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Firmware På TOSHIBA HD DVD Spelare

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Postad 19 augusti 2007 - 10:41

Audio Code 3
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På den amerikanska toshiba sajten finns det en bra förklaring på hur man går tillväga för att kolla upp vilken version av mjukvaru uppdatering som spelaren använder sig av.

How to check your Firmware Version on your HD DVD Player

Toshiba Customer Support EU

HD DVD Players Released in the U.S./Canada

HD-A1/D1 & HD-XA1 (Version 2.3)
HD-A2/D2/A2W & HD-XA2/A20 (Version 2.2)

HD DVD Players/Recorders Released in Japan

HD-XA1 (Version 2.3)
HD-XF2 & HD-XA2 (Version 2.2)
VARDIA RD-A1 (Ver06)
VARDIA RD-A600/A300 (Ver03)

HD DVD Players Released in Europe

HD-E1 (Version 3.0)
HD-XE1 (Version 3.0)
HD-EP10 (Version 3.0)
HD-EP30 (Version 3.0)
HD-EP35 (Version 3.0)

HD DVD Players Released in Asia (Hong Kong, India & Southeast Asia)

HD-E1KTE (Version 2.0)

Microsoft Xbox 360 HD DVD Add-on Player

Version 2.0.4636.0 (After applying May 2007 Revised Update)

Toshiba Customer Support

Qosmio PC Support

Xbox Support

edit: ändrat support adress EU 20080303

Redigerat av Audio Code 3, 18 juni 2008 - 16:44.


Postad 19 augusti 2007 - 11:21

  • henke007
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jag har version 1.5 och det funkar bra finns det anledning att uppgradera till bättre eller??

finns 2.0 att ta ner o bränna nånstans??


Postad 19 augusti 2007 - 14:58

  • Tomanista
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jag har version 1.5 och det funkar bra finns det anledning att uppgradera till bättre eller??

finns 2.0 att ta ner o bränna nånstans??




Postad 19 augusti 2007 - 16:04

Audio Code 3
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Firmware Update Version: 2.0
Applicable Models: HD-E1, HD-XE1, HD-EP10

Overview: As part of our commitment to provide world-class service to our customers, Toshiba is supplying this firmware update for use by purchasers of Toshiba HD DVD Player models HD-E1, HD-XE1 and HD-EP10. This firmware update improves network connectivity for supporting the download of web-enabled network content associated with certain HD DVD discs, and also addresses certain disc playback and HDMI/DVI related issues identified by Toshiba.

Firmware Update Version: 1.5
Applicable Models: HD-E1, HD-XE1

Overview: This firmware update addresses certain disc playback problems identified by Toshiba.

Firmware Update Version: 1.3
Applicable Models: HD-E1, HD-XE1

Overview: As part of our commitment to provide world-class services to our customers, Toshiba is supplying this firmware update for use by purchasers of Toshiba HD DVD Player models HD-E1 and HD-XE1. This firmware update addresses certain disc playback and HDMI/DVI related problems identified by Toshiba.

Firmware Update Version: 1.205
Applicable Models: HD-E1

Overview: This firmware update addresses certain disc playback and HDMI/DVI related problems identified by Toshiba.


Postad 19 augusti 2007 - 18:20

  • Unregistered25afe1a3
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jag har version 1.5 och det funkar bra finns det anledning att uppgradera till bättre eller??

finns 2.0 att ta ner o bränna nånstans??




Den länken är väll till de amerikanska modellerna och icke de europeiska ( dvs ej samma firmware ).


Postad 19 augusti 2007 - 19:51

Audio Code 3
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Toshiba Customer Support EU
HD DVD Players Released in Europe

HD-E1 (Version 2.0)
HD-XE1/EP10 (Version 2.0)


Min var av en tidigare version, grovt sammanfattat med några bilder, (tog en bild för varje ny händelse och det blev över 40 bilder) och det tog runt 40 minuter från start av nedladdning till att man slog på spelaren för att kolla upp senaste versionen.

Edit: bilderna är av olika storlekaroch visas därför lite i fel ordning , beklagar detta, men det viktigaste av allt är att:
Det inte får finnas någon skiva på släden när man uppdaterar

Bifogad fil(er)

Redigerat av Audio Code 3, 19 augusti 2007 - 20:00.


Postad 20 augusti 2007 - 11:04

  • Unregistered665b7df5
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När kommer HD-DVD spelare ut med 1080P/24 ?


Postad 20 augusti 2007 - 11:12

  • henke007
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Toshiba kommer med firmware till HD-XE1 - XA2 till hösten vad ja vet..


Postad 21 augusti 2007 - 06:22

  • Unregistered665b7df5
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Säker på att det räcker med ett enkelt Firmwareupdatering för att få 1080P/24?

Toshiba kommer med firmware till HD-XE1 - XA2 till hösten vad ja vet..



Postad 21 augusti 2007 - 07:57

  • Max_Power
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Säker på att det räcker med ett enkelt Firmwareupdatering för att få 1080P/24?

Toshiba kommer med firmware till HD-XE1 - XA2 till hösten vad ja vet..



Enligt Toshiba ja. Jag tror inte de skulle våga gå ut med en sådan information om de inte var säkra på att det ska gå.


Postad 21 augusti 2007 - 18:33

  • Unregistered665b7df5
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Säker på att det räcker med ett enkelt Firmwareupdatering för att få 1080P/24?

Toshiba kommer med firmware till HD-XE1 - XA2 till hösten vad ja vet..



Enligt Toshiba ja. Jag tror inte de skulle våga gå ut med en sådan information om de inte var säkra på att det ska gå.


Ok det låter ju bra då :) Den 3 generationens Toshiba AX 3 bör väl ändå ha det som standard :blink: Blir en intressant höst /vinter


Postad 13 september 2007 - 16:33

Audio Code 3
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Firmware Update Information for Owners of Toshiba HD DVD Players: Models HD-XA2, HD-A20, HD-A2, HD-A2W, and HD-D2

Firmware Update Version: 2.5

Applicable Models: HD-XA2, HD-A20, HD-A2, HD-A2W, and HD-D2.

Overview: As part of our commitment to provide world-class service to our customers, Toshiba is supplying this firmware update for use by purchasers of Toshiba HD DVD Player models HD-XA2 and HD-A20. This firmware update includes support for 1080p/24Hz OUTPUT, additional OSD languages, improved network connectivity supporting the download of web-enabled network content associated with certain HD DVD discs, and also addresses certain disc playback and HDMI/DVI related issues identified by Toshiba.

Important Note: Certain HD DVD discs may contain or have the capability of downloading studio-provided, web-enabled network content. To minimize any potential compatibility and/or connectivity issues, before viewing such content, it is recommended that you perform the firmware update process to ensure that your HD DVD player is using the latest firmware version.

How to obtain and install the firmware update:

1. If you have broadband internet service, you may obtain the firmware update over the internet using the Ethernet port on the back of your HD DVD Player. Instructions for configuring the Ethernet port and downloading the firmware update can be found in the owner's manual and Update Procedure sheet for your HD DVD Player. Here is an overview of the process:

Please configure the Ethernet port. You may need to turn on DHCP and DNS.
After you have configured the Ethernet port, follow the directions in the owner’s manual to check for a firmware update.
If a firmware update is available for your player, it will take about 20 minutes to download and install.
Once the firmware update download process has finished;

A message will appear, and the firmware update will automatically start.
When the firmware update is completed, the player will automatically turn itself off.
For the HD-XA2 player only, please also follow steps 3 through 6.

Power up the player again.
The player will display a message that another update will start.
Read the message and press OK. The message will disappear, and the second firmware update will automatically start. Please be patient during this process. (During the update, "VERUP" will flash on the display of the player.)
When the firmware update is completed, the player will automatically turn itself off.
DO NOT UNPLUG, TURN OFF, OR USE ANY OTHER FEATURE OF YOUR PLAYER DURING THE FIRMWARE UPDATE PROCESS. Doing so will cause the writing of the firmware update to the player to be halted and the player may no longer operate properly. If the player stops working, please contact Toshiba Customer Solutions at (800) 319-6684.
If no firmware update is available, the player will quickly exit the update process.
Please refer to the owner’s manual and Update Procedure sheet for additional details.
2. If you have a PC with a CD-RW drive that is connected to the internet, you may be able to download an ISO image file of the firmware update to your PC and copy it to a blank CD-R or CD-RW disc. For more information, and to download an ISO image file of the firmware update click here.

3. If you are unable, or prefer not, to obtain the firmware update by one of the methods described above, you may contact Toshiba Customer Solutions at (800) 319-6684 and request that a firmware update disc be sent to you by mail. You can update the firmware using the firmware update disc by following the instructions provided with the disc.

Please note that if you sent Toshiba the Firmware Update Request card included with your player, you will receive an update disc by mail from Toshiba as soon as it becomes available.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. What does this update do?

A1. This firmware update adds support for 1080p/24Hz output and for more on-screen language display options. In addition, this firmware update improves network connectivity for supporting the download of web- enabled network content associated with certain HD DVD discs, and also addresses certain disc playback and HDMI/DVI related issues identified by Toshiba.

Q2. Why do I need to turn on DHCP and DNS?

A2. Turning on DHCP causes the player to automatically detect its IP address and other network information from your internet service provider's DHCP server. Turning on DNS causes the player to automatically detect the DNS server address associated with your internet service provider.

Q3. I purchased an HD DVD disc that contains/has the capability of downloading web- enabled network content. What do I need to do to view this content?

A3. First, be sure that you have properly configured the player's Ethernet port. If your Ethernet port is properly configured, perform the firmware update process to update the player's firmware to the latest firmware version. Once you have updated the player with the latest firmware, follow the directions that came with the HD DVD disc or that appear in the menu of the HD DVD disc. Should you experience problems viewing such content, please contact Toshiba Customer Solutions at (800) 319-6684.

Q4. When I connect my HD DVD Player to my HDTV or HD Monitor using a HDMI to DVI adaptor cable or a HDMI to DVI adaptor, the output resolution of the player remains fixed at 480i. Does the new firmware address this issue?

A4. This firmware update addresses the issue. Should you continue to experience problems, please contact Toshiba Customer Solutions at (800) 319-6684.

Q5. The HDMI output does not work or works intermittently with the HDMI or DVI input on my HDTV or monitor. Does the new firmware address that issue?

A5. The firmware update addresses and improves HDMI and DVI connectivity issues. If you still experience such issues, try disconnecting and reconnecting the HDMI cable. Make sure your display input is set to HDMI (or DVI). If your display has more than one HDMI/DVI input, make sure that all connected HDMI/DVI source devices are powered on (even if not in use). If none of these solve the issue, please turn off the TV and the HD DVD player. Check all connections. Disconnect and reconnect the HDMI cable. Turn on the TV first and then turn on the HD DVD player. Should you continue to experience issues, please contact Toshiba Customer Solutions at (800) 319-6684.

Q6. During HD DVD playback I sometimes experience pixelization, block noise or audio dropouts. Sometimes playback freezes or stops. Sometimes, playback is not smooth. Does the new firmware address these issues?

A6. This firmware update addresses various playability issues. You should also check to be sure that the disc is clean and, if the disc will not operate at all, that you are inserting the disc with the right side up. In the event that playback freezes or stops, press and hold the ON/STANDBY button on the front of the player for approximately ten seconds. This will cause the player to turn off. After the player turns off, turn the player back on by pressing the ON/STANDBY button, and then press the OPEN/CLOSE button to remove the disc. Should you continue to experience issues, please contact Toshiba Customer Solutions at (800) 319- 6684. Should you continue to experience issues, please contact Toshiba Customer Solutions at (800) 319-6684.

Q7. Do I need to install prior firmware updates before installing the current firmware update?

A7. No. The current firmware update includes all of the prior firmware updates.



Postad 21 september 2007 - 17:46

Audio Code 3
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Toshiba (Europe) Updates Firmware of HD-E1, HD-EP10 & HD-XE1 to v2.2
Toshiba Europe has released the v2.2 firmware update for HD-E1, HD-EP10 & HD-XE1 HD DVD players sold in the European region. Support for 1080p/24Hz video output is not provided with this update. It can be expected on the next firmware update.

Similar to the v2.2 firmware updates that was released for HD-A2, HD-A20 and HD-XA2 HD DVD players last month, this firmware update improves network connectivity for supporting the download of web-enabled network content associated with certain HD DVD discs, and also addresses certain disc playback and HDMI/DVI related issues identified by Toshiba.

Blood Diamond, 300 and Heroes: Season 1 are those HD DVD titles that will have web-enabled extras.

Important Note: Certain HD DVD discs may contain or have the capability of downloading studio-provided, web-enabled network content. To minimize any potential compatibility and/or connectivity issues, before viewing such content, it is recommended that you perform the firmware update process to ensure that your HD DVD player is using the latest firmware version.

There are currently two known ways to get this official firmware update for the above-mentioned HD DVD players:

If you have broadband internet service, you may obtain the firmware update over the internet using the Ethernet port on the back of your HD DVD Player. Instructions for configuring the Ethernet port and downloading the firmware update can be found in the owner’s manual for your HD DVD Player. BEFORE BEGINNING THE FIRMWARE UPDATE PROCESS, BE SURE TO REMOVE ANY DISCS FROM YOUR HD DVD PLAYER.

If you do not have an Ethernet-based broadband connection for your player or prefer not to use one, you may contact Toshiba Customer Service and request that a firmware update disc be sent by mail. You can update the firmware using this update disc by following the instructions provided with the disc. DO NOT UNPLUG, TURN OFF, OR USE ANY OTHER FEATURE OF YOUR PLAYER DURING THE FIRMWARE UPDATE PROCESS.
Please first refer to the document Firmware Update Information for Owners of Toshiba HD DVD Players: Models HD-E1 and HD-XE1 [PDF File, In English] for full details of the update and upgrading instructions direct from Toshiba (Europe), before attempting to upgrade the firmware.


Kan vara bra om man t.ex önskar se "alexander revisited the final cut"-utan problem :rolleyes:

Bifogad fil(er)


Postad 26 oktober 2007 - 19:16

Audio Code 3
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Please note that the new web-enabled HD DVD titles such as Blood Diamond, Freedom Vol. 1 & 2, 300, Heroes Season One, Motörhead's "Stage Fright" and Transformers (2007) would require the latest firmware updates (latest versions listed below) on the HD DVD players, for the web-enabled features to function without major hiccups.

HD DVD Players Released in the U.S./Canada

HD-A1/D1 & HD-XA1 (Version 2.3)
HD-A2/D2/A2W & HD-XA2/A20 (Version 2.5)
HD-A3/D3 & HD-A30/A35 (Version 1.1)
Toshiba has made available PDF guides that highlight to you the changes being made to the belowmentioned HD DVD players after installing the (v2.5) firmware update.

For HD-XA2 & HD-A20 HD DVD players
For HD-A2/A2W/D2 HD DVD players
HD DVD Players/Recorders Released in Japan

HD-XA1 (Version 2.3)
HD-XF2 & HD-XA2 (Version 2.5)
VARDIA RD-A1 (Ver07)
VARDIA RD-A600/A300 (Ver11) ** New! **
HD DVD Players Released in Europe

HD-E1 (Version 2.5) ** New! **
HD-XE1/EP10 (Version 2.5) ** New! **
HD DVD Players Released in Asia (Hong Kong, India & Southeast Asia)

HD-E1KTE (Version 2.5) ** New! **
Microsoft Xbox 360 HD DVD Add-on Player

Version 2.0.4636.0 (After applying May 2007 Revised Update)


Postad 13 november 2007 - 12:30

Audio Code 3
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Firmware Update v2.7 For HD-A2/D2, HD-A20, HD-XA2 Is Available Now

This firmware update improves support for 1080p/24Hz OUTPUT (HD-A20 & HD-XA2 only), improves network connectivity supporting the download of web-enabled network content associated with certain HD DVD discs, and also addresses certain disc playback and HDMI/DVI related issues identified by Toshiba. In addition, this firmware update provides High Bit Rate Audio functionality for the HD-XA2 player. When integrated through the HDMI connection to a 7.1 capable multi-channel A/V receiver, High Bit Rate Audio has the potential to offer the latest in high definition surround sound.


Postad 20 november 2007 - 18:09

Audio Code 3
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HD DVD Players Released in the U.S./Canada
HD-A1/D1 & HD-XA1 (Version 2.4) New!
HD-A3/D3 & HD-A30/A35 (Version 1.3) New!

HD DVD Players/Recorders Released in Japan
HD-XA1 (Version 2.4) New!
HD-XF2 & HD-XA2 (Version 2.7) New!

HD DVD Players Released in Europe
HD-EP30/EP35 (Version 1.1) New!


Postad 29 november 2007 - 20:23

Audio Code 3
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Sedan ett tag tillbaka finns en uppdatering för Europa gen 1 spelarna.

Toshiba has released the latest firmware updates for HD-E1, HD-EP10 and HD-XE1. The resulting firmware version after this update will be v2.7.

This firmware update covers the following items.

High Bit Rate Audio functionality ( for HD-XE1)
Improves support for 1080p/24Hz OUTPUT (for HD-XE1 and HD-EP10)
Additional OSD languages, improved network connectivity supporting the download of web-enabled network content associated with certain HD DVD discs
Addresses certain disc playback and HDMI/DVI related issues identified by Toshiba.


Postad 05 december 2007 - 22:06

  • Unregisteredb2bcb2c1
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Tråkigt bara att det står "can not find out server" och sen låser den sig så att man bara kan starta om den genom att dra ut sladden och sätt i igen...

Men om det nu endå inte var någonting livsviktigt så klarar jag min väl :mellow:

(Toshiba HD-E1)


Postad 06 december 2007 - 02:04

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Tråkigt bara att det står "can not find out server" och sen låser den sig så att man bara kan starta om den genom att dra ut sladden och sätt i igen...

Men om det nu endå inte var någonting livsviktigt så klarar jag min väl :)

(Toshiba HD-E1)

Ett mycket vanligt fel är att man kan ha missat några småssaker innan försöket med uppdateringen:

* Du får inte ha någon skiva i spelaren
*Datum och tid måste vara inställda på spelaren.

Hoppas att det löser sig om du har gjort ovanstående. :)


Postad 06 december 2007 - 22:23

  • Unregistered6f585bed
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Hej alla!

Är det någon mer än jag som fick problem med Toshiba HD-E1 efter uppdateringen? Jag fick bilden ituskuren på amerikanska hd dvd utgåvor. Två blå streck som delade bilden. Skit skumt.

När jag återställde spelaren så funkade det igen, behövs uppdateringen 2.7? Eller kan det ha varit så att det blev fel på min uppdatering?

Svenska utgåvor fungerade med uppdatering.


Postad 07 december 2007 - 21:50

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Skönt att jag inte lyckades uppdatera då :)


Postad 10 december 2007 - 19:14

Mr. Smith
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Hallå där..

Jag uppdaterade till 2.7 via CD och fick inga problem med amerikanska HD-DVD.


Postad 11 december 2007 - 19:33

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Det verkar inte som att jag kan göra en CD pga att jag har en mac dator?

Är det någon som vet hur?


Postad 11 december 2007 - 19:39

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Hej alla!

Är det någon mer än jag som fick problem med Toshiba HD-E1 efter uppdateringen? Jag fick bilden ituskuren på amerikanska hd dvd utgåvor. Två blå streck som delade bilden. Skit skumt.

När jag återställde spelaren så funkade det igen, behövs uppdateringen 2.7? Eller kan det ha varit så att det blev fel på min uppdatering?

Svenska utgåvor fungerade med uppdatering.

jag har en E1:a jag provade nu ikväll, fick också en ituskuren bild, stängde då av den och satte på den igen. då funkade den som den skulle. har ver 2,5


Postad 13 december 2007 - 22:17

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Är det någon som kan göra en vanlig kopia av filen man kan ladda ner, så den inte bara är en .prg fil, jag kan inte öppna eller bränna en sådan på mac. En iso eller img fil skulle funka fint. Skulle vara väldigt tacksam för det.

Dåligt att toshiba bara stöttar PC, tycker jag.


Postad 05 januari 2008 - 17:20

  • Unregistered1aae7b6c
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Jag lyckas inte att få kontakt med servern för uppdatrering, vet inte om det kan brandväggen i min router som stoppar det hela.
Spelaren är i alla fall ansluten på nätverket så mycket ser jag.

Någon som har tips på hur jag löser detta?

Annars kan man ju testa att ladda ner mjukvaran och bränna den på en CD.
Visst kunde man det, om tomtarna på Toshiba bara hade vett att lägga en tydlig länk till firmaware för de europeiska modellerna.
Om man går till "Toshiba Customer Support EU" så får man veta vilken firmware som är aktuell nu, oj så fint men tror ni att de kan länka till denna firmware? Neeej nej det vore alldeles för enkelt... B)

Försökte maila [email protected], men det gick inte. :huh:
Verkar vara något underligt med adressen eller något.

Är det någon som hittat de europeiska firmwarefilerna och kan lägga till en direktlänk till dem här i tråden?


Postad 05 januari 2008 - 17:22

  • mr.keyser
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Det första man måste göra för att kunna uppdatera via internet är att se till så att klockan i spelaren går rätt. B)


Postad 05 januari 2008 - 18:08

  • Unregistered1aae7b6c
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Jag har ställt klockan.
Hur noga är det, dvs hur exakt måste klockan vara?


Postad 05 januari 2008 - 18:21

Audio Code 3
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Jag har ställt klockan.
Hur noga är det, dvs hur exakt måste klockan vara?

Datumet år, månad, dag -som är det viktigaste, sedan spelar inte några sekunder hit eller dit nån störrre roll.


Postad 05 januari 2008 - 19:38

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Sätt i nätversladden direkt i modemet om det är möjligt (lång kabel löste mitt problem...) för att gå förbi om ni misstänker brandväggstop etcetera.
Efter det så funkar DHCP, gör inställningar mot nätet enligt instruktionsboken!
När jag hade router och switch inkopplat funkade inget.

Nästa femma blir at luska ut vilka inställningar man behöver sätta om man alltid vill ha spelaren "på nätet" med all utrustning kopplat som vanligt.

Jag har en HDE1. När jag uppdaterat till 2.5 så stod det 2.5 i inforutan. När jag lagt på 2.5.1 stod det fortfarande 2.5! Hur ser det ut hos er?
(2.5 och 2.5.1 la jag på med CD-skiva, inte via Internet-kopplad spelare.
Nu har jag lagt på 2.7 via internet-kopplad spelare, nu står det 2.7 så klart.



Postad 06 januari 2008 - 16:23

  • Unregistered1aae7b6c
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Mitt modem är inte riktigt friskt så jag har varit tvungen att brygga det.

Kan någon lägga in en direktlänk till firmwarefilerna för de europeiska spelarna?
Jag tror att jag provar att uppdatera via CD, om jag bara kan komma åt filerna.

Redigerat av Unregistered1aae7b6c, 06 januari 2008 - 16:36.


Postad 08 januari 2008 - 23:58

Audio Code 3
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How to burn a CD and update your HD DVD Player using the downloaded firmware file:


You will need ALL of the following:

1. PC connected to the Internet.
2. CD drive that is capable of reading and writing CD discs.
3. Zip file extraction utility.
4. Recording software installed on your PC that can create a CD from an ISO image file.
5. Blank CD-R or CD-RW disc.

What is an ISO image file?
An ISO image file contains a complete image of a CD. This type of image file is often used to duplicate the entire original file structure of a CD without having to worry about duplicating individual files.
To create a CD from an ISO image file, your CD recording software must support reading and writing of ISO image files. Please refer to the instructions that came with your CD recording software regarding the creation a CD from an ISO image File.
The ISO image file has been packaged into a Zip file. You can use the file compression utility in Windows® or another extraction utility such as WinZip® to open the Zip file and extract the ISO image file before working with it.

Creating a CD from an ISO image file

1. Download the firmware update ZIP file to your PC's hard drive.
2. Using an extraction utility, extract the ISO image file from the downloaded firmware update ZIP file.
3. Insert a blank recordable CD into your CD-RW drive.
4. Start the CD recording software on your PC.
5. Create a CD using the downloaded ISO image file. Please refer to the instructions that came with your CD recording software regarding the creation of a CD from an ISO image file.

SPECIAL NOTE: The contents of the HD DVD firmware update disc you create will not be viewable on a PC. The firmware update disc is encoded in a special format that can only be read by your HD DVD player.
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Updating your HD DVD Player with your newly created firmware update disc

Notice (Read Prior to Beginning the Firmware Update Process)
The following events may cause the writing of the firmware update to the player to be halted and the player to no longer operate properly.

1. DO NOT unplug the power cord during the firmware update process.
2. Avoid loss or interruption of power during the firmware update process.
3. DO NOT press the power button on the unit during the firmware update process.
4. Check the firmware update disc for dirt or scratches before beginning the firmware update process.


Redigerat av Audio Code 3, 09 januari 2008 - 00:03.


Postad 03 mars 2008 - 10:36

Audio Code 3
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HD DVD player HD-XA2 / HD-A20 / HD-A2 / HD-A2W / HD-D2
Firmware Version 2.8 - Modification notice of Owner’s PDF Manual

Firmware Update Information for Owners of Toshiba HD DVD Players: Models HD-A30, HD-A3, HD-D3, and HD-A35
Firmware Update Version: 2.0

February 2008
Firmware Update Version: 2.8
Applicable Models: HD-E1, HD-XE1, HD-EP10

PDF om mjukvara version 2.8

As part of our commitment to provide world-class service to our customers, Toshiba is supplying this firmware update for use by purchasers of the Toshiba HD DVD player models HD-E1, HD-XE1 and HD-EP10.

This firmware update covers the following items:
- Compliance with 50Hz format HD DVD disc
- Adds auto detection mode of 1080/24p content disc (for HD-XE1 and HD-EP10 models)
- Compliance with playback of Advanced Video Contents ( Non-AACS ) for HD DVD-R
- Addresses certain disc playback and HDMI/DVI related issues identified by Toshiba.

Important Note:
Certain HD DVD discs may contain or have the capability of downloading studio-provided, web-enabled network content. To minimize any potential compatibility and/or connectivity issues, before viewing such content, it is recommended that you perform the firmware update process to ensure that your HD DVD player is using the latest firmware version.

How to obtain and install the firmware update:

1. If you have a broadband internet service
you may obtain the firmware update over the internet using the Ethernet port on the back of your HD DVD Player. Instructions for configuring the Ethernet port and downloading the firmware update can be found in the owner's manual and Update Procedure sheet for your HD DVD player. Please review these before you commence the firmware update process. Set out below is an overview of the process:


- Please configure the Ethernet port. You may need to turn on DHCP and DNS.

- After you have configured the Ethernet port, follow the directions in the owner’s manual to check for a firmware update.

- If a firmware update is available for your HD DVD player, it will take about 30 - 60 minutes to download and install.

- If a firmware update is available for your HD DVD player, then:
i) A message will appear, and the firmware update will automatically start.
ii) When the firmware update is completed, the HD DVD player will automatically turn itself off. In the case of model HD-XE1, please also follow steps
iii) through vi) below:
iii) Power up the HD DVD player again.
iv) The HD DVD player will display a message stating that another update will start.
v) Read the message and press OK. The message will disappear, and the second firmware update will automatically start. Please be patient during this process. (During the update, "VERUP" will flash on the display of the HD DVD player.)
vi) When the firmware update is completed, the HD DVD player will automatically turn itself off.

- DO NOT UNPLUG, TURN OFF, OR USE ANY OTHER FEATURE OF YOUR HD DVD PLAYER DURING THE FIRMWARE UPDATE PROCESS. Doing so will cause the writing of the firmware update to the HD DVD player to be halted and the HD DVD player may no longer operate properly. If the HD DVD player stops working, please contact Toshiba Customer Service for your country.

- If no firmware update is available, the HD DVD player will quickly exit the update process.

- Please refer to the owner’s manual and Update Procedure sheet for additional details.

2. If you have a PC with a CD-RW drive that is connected to the internet
you may be able to download an ISO image file of the firmware update to your PC and copy it to a blank CD-R or CD-RW disc. For more information, and to download an ISO image file of the firmware update "click here" (English Language Site).

3. If you are unable, or prefer not to obtain the firmware update by one of the methods described above
you may contact Toshiba Customer Service for your country and request that a firmware update disc be sent to you by mail. You can update the firmware using this update disc by following the instructions provided with the disc.

DO NOT UNPLUG, TURN OFF, OR USE ANY OTHER FEATURE OF YOUR HD DVD PLAYER DURING THE FIRMWARE UPDATE PROCESS. Doing so will cause the writing of the firmware update to the HD DVD player to be halted and the HD DVD player may no longer operate properly. If the HD DVD player stops working, please contact Toshiba Customer Service for your country.

Please note, Toshiba’s terms and conditions that applied to your acquisition, ownership, possession and use of the HD DVD player will apply (with the appropriate changes) to the firmware updates. By uploading the firmware updates to your HD DVD player, you expressly agree to the same.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1. What does this update do?

A1. This firmware update covers the following items.

- Compliance with 50Hz format HD DVD disc
- Add auto detection mode of 1080/24p content disc (for HD-XE1 and HD-EP10)
- Compliance with playback of Advanced Video Contents ( Non-AACS ) for HD DVD-R
- Addresses certain disc playback and HDMI/DVI related issues identified by Toshiba.

Q2. Why do I need to turn on DHCP and DNS?

A2. Turning on DHCP causes the HD DVD player to automatically detect its IP address and other network information from your internet service provider's DHCP server. Turning on DNS causes the HD DVD player to automatically detect the DNS server address associated with your internet service provider.

Q3. I purchased an HD DVD disc that contains/has the capability of downloading web- enabled network content. What do I need to do to view this content?

A3. First, be sure that you have properly configured the HD DVD player's Ethernet port. If your Ethernet port is properly configured, you should then perform the firmware update process to update the HD DVD player's firmware to the latest firmware version. Once you have updated the HD DVD player with the latest firmware, follow the directions that came with the HD DVD disc or that appear in the menu of the HD DVD disc. Should you experience problems viewing such content, please contact Toshiba Customer Service for your country.

Q4. When I connect my HD DVD player to my HDTV or HD Monitor using a HDMI to DVI adaptor cable or a HDMI to DVI adaptor, the output resolution of the player remains fixed at 480i. Does the new firmware address this issue?

A4. This firmware update addresses this issue. Should you continue to experience problems, please contact Toshiba Customer Service for your country.

Q5. The HDMI output does not work or works intermittently with the HDMI or DVI input on my HDTV or monitor. Does the new firmware address this issue?

A5. The firmware update addresses and improves HDMI and DVI connectivity issues. If you still experience such issues, try disconnecting and reconnecting the HDMI cable. Make sure your display input is set to HDMI (or DVI). If your display has more than one HDMI/DVI input, make sure that all connected HDMI/DVI source devices are powered on (even if not in use). If none of these solve the issue, please turn off the TV and the HD DVD player. Check all connections. Disconnect and reconnect the HDMI cable. Turn on the TV first and then turn on the HD DVD player. Should you continue to experience issues, please contact Toshiba Customer Service for your country.

Q6. During HD DVD playback I sometimes experience pixelization, block noise or audio dropouts. Sometimes playback freezes or stops. Sometimes, playback is not smooth. Does the new firmware address these issues?

A6. This firmware update addresses various playability issues. You should also check to be sure that the disc is clean and, if the disc will not operate at all, that you are inserting the disc with the right side up. In the event that playback freezes or stops, press and hold the ON/STANDBY button on the front of the HD DVD player for approximately ten seconds. This will cause the HD DVD player to turn off. After the HD DVD player turns off, turn the HD DVD player back on by pressing the ON/STANDBY button, and then press the OPEN/CLOSE button to remove the disc. Should you continue to experience issues, please contact Toshiba Customer Service for your country.

Q7. Do I need to install prior firmware updates before installing the current firmware update?

A7. No. The current firmware update includes all of the prior firmware updates.


Redigerat av Audio Code 3, 04 mars 2008 - 23:35.


Postad 02 april 2008 - 08:59

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Går det att få Toshiba HD E1 att ge ut bitsream via nyaste firmware uppdateringen?
Vill gärna att den ska funka som EP 35 :blush:


Postad 02 april 2008 - 17:20

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Nej det går inte pga begränsningar i hårdvaran, enligt Toshiba.


Postad 02 april 2008 - 17:42

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Nej det går inte pga begränsningar i hårdvaran, enligt Toshiba.

Ok..Förstog det, men ville fråga för säkerhets skull :)
Nu har även jag beställt en EP 35. Bitsream is the way to go :P My way or the high way sa ju Clintan va? Eler vem var det som sa så?

Man är dålig på filmcitat ha ha ;)


Postad 08 juni 2009 - 19:17

Audio Code 3
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Regionfria DVDHD DVD spelare

Bra jobbat Tomanista :)


Postad 16 oktober 2009 - 11:31

  • Mihlberg
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Hej, jag har en E1:a och jag skulle vilja uppdatera min nu men jag hittar inte nånstanns att göra det.
Var hittar jag sidan där man laddar ner uppdateringen till E1:n?


Postad 16 oktober 2009 - 11:37

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Hej, jag har en E1:a och jag skulle vilja uppdatera min nu men jag hittar inte nånstanns att göra det.
Var hittar jag sidan där man laddar ner uppdateringen till E1:n?

Kolla i första tråden du frågade i :lol:


Postad 25 oktober 2009 - 11:38

  • Mihlberg
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Nu har jag den nya uppdateringen :P

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