. They will continue to handle HD-DVD, but only in the top 200 stores.

AP Exclusive:
Blockbuster to favor Blu-ray HD discs over DVD format
By Gary Gentile / AP Business Writer
Article Launched: 06/17/2007 02:40:24 PM MDT

LOS ANGELES - Blockbuster Inc. will rent high-definition DVDs only in the Blu-ray format in 1,450 stores when it expands its high-def offerings next month, dealing a major blow to the rival HD DVD format.
The move, being announced Monday, could be the first step in resolving a format war that has kept confused consumers from rushing to buy new DVD players until they can determine which format will dominate the market.

Blockbuster has been renting both Blu-ray and HD DVD titles in 250 stores since late last year and found that consumers were choosing Blu-ray titles more than 70 percent of the time.

"The consumers are sending us a message. I can't ignore what I'm seeing," Matthew Smith, senior vice president of merchandising at Blockbuster, told The Associated Press.

Blockbuster will continue to rent HD DVD titles in the original 250 locations and online, the Dallas-based company said.

The decision was helped in large part by the lopsided availability of titles in Blu-ray, Smith said. All major studios except one


are releasing films in Blu-ray, with several, including The Walt Disney Co., releasing exclusively in Blu-ray. Only Universal Studios, which is owned by General Electric Co., exclusively supports HD DVD.
Warner Bros., a unit of Time Warner Inc., and Paramount Pictures, which is owned by Viacom Inc., release films in both formats.

"When you walk into a store and see all this product available in Blu-ray and there is less available on HD DVD, I think the consumer gets that," Smith said.

The rollout of Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 3 game console, which comes standard with a Blu-ray drive, also helped give the format momentum, Smith said.

Blockbuster's decision, while significant on it's own, could boost Blu-ray even more if other retailers follow suit.

"It will help shift the balance toward Blu-ray, clearly," said Richard Doherty, president of The Envisioneering Group, a research company.

The North American HD DVD Promotional Group said Blockbuster's decision was shortsighted and skewed by the success of films released by Blu-ray studios in the first three months of the year. The group said HD DVD has since gained momentum, selling more players and popular titles such as "The 40-Year Old Virgin" and "The Matrix" trilogy.

"I think trying to make a format decision using such a short time period is really not measuring what the consumer is saying," said Ken Graffeo, co-president of the group.

The two formats have been battling it out since they both hit the market last year. Studios hope the high-definition discs, with their sharper picture and more room for interactive special features and games, will replace standard definition DVDs.

The formats are incompatible and neither will play on standard DVD players, although standard DVDs can be viewed with either a Blu-ray or HD DVD player.

The Blu-ray camp has been helped by the release of such huge hits as "Casino Royale," ''Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Spider-Man" coming out exclusively in its format.

As the battle has unfolded, the price of the high-definition players needed to show the movies has plummeted. Toshiba Corp., the major supporter of HD DVD, is selling its player for $299 with a rebate, down from $499 when it first went on sale.

Sony, which is pushing Blu-ray, recently slashed the price of its player by more than half to $499. The player retailed for $1,000 when it first was introduced.


Redigerat av Unregistered992, 17 juni 2007 - 22:42.


Postad 18 juni 2007 - 16:59

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GoWell G875 Blu-ray Player

Specifications have been released for what might just be the first bargain Blu-ray player on the market. You may recall that in January the HD DVD group announced that cheap Chinese players would guarantee them a win in the format war. Six months later, those players still can't be found, but a cheap Chinese Blu-ray player has now been spotted on the website for GoWell Enterprises International Ltd.

The specs aren't very impressive, but this is an entry level player which will carry a very consumer friendly entry level price. The player will be Internet ready, both via wire and wireless connectivity, but no support for advanced audio codecs. No word on when these players will be hitting store shelves (its sure to be a Walmart favorite) or a price. Visit their website (click Source below) for more information and a mock-up picture.



Redigerat av Unregistered992, 20 juni 2007 - 20:50.


Postad 18 juni 2007 - 17:14

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paidgeek(Sony-insider) som hintade om Blockbuster innan det hände, hintar nu om "target"

I have heard from a reliable source that Target will go BD hardware exclusive...



Postad 19 juni 2007 - 00:58

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paidgeek(Sony-insider) som hintade om Blockbuster innan det hände, hintar nu om "target"

I have heard from a reliable source that Target will go BD hardware exclusive...



Vad är, och vad för, Target?


Postad 19 juni 2007 - 05:53

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paidgeek(Sony-insider) som hintade om Blockbuster innan det hände, hintar nu om "target"

I have heard from a reliable source that Target will go BD hardware exclusive...



Vad är, och vad för, Target?


En stor kedja typ som Wal-Mart.


Postad 19 juni 2007 - 20:27

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Klassiska westernfilmer kommer exklusivt på Blu-ray:

"Also today, MGM Home Entertainment revealed that they'll have at least 10 to 12 Blu-ray Disc titles out in the next 12 months, including the complete Sergio Leone Anthology box set (A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Duck, You Sucker). As you may recall, MGM had previously announced a number of Blu-ray titles at CES in January, only to have them delayed along with Fox's announced titles. This would seem to indicate that both studios may be close to making new official re-announcements. Great news indeed."

Länk: The Digital Bits

Mycket trevligt!


Postad 19 juni 2007 - 20:53

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Starz to go Blu

Postad bild

New Blu-ray Disc announcements from MGM at the Sixth Annual Home Entertainment Summit: DVD & Beyond in Century City, Calif., didn’t come as a huge surprise.

A new participant in the high-definition format war was unexpected, however.

Starz Home Entertainment President Bill Clark announced during an executive session with MGM VP of Marketing Julia Simmons that his company will release the first season of the company’s “Masters of Horror” collection on Blu-ray in the fourth quarter of this year. Other Starz catalogue titles also are in line for a Blu-ray release. The news came the same day that Blockbuster announced that Blu-ray would be the only high-definition disc available in some of its stores.

“If Blu-ray wins [the format war against HD DVD], all catalogue would go [Blu-ray], we’d hope,” Clark said.

MGM’s Simmons said another 10 to 12 titles are set for Blu-ray release within the next year, including The Sergio Leone Anthology (A Fistful of Dollars/For a Few Dollars More/The Good, The Bad and The Ugly/Duck, You Sucker).



Postad 20 juni 2007 - 08:24

  • lobo
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Högupplöst film säljer dåligt - men blu-ray leder formatracet

Har börjat skrivas mer och mer om "blå-laser" kriget i svensk media och de har äntliget lärt sig stava till BLU-RAY.


Redigerat av lobo, 20 juni 2007 - 08:25.


Postad 20 juni 2007 - 19:04

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UPDATE: MGM Denies Reports of Fourth Quarter Blu-ray Revival

UPDATE: (06/19/07 7:27PM ET)

We've received word directly from MGM late this afternoon that despite earlier reports to the contrary, the studio has not announced any new Blu-ray titles for this later year. The studio says that the Home Media Magazine article that broke the story earlier today was erroneous, and HMM has since removed the text pertaining to MGM's fourth quarter Blu-ray plans from their online story. An unedited version of the text from our original article on this topic follows below:


It seems that the Sergio Leone Anthology BD news from Home Media was a bit premature (the details we reported yesterday have since been edited from the story). We've been informed by MGM's home video distributor, 20th Century Fox, that no new MGM or Fox BD titles have been officially announced as yet. Again, consider this Rumor Mill worthy, but several industry sources have told us that the titles are coming, but that Fox and MGM are currently testing BD+ for their future releases. We expect official title announcements to be made in the weeks ahead, so stay tuned.

BD Plus Copy Protection Ready for Primetime; More Blu-ray Titles to Follow?


Postad 20 juni 2007 - 21:35

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Blu-ray vs HD DVD: game over

Blu-ray won
The sturm und drang over the Blu-ray vs HD DVD battle has come to naught. After a bit of jostling Blu-ray has taken an unassailable lead over HD DVD. Blockbuster’s Matthew Smith, SVP of merchandising, says “The consumers are sending us a message. I can’t ignore what I’m seeing.” This is what he’s seen:

Blockbuster has been renting both Blu-ray and HD DVD titles in 250 stores since late last year and found that consumers were choosing Blu-ray titles more than 70 percent of the time.

Ghost of Betamax laid to rest
Sony has played this game well. They own a movie studio, and got all but one of the major studios to release on Blu-ray. They put a Blu-ray player in every PS3. And they benefit by the rapid growth of HDTV sales.

Despite the disappointing sales of the PS3, the fact that it includes a Blu-ray player also tilted the playing field. A leading indicator: Toshiba recently reduced its US sales goal for HD DVD players by 40%. The rapid uptake of HDTV in the US completes the content-player-display triumvirate.

It is safe to buy that Blu-ray disk player now
The biggest loser in this is Toshiba. They’ve put a lot of time and money behind HD DVD. Microsoft is also a loser, partly as a supporter and partly because their add-on Xbox HD DVD player sales will tank. The folks who bought one can’t be feeling too good about Microsoft’s judgement.

Intel, another backer, loses too, but they seem to have had the least skin in the game. They probably just went along because of Microsoft.

The Storage Bits take
It is all over but the shouting. Expect to see some closeout sales on HD DVD players and burners, but I wouldn’t buy one. Now that the market has shifted you can expect to see Blu-ray burner prices drop faster. I expect that Apple will be adding on on their next gen Mac Pro, and after that, the MacBook Pro.

In time this may also boost Firewire, which is substantially faster than USB. In fact, USB 2.0 probably can’t handle 18x DVD writers at full speed, and 20x DVD writers are starting to make it to market. Once Blu-ray writers get up to 6x speed, Firewire will be the way to go.

The biggest winners though, are us, the consumers. 50 GB optical storage is good for all digital junkies. Now that we don’t have to worry about the format war, we can get back to rip, mix, burn!


Postad 21 juni 2007 - 11:49

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Saxat från Prylportalen idag (2007-06-21 08:55):

.... Efter att dvd-spelaren har gjort sitt så ersätts den av blu-ray, detsamma gäller din gamla 3-megapixelkamera och platt-tv´n som nu börjar få några år på nacken.....

..... Högst upp på julklappstronen med överlägset flest platser på folkets inköpslistor hittar vi en blu-ray spelare.
Som god tvåa på listan återfinns en digital systemkamera och på tredje plats en full-hd tv.....

Källa: http://prylportalen...._MKF033.dbp.asp

Redigerat av Guppa, 22 juni 2007 - 09:37.


Postad 21 juni 2007 - 17:50

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Blockbuster historien verkar ha betydligt större påverkan på formatstriden än någon hade räknat med:

"Blockbuster's decision to support Blu-ray in all of its 1,450 stores is having a bigger impact than it seems. A tipster at an unnamed retailer tells us they've had more HD DVD player orders canceled over the last few days than they've seen over the entire life cycle. The kicker? All of them were canceled because of the Blockbuster announcement.

Not only that, new sales of HD DVD players are nonexistent, with Blu-ray being the only things moving now."

Länk: Gizmodo

Kan formatstriden äntligen vara över med Blu-ray som segraren?


Postad 22 juni 2007 - 08:08

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JB Hi-Fi also goes Blu-Ray only

Early this week I chronicled how Blockbuster had hiffed HD-DVD from 1400 of its US stores in favour of only renting movies in the rival Blu-Ray format. Blockbuster NZ, with its individually owned or managed stores, is hither and zither on the issue. But Scott was just down in Queen Street where JB Hi-Fi - a big Aussie chain - has opened a superstore as a beach-head into the NZ market. Amid the music CDs, MP3 gear, printers and consumerables etc, it's interesting to note that JB is only offering Blu-Ray movies for sale. The drongo sales clerk had no idea what drove this policy, but I'll check it out with JB's Ocker owners once the folks across the Tasman wake up later today.


Postad 22 juni 2007 - 08:22

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BD har lagt sig i slutspurten nu, om det kommer lite fler spelare runt 250-300$ e det byebye för HD DVD. Mycket snack om att hd-dvd är billigare att tillverka m.m men kollar man på priserna på filmer så ligger de på samma pris som blu-ray och sen verkar det ju som sagt som det snart kommer blu-ray-spelare ligga i samma prisklass som HD-DVDs spelare. Blir att köpa spelare vid jul, just nu lutar det helt klart åt blu-ray.

Redigerat av Hoff, 22 juni 2007 - 09:31.


Postad 22 juni 2007 - 08:33

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BD har lagt sig i slutspurten nu, om det kommer lite fler spelare runt 250-300$ e det byebye för HD DVD. Mycket snack om att hd-dvd är billigare att tillverka m.m men kollar man på priserna på filmer så ligger de på samma pris som blu-ray och sen verkar det ju som sagt som det snart kommer blu-ray-spelare ligga i samma prisklass som HD-DVDs spelare. Blir att köpa spelare vid jul, just nu lutar det helt klart o blu-ray.


Håller med, det känns som dom börjat ösa på. Ska bli intressant att se vad Kina-spelaren kommer att kosta, 299$ är nog inte helt orealistiskt, kombinerat med Sony, Disney och FOX filmer så kan det bli en killer combo :o


Postad 22 juni 2007 - 10:18

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Vet inte om Diabolo har postat länken tidigare, ursäkta isf. Tyvärr så ser det ju ut som det är vetenskapligt bevisat att hd-dvd är bättre än blu-ray :o.

DVD Format Showdown

» Klicka här för att visa spoiler - Klicka en gång till för att dölja den... «

Trevlig midsommar till alla röda, blåa och även de som tvekar i sin läggning :)

Redigerat av lobo, 22 juni 2007 - 10:19.


Postad 22 juni 2007 - 10:34

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Vet inte om Diabolo har postat länken tidigare, ursäkta isf. Tyvärr så ser det ju ut som det är vetenskapligt bevisat att hd-dvd är bättre än blu-ray  :o.

DVD Format Showdown

» Klicka här för att visa spoiler - Klicka en gång till för att dölja den... «

Trevlig midsommar till alla röda, blåa och även de som tvekar i sin läggning  :)


................................ :D


Postad 22 juni 2007 - 10:46

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Jag vet inte om det är en helt nytt, men jag såg precis att CDON Hyrfilm har börjat med HD film i sitt sortiment. Men det verkar som även de har satsat bara på BD.


Postad 22 juni 2007 - 15:21

Audio Code 3
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Blu-ray players to be obsolete by 2007

A sensationalist headline perhaps, but with the format only finally being standardised at the end of 2007, that could well be the reality for early adopters...

Hi-def buyers beware: current Blu-ray players will be rendered effectively obsolete by the end of the year. That’s the consequence of a much-delayed mandate by the governing Blu-ray disc association.

Although at first glance both Blu-ray and its rival HD DVD appear equally matched, there is a significant difference between the two. HD DVD machines have come to the market fully-formed, with a finalized specification and uniform compatibility; Blu-ray players are being sold with an unfinalised specification. And these differences are frustrating studios, particularly those trying to release comparable products on both high-def formats.

To resolve the situation, the Blu-ray Disc Association has mandated that all BD players going on sale after October 31 must conform to BD Profile 1.1 (aka the Final Standard profile) in order to offer fully-functioning BD-Java, bringing PIP interactivity for in-movie commentaries and special features.By standardizing Profile 1.1, Blu-ray chiefs hope to finally realise the undisputed potential of the system. The news will come too late for the format’s early adopters, but it will allow Hollywood to finally develop and release fully-interactive Blu-ray discs. Until now, these unrealised aspects of the Blu-ray specification have prevented BD titles from competing against more technologically-advanced HD DVD releases.

Profile 1.1 is seen as essential by Warner before it can release high-profile franchises like The Matrix and Batman on BD. Understandably, they want the user experience to be comparable, regardless of format. A couple of BD titles already apparently offer picture-in-picture functionality, but the makers of The Descent and Crank have cleverly deceived by actually storing two complete versions of each film on a 50GB disc, one with a PiP commentary burnt-in to the video and one without. At best, it’s a wasteful fudge of the format’s capacity. At worst it’s indicative of the smoke and mirrors approach used by Blu-ray’s advocates to challenge HD DVD.

So what’s the state of play with current BD hardware and what’s the upshot for current owners? Surprisingly, even the cerebrally-advanced PlayStation 3 is unable to offer full BD-Java (although this could possibly be enabled via firmware) and there’s certainly no dedicated player available to access BD Live (aka Profile 2) – the as yet un-realised online interactive option theoretically possible with the format.

Should movie studios begin shipping titles with advanced BD-Java functionality, existing kit would at best just miss out on all or some of the special feature trickery. The movie itself though, should at least play. Players like the Samsung BD-P1000 and Panasonic DMP-BD10A, both Profile 1 machines, can have their firmware updated via CD-ROM. However, this alone is not enough to elevate them to Profile 1.1.

Both manufacturers are being deliberately coy about revealing the amount of persistent storage (that’s to say, hard drive or flash memory) their current models have. When asked, Panasonic would only venture. ‘Sorry, but this (information) is not specified.’ Pioneer, which has its own Blu-ray player due in Europe this Summer, also declined to make any comment prior to a pan-European press conference due in May.

According to the Profile 1.1 specification, players need a minimum of 256MB of persistent memory storage to run BD-Java PIP, not to mention a secondary video decoder. To access BD Live, hardware needs not only Ethernet connectivity, but 1GB of memory, to store and buffer downloaded content. As yet, no hardware vendor has hinted at compliant equipment, although Sony’s PlayStation 3 would seem to have all the requisite processing muscle and storage to handle it, should firmware allow. In reality, mass-market BD Live-enabled Blu-ray players are at least a year away from reality and software maybe even more than that.



Postad 23 juni 2007 - 15:08

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Varför skulle inte en vanlig firmware update klara att fixa BDjava tex?

och varför skulle ens BDplayer vara oanvändbar bara för att man inte kan använda bdjava eller pip? totalt onödiga funktioner, för den som är intresserad av filmen i sig, inte allt krimskrams runt omkring.


Postad 23 juni 2007 - 17:15

  • Johan78
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Varför skulle inte en vanlig firmware update klara att fixa BDjava tex?

och varför skulle ens BDplayer vara oanvändbar bara för att man inte kan använda bdjava eller pip? totalt onödiga funktioner, för den som är intresserad av filmen i sig, inte allt krimskrams runt omkring.


Håller med. Allt det där är barnsjukdomar som även drabbade DVD när det var nytt (spelare som bara klarade singlelayer t.ex) Allt detta kommer åtgärdas inom en snar framtid och då kommer alla spelare vara kompatibla med alla titlar.

Det har blivit för stor fokus på "interactive features" tycker jag. Det är ju mest bara krimskrams som är roligt första gången sen struntar man i allt sånt. Vem fan vill byta färg på bilen i Fast 2 Furious t.ex :o


Postad 23 juni 2007 - 17:23

  • mikee
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Varför skulle inte en vanlig firmware update klara att fixa BDjava tex?

och varför skulle ens BDplayer vara oanvändbar bara för att man inte kan använda bdjava eller pip? totalt onödiga funktioner, för den som är intresserad av filmen i sig, inte allt krimskrams runt omkring.


Håller med. Allt det där är barnsjukdomar som även drabbade DVD när det var nytt (spelare som bara klarade singlelayer t.ex) Allt detta kommer åtgärdas inom en snar framtid och då kommer alla spelare vara kompatibla med alla titlar.

Det har blivit för stor fokus på "interactive features" tycker jag. Det är ju mest bara krimskrams som är roligt första gången sen struntar man i allt sånt. Vem fan vill byta färg på bilen i Fast 2 Furious t.ex :o


Jag måste hålla med!!! Jag har Hur många discar som helst med mycket extra material men aldrig ens vart inte och kollat........ :D . Bryr mig inte ett skit om HDi och BD+!!!Nej ge mig en Film med GRYM kvalle det räcker i alla fall för mig :)


Postad 23 juni 2007 - 21:05

  • Anteee
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Varför skulle inte en vanlig firmware update klara att fixa BDjava tex?

och varför skulle ens BDplayer vara oanvändbar bara för att man inte kan använda bdjava eller pip? totalt onödiga funktioner, för den som är intresserad av filmen i sig, inte allt krimskrams runt omkring.


Håller med. Allt det där är barnsjukdomar som även drabbade DVD när det var nytt (spelare som bara klarade singlelayer t.ex) Allt detta kommer åtgärdas inom en snar framtid och då kommer alla spelare vara kompatibla med alla titlar.

Det har blivit för stor fokus på "interactive features" tycker jag. Det är ju mest bara krimskrams som är roligt första gången sen struntar man i allt sånt. Vem fan vill byta färg på bilen i Fast 2 Furious t.ex :o


Tror du är ute och cyklar lite här. Alla spelare kommer troligen inte vara kompatibla med alla titlars interaktiva funktioner i framtiden! Ta tex Samsung BD-P1000 och Panasonic DMP-BD10, dessa kommer troligen aldrig klara Bild i bild...och definitivt inte BD Live! Ville bara poängtera så att ingen tror att en Sammy BD-P1000 kommer klara BD 1.1 och 2.0 i framtiden..

Sen håller jag med fullständigt att bild och bild i interaktivitet är helt ondöigt. HAr aldrig använt det på någon av mina HD DVDer...


Postad 23 juni 2007 - 21:42

  • Johan78
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Tror du är ute och cyklar lite här. Alla spelare kommer troligen inte vara kompatibla med alla titlars interaktiva funktioner i framtiden! Ta tex Samsung BD-P1000 och Panasonic DMP-BD10, dessa kommer troligen aldrig klara Bild i bild...och definitivt inte BD Live! Ville bara poängtera så att ingen tror att en Sammy BD-P1000 kommer klara BD 1.1 och 2.0 i framtiden..

Sen håller jag med fullständigt att bild och bild i interaktivitet är helt ondöigt. HAr aldrig använt det på någon av mina HD DVDer...


De spelare du nämner är ju förstagenerationsspelare och har således en hel del barnsjukdomar. De är ju inte perfekta precis. Det har ju blivit early-adopters som får dra det tunga lasset i början med mer eller mindre funktionella spelare. Framtida modeller kommer helt säkert klara BD-standarden fullt ut och det är det ingen tvekan om.


Postad 23 juni 2007 - 21:48

  • Anteee
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Tror du är ute och cyklar lite här. Alla spelare kommer troligen inte vara kompatibla med alla titlars interaktiva funktioner i framtiden! Ta tex Samsung BD-P1000 och Panasonic DMP-BD10, dessa kommer troligen aldrig klara Bild i bild...och definitivt inte BD Live! Ville bara poängtera så att ingen tror att en Sammy BD-P1000 kommer klara BD 1.1 och 2.0 i framtiden..

Sen håller jag med fullständigt att bild och bild i interaktivitet är helt ondöigt. HAr aldrig använt det på någon av mina HD DVDer...


De spelare du nämner är ju förstagenerationsspelare och har således en hel del barnsjukdomar. De är ju inte perfekta precis. Det har ju blivit early-adopters som får dra det tunga lasset i början med mer eller mindre funktionella spelare. Framtida modeller kommer helt säkert klara BD-standarden fullt ut och det är det ingen tvekan om.


Aaha! Jag missförstod lite då, trodde du menade att 1-Gen spelarna skulle klara framtida specar också.
Däremot är det ju inte direkt "barnsjukdomar" då 1-Gen spelarna fungerar som det är tänkt, dom har ju helt enkelt lämnat funktionerna utanför....

Redigerat av Anteee, 23 juni 2007 - 22:00.


Postad 23 juni 2007 - 21:51

  • diabolo
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De spelare du nämner är ju förstagenerationsspelare och har således en hel del barnsjukdomar. De är ju inte perfekta precis. Det har ju blivit early-adopters som får dra det tunga lasset i början med mer eller mindre funktionella spelare. Framtida modeller kommer helt säkert klara BD-standarden fullt ut och det är det ingen tvekan om.


Barnsjukdomar?? Det är inga barnsjukdomar...det är funktioner som fattas av alla Blu-ray spelare (specs) som har sålts o säljs tills nya standalones kommer med stöd för BD-J 1.1 o BDlive.


1.1 (mandatory November 2007)
What is typically referred to as "Profile 1.1" (but is more formally known as "Final Standard Profile") adds a secondary video decoder (typically used for picture in picture), secondary audio (typically used for interactive audio and commentary) and capability of supporting a minimum of 256MB of local storage (for storing audio/video and title updates). Compliance with this profile will be mandatory for player models introduced to the market after October 31, 2007[1], but existing products will be unaffected. No players compliant with this profile have been announced or released.

Some profile 1.0 players may be upgradeable via firmware update to profile 1.1 if they have the appropriate hardware, but no manufacturer has announced any such upgrade. When software authored with interactive features dependent on Profile 1.1 hardware capabilities are played on profile 1.0 players some features may not be available or may offer limited capability. Profile 1.0 players will still be able to play the main feature of the disc, however.

2.0 (BD-Live)
Profile 2, also known as BD-Live, adds network connectivity to the list of mandatory functions and increases mandatory local storage capability to 1 GB. No players have been announced as compatible with this profile.


Postad 24 juni 2007 - 01:10

  • thetias
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Badder Santa announced


Postad 24 juni 2007 - 03:47

  • diabolo
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JB Hi-Fi also goes Blu-Ray only

Early this week I chronicled how Blockbuster had hiffed HD-DVD from 1400 of its US stores in favour of only renting movies in the rival Blu-Ray format. Blockbuster NZ, with its individually owned or managed stores, is hither and zither on the issue. But Scott was just down in Queen Street where JB Hi-Fi - a big Aussie chain - has opened a superstore as a beach-head into the NZ market. Amid the music CDs, MP3 gear, printers and consumerables etc, it's interesting to note that JB is only offering Blu-Ray movies for sale. The drongo sales clerk had no idea what drove this policy, but I'll check it out with JB's Ocker owners once the folks across the Tasman wake up later today.



De har både Blu o HD...det roliga är att på de flesta står "Special Order" eller "Currently NOT in stock"...dvs låg HD filmförsäljning i Au. :P

Redigerat av diabolo, 24 juni 2007 - 04:21.


Postad 24 juni 2007 - 09:33

  • Unregistered1103
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Det spelar ju ingen roll vad man tycker o tänker

Blu Ray kommer att vara det alla har inom 5 år i vilket fall som helst

Köper min första BD spelare när filmerna finns att hyra
i en fysisk affär och spelarna ( som är bättre än de som är bäst idag )
kostar < 5000 kr. Dvs troligvis nästa vår.

Redigerat av Unregistered1103, 24 juni 2007 - 13:04.


Postad 24 juni 2007 - 12:59

  • Unregistered992
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Japan's Funai to launch 42-inch LCD TV and BD player in N. America, says paper

Japan-based Funai Electric plans to launch a 42-inch full high-definition (HD) LCD TV and next-generation Blu-ray Disc (BD) player in North America in fall, according to the Japanese-language Nihon Keizai Shimbun.



Postad 25 juni 2007 - 11:56

  • lobo
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Saxat från prylportalen (2007-06-25 12:05)

Faktum i USA:
DVD-försäljningen står stilla på grund av blu-ray

Visst, det står i "artikeln" att det beror både på blu-ray och hddvd men det valde ju en bra överskrift :P.

Länk till artikeln i sin helhet: http://prylportalen...._MKF959.dbp.asp


Postad 25 juni 2007 - 12:06

  • diabolo
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Saxat från prylportalen (2007-06-25 12:05)

Faktum i USA:
DVD-försäljningen står stilla på grund av blu-ray

Panel: DVD business flat to down this year, depending on high-def momentum

originalet funkar bättre :P


Postad 25 juni 2007 - 15:23

  • lobo
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QUOTE(lobo @ Jun 25 2007, 12:56 )
Saxat från prylportalen (2007-06-25 12:05)

Faktum i USA:
DVD-försäljningen står stilla på grund av blu-ray

Panel: DVD business flat to down this year, depending on high-def momentum

originalet funkar bättre

Yes, orginal funkar allt bättre så jag saxar lite från din länk så den stora massan vet vad som är intressant utan att behöva klicka på länken. För det var väl dessa bitar du menade var bättre, eller?

Blu-ray discs are expected to outsell HD DVD discs by a 1.7-to-1 ratio by 2010, according to Screen Digest.

Year-to-date, there are now 300,000 HD DVD-equipped homes in the U.S., split evenly between stand-alones and Xbox 360 drives, reports the DEG. There are about 1.5 million Blu-ray homes, including 100,000 with set-top boxes and the remainder with PS3.

At this point, consumers have bought $55 million worth of high-def software: $35 million spanning 108 Blu-ray titles, and $19 million spanning 66 HD DVD titles, according to DEG.


Postad 28 juni 2007 - 14:01

  • thetias
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Buy Bluray player (inc PS3) and get 5 free discs.


Postad 28 juni 2007 - 16:13

  • Unregistered992
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Warner Delays Launch of Total HD Until 2008

In a surprise announcement, Warner said Wednesday that it is pushing back the planned fall launch of its first Total HD dual Blu-ray/HD DVD combo releases until early 2008.

The hybrid format, which Warner first announced earlier this year at the Consumer Electronics Show, was originally planned to hit stores in time for the fourth-quarter holiday shopping season. As recently as this past March, all production and replication hurdles appeared to have been cleared for launch.

The sudden and unexpected news of the delay for Total HD came yesterday during the Entertainment Supply Chain Academy in Los Angeles, where Warner senior VP of marketing management Steve Nickerson confirmed that the studio would be delaying the debut of the hybrid Blu-ray/HD DVD format until at least early 2008.

"There is no expiration date on the viability of this concept, so we're not in a rush to do it," Nickerson said. "We'll do it when it makes sense and when it's right."

Nickerson also stated that the studio intends to launch Total HD with between ten and twenty titles, allowing retailers to display them together in one section so they don't get lost amid the growing number of home video formats currently hogging store shelves.

Warner was also quick to point out that it is not planning to abandon either Blu-ray or HD DVD releases in the interim. Despite limited shelf space at retail, the studio believes there is a market for both high-def platforms, one that they will continue to satisfy with dual-format releases.

"Our research shows that there is demand for each of those products [Blu-ray and HD DVD]," said studio VP of sales planning and operations Dan Miron. "We are trying to evaluate [how to best treat] each one of these releases."

The timing of Warner's announcement, as well as the studio's apparent lack of urgency in bringing Total HD to market, may strike some as curious. With Blu-ray continuing to outpace HD DVD in overall disc sales since the start of the year, some industry observers have speculated that if such sales trends continue, the format war could be all but over by the end of fourth quarter 2007 -- long before Total HD has a chance to gain a foothold in the marketplace.

diabolos favoritformat och räddare i nöden blir försenat :rolleyes: :unsure:


Postad 28 juni 2007 - 16:45

  • henke007
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ja förstår absolut inte meningen med det löjliga hybrid formatet lika lite som ja förstår combo formatet på mitt egna favvo format HDDVD...


Postad 28 juni 2007 - 18:44

  • joakim99
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För en gång skulle håller jag med henke007 helt och fullt =)


Postad 29 juni 2007 - 15:44

  • Unregisteredf64a5233
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Hoppas detta erbjudande kommer till EU också. Gäller från 1 Juli till 30 sept, torde ge en skjuts på PS3 och blu-ray-försäljningen!

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