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Dead Rising 3

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Postad 04 juni 2014 - 23:35

  • sinnes
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Dead Rising 3 kommer till PC.

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Från NeoGAF


Postad 05 juni 2014 - 01:01

  • john7612
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jippy :)


Postad 28 juni 2014 - 11:31

  • jimjans
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Skall visst våra låst till 30fps så man kan ju gissa hur porten blir...


Postad 29 juni 2014 - 10:02

  • sinnes
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Skall visst våra låst till 30fps så man kan ju gissa hur porten blir...

Njae, du kan välja att låsa till 30 fps eller spela uncapped.

Allow me to set the record straight -- while Dead Rising 3 is optimized to run at 30 frames per second for gameplay reasons, you can expect it to still run fine uncapped under most conditions provided you have a capable enough hardware. We can’t guarantee that there won’t be issues, and obviously depending on your rig you may see different results. Rest assured the beefier your gaming machine, the smoother your zombie killing experience will be. :)


60fps uncapped videos: http://www.gamersyde..._-15537_en.html

Mer info här

Redigerat av sinnes, 29 juni 2014 - 10:05.


Postad 05 september 2014 - 18:05

  • Zoiler
  • Transform

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Verkar vara en rejält dålig port efter intrycken hittills, hit and miss om det funkar eller inte. För vissa flyter det på bra. För många andra startar det inte ens eller krashar, eller så får de dålig framerate trots att de har gott om prestanda.

Hoppas på en snabb patch.


Postad 07 september 2014 - 12:52

  • Zoiler
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DF har testat det, eller försökt iaf.

First things first, it should be noted that testing was predominately carried out on a PC featuring an Intel Core i5 3570k clocked at 4.5GHz paired with an Nvidia GeForce GTX 780, with the game tested on both an SSD and standard hard disk drive - but we also tested the game on a number of other systems too, simply to confirm just how power-hungry Dead Rising 3 actually is. Unfortunately, we encountered consistent crashing problems on both of our main gameplay systems, making testing far more difficult than it needed to be. Sometimes we could play for 10-15 minutes without a problem, while on other occasions the game would crash within a minute or so of beginning play. A fresh install without unlocking the frame-rate made no difference. Ultimately we were unable to capture as much footage as we would have liked simply because making progress in the game was almost impossible. Reading over various forums suggests that we aren't alone in this and Capcom Vancouver is currently investigating the problem.


Utöver att spelet körs dåligt så får inte folk alla sina filer när de installerar, de saknar en eller flera, vilket leder till krasherna. Å andra sidan krashar det även för vissa som har alla filer så det är en enda stor soppa.


Postad 07 september 2014 - 12:58

  • Ageve
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Ett nytt Battlefield 4?

Prestandan verkar variera rejält trots liknande hårdvara. En del får 120-130fps i 1080p (med GTX 780) och DF fick inte ens i närheten av det.

Trots allt flyter det ju på mycket bättre på PC (när det väl fungerar...) jämfört med Xbone versionen som dippade till 10 fps i 720p.

edit: Ytterligare en korkad sak är att spelet renderas i 720p och 30 fps som standard. För att låsa upp 30fps spärren måste man redigera en fil i spelkatalogen.

Tur att man inte köpte det... Det får bli Steam-rea, om de nu fixar så att det går att spela...

Redigerat av Ageve, 07 september 2014 - 13:20.


Postad 07 september 2014 - 13:10

  • Zoiler
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Det var inte särskilt bra kodat på XB1 heller som en mod säger på gaf, fast det funkade å andra sidan.

I've actually managed to play a bit more of the game now, after getting it working yesterday. I don't really think this is a bad -port- so much as just a garbage pile of code all round. In terms of porting how a game looks and runs from one system to another, the options and performance the PC version offers and above and beyond what is on the XB1. There are the expected PC options, it runs better than the XB1 version, it looks better, there are a range of tweaks to support various hardware ranges.

But the core problem of the game isn't in the port, it's in how unoptimized everything feels and how garbage the engine itself feels. It's not a port issue since there were tons of complaints about how it ran like shit on the XB1 too. They couldn't even support 900p on XB1, there were framerate dips even at 30fps, and the game simply isn't very pretty. A good port isn't going to fix fundamental issues with the core game. Capcom Vancouver should really have dumped their garbage engine and used UE3 or something. It's just awful from a technical standpoint.

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