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Sony VPL-XW5000ES, VPL-XW7000ES

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Sony VPL-XW5000ES 4K (Projektorer) 1 (0) 59 573:-
Sony VPL-XW7000ES 4K (Projektorer) 1 (0) 129 900:-
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Postad 19 april 2022 - 17:03

  • mcmike
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New Sony Laser Projectors 2022

Model Numbers

sony vpl-xw5000ES / vpl-xw7000ES

source: Test antidate - HCFR Forum & Magazine


The rumour was not easy to contain on our forums. It was necessary to be very discreet and confident for confidence, a well-kept secret can burn the lips. Staying in privacy has not been easy given the announcement that will follow.

It's April 26th, 4pm SONY lifts the veil on two new products for the image, the VPL-XW5000ES and VPL-XW7000ES projectors. No more VPL-"VW", the references change because these two novelties are part of a new line of products whose technicality and the destination of use marks a turning point in the field of video projection as we know it today.

Faced with such an event HCFR had to provide information and go beyond the simple announcement. Naturally, SONY contacted us to set up what will be a pre-test. A pre-test and not a test, because if HCFR was the first French player to receive these two new products (and among the first in the world), no favouritism is possible given the very tight schedule. A week to be privileged and to be able to play with these two little wonders is already exceptional.

Knowing the complexity and the very confidential nature of the announcement, the HCFR association would like to warmly thank SONY, mainly Antoine and Maxime for their trust, their support and for having granted us the first discovery of these two new machines.

New machines that are not simple evolutions of the previous ranges, but indeed brand new products in which almost everything changes.

Light source: Z-phosphor laser
Luminous power: 2000 lm
Laser lifetime: 20,000 hours
Matrices: SXRD 0.61"
Native resolution: UHD 3840×2160
Optics: 4k
Optical elements: 10 elements (9 glass + 1 resin)
Front lens: Diameter 54mm aspherical
Ratio (16:9) : 1:1.38-2.21
Lens shift (16:9): Manual V(+-)71%, H(+-)25%
Processor: X1 Ultimate for videoprojector
Color management: Triluminos Pro / 95% DCI-3P
UHD video compatibility: Up to 2160p@60Hz
HD Compatibility: Up to 1080p@120Hz
Input lag 2160p@60 : 21ms
Input lag 1080p120 : 13ms
Dimensions: L460mm, D472mm, H200mm
Weight: 13kg
Color: black or white
Warranty: 3 years extendable 5 years
Availability: mid May
PRICE : 4999€​

Light source: Z-phosphor laser
Light output: 3200 lm
Laser lifetime: 20,000 hours
Matrices: SXRD 0.61"
Native resolution: UHD 3840×2160
Processor: X1 Ultimate for videoprojector
Optical: 4k ACF
Optical elements: 13 elements (12 glass + 1 resin)
Front lens: Diameter 70mm aspherical
Ratio (16:9) : 1:1.35-2.84
Lens shift (16:9): Motorized V(+-)85%, H(+-)36%
Motorized / diameter 70mm /
Processor: X1 Ultimate for videoprojector
Color management: Triluminos Pro / 95% DCI-3P
UHD video compatibility: Up to 2160p@60Hz
HD Compatibility: Up to 1080p@120Hz
Input lag 2160p@60 : 21ms
Input lag 1080p120 : 13ms
Dimensions: L460mm, D517mm, H210mm
Weight: 14kg
Color: black or white
Warranty: 3 years extendable 5 years
Availability: mid-June
PRICE : 13999€​

It did not escape you, the VPL-XW5000ES and VPL-XW7000ES adopt a brand new form factor. The two video projectors each adopt a new chassis adapted to their performance and technicality. It is therefore not a question of two novelties declined on an identical basis, but indeed of two new video projectors segmented by a different commercial destination, the prices confirm it elsewhere.

Different in every way? No, because out of a desire to guarantee the best possible performance, the two newcomers still share a common technological DNA.

But back to our analysis and start by building the list of major changes since the VPL-VW.

We therefore have projectors that are more compact and much lighter than their laser predecessors. The appearance of the chassis changes and marks the renewal. The new dimensions aim to facilitate integration both in a living space and in a dedicated room. The reduced weight is also a key point facilitating implementation. You can take my word for it, because moving the VPL-VW870ES to accommodate the XWs is no small feat, it's better to be two. In comparison, handling the VPL-XW5000ES and VPL-XW7000ES is a walk in the park. We go from 22kg to a maximum of 14kg. Previously Sony's lightest projector from the VPL-VW7x0ES series was already at 20kg. Similarly, the choice of color is no longer a problem, these two new video projectors being offered in black or white finish.

This reduction in mass and size obviously determines a strategic axis aimed at both living spaces and dedicated rooms. Living spaces are indeed a destination for video projectors that has gained ascendancy. The emphasis on gaming is also an avowed component of this awareness and ultimately it is the user who gains the most.

And as this effort is worthy, it should also be noted that the VPL-XW5000ES and VPL-XW7000ES assert themselves as the most compact native 4k laser video projectors in the world.

Reducing the size and weight of a projector is not a magic wand. To achieve this and without penalizing performance, it is necessary to miniaturize what takes up the most space, the optical engine.

To do this there is a global technical logic which begins its analysis with the starting point, in addition to the light source, THE MATRICES!

This is not new and other technologies have already followed this method (DLPs, DiLAs, LCDs), the 0.73″ (inch) diameter SXRD dies are therefore replaced by smaller 0.61″ dies of diameter. But this reduction in size is not the only novelty exclusive to this XW series.

At the beginning of native 4k video projection and until now, video projectors used matrices from the professional world in DCi 4k format on a ratio close to 17:9 and 4096×2160 resolution. While the films delivered to us by streaming, VOD and disc services are in 16:9 format for a resolution of 3840×2160. With a resolution of 4096×2160, you needed a screen with the right format, either cropping, or not using the whole matrix, or playing with zoom memories. Which was not possible on the SONY VPL-VW2x0ES without zoom memory. We could therefore benefit from more pixels, a bit more brightness depending on the implementation, but we had to make a choice and apart from users using 2.35:1 screens who accepted the loss of part of the image by cropping,

Well, this problem is ancient history because the matrices of the VPL-XW5000ES and VPL-XW7000ES are in native UHD 3820×2160 format. So no more puzzles to know how and what to do, to choose between exploiting the whole matrix or cutting in the film when its ratio was not right. No need to look for the 17:9 screen (a format that is not systematically offered to individuals) or having to make a custom frame.

One could even say that it was time. In any case, SONY signs here then other world firsts. Indeed, these are the smallest matrices in the world called 4k and the first to natively respect the UHD 3820×2160 format.

Obviously to reduce the size of a video projector it is also necessary to reduce the size of the optics. This element will be decisive on the selling price of these two new video projectors.

Of course the VPL-XW5000ES and the VPL-XW7000ES, use new different optics. A differentiation that we will develop later in a chapter devoted to the differences between these two video projectors.

Broadly Sony has developed new optics in order to be able to do without the old reference whose frontal diameter was already 83mm and 91mm for the high-end ARC-F. Old dimensions that required a bulkier and heavier chassis.

The XWs use 54mm front diameter optics from the 1080p but improved 4k ranges and a more complex 70mm front diameter optic intended for the VPL-XW7000ES.

This technical choice is an obligatory passage without which the tariff repositioning would not have been possible. But that shouldn't be seen as a drop in image quality. These new sets which constitute the optical engines of the new SONY respond to a logic and an overall engineering.

The matrices being smaller and having a reduced number of pixels, the key point of the optics is then to ensure the necessary acutance different from the old reference of SONY video projectors. Because the total die area is smaller, the front diameter of the optics can also afford to be smaller. The constraint of uniformity and convergence will only appear in any case, as the raster is moved towards the edges of the optics. This means that a well-done implementation will lead to an excellent result and our tests have shown it.

SONY X1 chips are well known and have been in the brand's projectors for a few generations. The XWs use the X1 Ultimate for videoprojector, almost a novelty since this generation is already present in the very high-end VPL-GTZ380.

However, many processings have changed since the VPL-VWx90 series. In particular the management of HDR which adds to the dynamic optimization of contrast in HDR mode, an identification of objects via a database. The idea is to allow the algorithm to more effectively differentiate between bright and dark elements and to be able to rework the contrast and colors of detail elements.

Thus, without being a DTM (Dynamic Tone Mapping), the SONY process aims to reproduce the original HDR PQ without alteration while increasing the reproduced dynamics of the image.

The part assigned to scaling and detail enhancement (Reality Creation + Digital Focus Optimizer) is also progressing. Management is done via two databases, one of which will be used to level the image noise attenuation. This also explains the removal of certain processings, which we will see next.

Playstation 5 and the gaming world oblige, SONY video projectors have for a long time integrated everything necessary to play on a giant screen.

The VPL-XW5000ES and VPL-XW7000ES are positioned as native 4k projectors (rather native UHD) as the best equipped for gaming. Like their predecessors, the XWs have a low-latency mode which, although it removes certain features, retains the essentials, making it possible to improve the visual appearance of games without penalizing the comfort and efficiency of gameplay.

The watchword then being to display an ultra fluid game with the lowest possible input lag. And as nextgen game consoles allow, display 120 frames per second in order to have even more performance.

SONY has chosen to ensure the 120 frame second on a resolution of 1080p only and not on Ultra HD. There are several reasons for this. First on the availability of HDMI 2.1 chipsets. The most logical reason, the PS5 is not able to display all games in 4k resolution and with a frame rate of 120fps. At least not natively in the majority of cases apart from a few exceptions that can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Also the performance of the X1 Ultimate chip for videoprojector allows to enhance the details and the resolution towards a calculated Ultra HD display of a quality such as one would believe to be native. In any case, on video games, the rendering is stunning. As the most important thing is the lowest lag and the fluidity, this choice ultimately seems judicious.

What about performance? Sony announces 21ms in UHD 60 frames per second and 13ms in 1080p120. Of course, we measured all this from the Leo Bodnar 4k box. I checked and rechecked my measurements, this is what you get on these two projectors. On a UHD60 lag reduction signal activated we have an average value of 19.3ms with 15.8ms as the best score. Or a better measured lag of more than 1ms compared to the advertised characteristic. On 1080p120 the XWs do even better and score an average of 11.5ms and a best score of 7.8ms.

While the figures announced by SONY are already very good, our measurements position the XWs among the best projectors for gaming of all time. Compared to the brand's old references, I measured the other video modes and all showed better scores in favor of XW when the lag reducer is engaged.

This performance combined with the excellent image enhancement algorithms of the X1 Ultimate for videoprojecto chip, places the SONY XW hands down on the top of the podium of native UHD laser video projectors for gaming use.

Another novelty and a SONY exclusive in the world of video projection, the XWs have an IMAX Enhanced mode which is in the list of profiles and which is not directly accessible from the remote control.

From what we have seen it is an additional memory, therefore a dedicated profile but in which everything can be configured like the already existing profiles.

Due to lack of time, we did not develop or further explore this aspect of the XWs.

We can not have everything ….

Damage or logic, some features have been removed from the VPL-XW5000ES and VPL-XW7000ES. Some will be the subject of regrets, others as a logical consequence of technological improvements and one… it was time.

To follow in the progress of the menus, the improvement of contrasts out of context HDR becomes an exclusivity of the VPL-GTZ380. The XWs will therefore have to make do with the Dynamic HDR Enhancer.

The Motion Flow is relieved of different modes. The True Cinema, LOW and HIGH modes persist while Impulse makes its bow and Combination does not return and remains in favor of the more upscale references still in the catalog. Too bad about Combination which made you lose brightness but whose work on the fluidity of the image was remarkable. On the other hand Impulse will not be missed by anyone.

MPEG noise reduction has been removed while standard NR is still present. A considered choice in my opinion because this type of artifact is rare outside of DVDs and if the X1 Ultimate for videoprojector keeps its promises in terms of noise management, this reducer no longer has any place to exist.

The XV Color is no longer there, having become useless with the Triluminos Pro integrated into the XWs and the Live Color Enhancer present only on the VPL-XW7000ES.

The Clear White on which my criticisms focused mainly because of the strong drift towards blue which was accompanied by this processing has (finally) been removed. Clear White was, in my opinion, THE incomprehensible processing on SONY projectors and the feature to be removed was the one that seemed to me the least useful.

But of course put in the balance in comparison with what we earn, no regrets … except Combination which would have had all its legitimacy on the VPL-XW7000ES given its luminous power.

Although stemming from the same technological heritage and exploiting a new technical base in common, the VPL-XW5000ES and VPL-VW7000ES display numerous differences.

Starting with a somewhat larger size in favor of the VPL-XW7000ES

The VPL-XW7000ES is deeper and taller than its smaller sibling. Also heavier and almost three times more expensive. This is a bigger projector and that for several reasons.

The latter has a larger lens and is much brighter. More light implies more laser power, ie more heating and therefore a larger cooling device.

The VPL-XW7000ES has in fact one more fan than its little brother and more heat pipes, while overall the two machines follow the same design for recycling hot air. The logic does not change besides vis-a-vis the old generations: aspiration by front and extraction by the back.

The XWs turn out to be quite quiet, although the VPL-XW7000ES is a bit noisier. The ideal positioning remains at the back of the room behind the audience, the XWs being noisier at the back, see the mapping of the noise taken around and from below (video projector reversed on bracket).

According to the thermal readings, the optics remain cold as well as the frames apart from the heating elements. SONY has again studied a very good cooling device ensuring silent operation and cooling efficiency.

An important subject that goes against the previous solutions adapted by the brand. At first glance, because in reality SONY has made the right compromises.

Historically, SONY began its journey on the native 4k home projector market with very good quality optics, the ARC-F and its 91mm front diameters already equip the VPL-VW1000ES. In order to reduce costs and reduce the size of 4k video projectors, the brand is launching the famous hybrid optics and its 83mm diameter resin front lens. This is already an idea as to the strategy to follow on the XWs knowing that there is a lot of work to be done given the objectives of reducing size and cost.

From my point of view it is a real challenge: to reduce the size, to preserve the acutance, to preserve the uniformity.

Taking into account the complexity of developing a video projection lens, things are far from simple.

Two new video projectors = two new lenses, both designed for a native UHD display.

In order to position itself so affordable for a laser projector, the VPL-XW5000ES makes the biggest compromise on its optics. Basically it is an optic used in 1080p on the VPL-HW65 improved in order to deliver the acutance necessary for a native UHD poster. To make this optic uses 10 elements including 9 in glass and a front lens in resin of aspherical shape 54mm in diameter. This lens is indeed very small but it displays amazing performance. Admittedly, higher quality optics do much better, but at a good distance from the screen the difference is then tenuous.

The only real downside comes from the totally manual nature of this lens. There will also be no zoom memory, which is then logical. The zoom, focus and lens shift position adjustments are therefore based on the use of adjustment wheels and rings. It brought back some good memories of a time when motorized projector lens adjustments didn't exist. The mechanics implemented is precise, which makes it possible to make very good adjustments quickly and easily. Only the development that requires control as close as possible to the canvas is laborious or requires the help of a second person.

The VPL-XW7000ES is better off, SONY has integrated fully motorized optics, we find the zoom memory functions of which we will only remember the V Stretch, Squeeze and normal mode, the native ratio being 16:9. The 17:9 matrices could justify the 2.35:1 and 1.85:1 modes which have now become useless and unusable.

The quality of this lens is also superior while remaining very compact. This ACF (Advanced Crisp Focus) optic uses 13 elements, 12 in glass and a 70mm diameter aspherical resin front lens. In addition the ACF is composed of two groups of mobile lenses, a floating group and a group for the development and of which 4 lenses are low dispersion.

The objective of this lens is to ensure the reproduction of a uniform image over the entire surface of the usable area and to limit colorimetric drifts as much as possible. In a way, everything remains a water-based perspective, the ACF aims to be a small ARC-F.

As usual, the light output performance depends on many parameters. In this case at SONY, the following parameters must be met in order to achieve maximum light output:

Maximum Contrast
Temp Custom 5
Gamma OFF
I got outstanding scores. While the VPL-XW5000ES is advertised for 2000 lumens, I measured its boost mode at 2200 lumens, whereas this mode is usually used to measure the manufacturer's characteristic without more.

As this mode is not usable I return to a compliance profile without calibration and I fall back to 1700 lumens which seems more plausible, knowing that after a calibration the score should be reduced a little more . However, this light output remains remarkable because we are then on the performance of a VPL-VW890ES.

The VPL-XW7000ES advertised for 3200 lumens achieves 3300 lumens in boost mode. Without providing the 10% more provided by the VPL-XW5000ES, we again have a score higher than the manufacturer's characteristic.

On a usable profile, the VPL-XW7000ES is very strong and finalizes 3030 lumens. So even if a calibration will cause a little more light output to be lost, everything tends to suggest that we will still be above 2800 lumens! If true then this score is unprecedented on a native 4k, laser projector at this price point.

Our two new products are based on the same principles of improvement: dynamic modulation of the intensity of the laser. The differences in performance then rely mainly on the optics and the overall implementation of the optical engine.

On its boost mode the VPL-XW5000ES displays a sequential contrast of 18000:1
on a 13500:1 preset (dynamic contrast becomes infinite)
On a calibrated profile BT709 power lowered to 60 nits, 10000:1 (dynamic contrast 255000:1)
ANSI 340:1
This results in a contrast histogram of very good quality.

On its boost mode the VPL-XW7000ES displays a sequential contrast of 12000:1
on a 11000:1 preset (dynamic contrast becomes infinite)
On a calibrated profile BT709 power lowered to 60 nits, 8000:1 (dynamic contrast 350000:1)
ANSI 390:1
The VPL-XW7000ES then poses a problem, it is too bright for my test protocol. I never thought I would write this! Indeed, in order to reduce the light output to the SDR 60 nits standard, the contrast parameter had to be lowered, which consequently also penalizes the performance of the video projector.

This results in a less efficient contrast histogram at the bottom ADL but which picks up as one approaches the ANSI. Which then demonstrates better dynamics and ultimately a more contrasted image, especially with the use of dynamic laser management which, in the case of the VPL-XW7000ES, brings a huge plus to the image.

We will also remember that the VPL-XW7000ES is intended for large images, because even if this time the reduction of the laser is not linear (0 is below 50% of light output) it will be difficult to reach 60 nits, it will be necessary to agree to more light power in SDR and forget the target imposed by the standard.

This is a new processing which is reserved for the VPL-XW7000ES.

This processing can serve two purposes.

The first is directly related to the high light output of this video projector allowing it to be used in a living room together with an ALR screen. Live Color Enhancer improves colors and enhances the perception of dark areas without penalizing the dynamics of the image. That is to say that the contrast will be preserved, the very dark and totally black areas will not have any luminance enhancement. Only the dark / penumbra areas will be highlighted and this gradually as they become brighter.

It is therefore a very effective processing on an image with a low ADL or a low average brightness equivalent to a low IRE.

On HDR this processing becomes an excellent complement to the Dynamic HDR Enhancer. The combination of the two makes it possible to achieve contrasting images, for which the dark areas are more readable without reducing the dynamics and the visual effects of HDR.

And yes, unfortunately only the VPL-XW7000ES is compatible with 3D.

In addition to the range positioning, the increased light output of the VPL-XW7000ES is an argument for this exclusivity. Indeed even the best 3D glasses lose brightness because of their shutters. Like HDR, there is never too much light output for 3D, this perhaps explains SONY's choice for the benefit of the VPL-XW7000ES only.

We therefore find the functionalities in the menus and a specific connection. Is an additional external box required? Information to dig into...

Everything related to colorimetry and calibration does not present any particular change.

We find on the XW the usual profiles (IMAX Enhanced being the only novelty), the modes of color temperature, gamma and color space as we know them.

Between us it's not so bad, because what SONY has been offering for years is already excellent. Both in ergonomics and in the possibilities of adjustment or the diversity of pre-existing modes.

Especially since the colorimetric state of the VPL-XW5000ES and VPL-XW7000ES is good out of the box. Improvable necessarily (as for any broadcaster) but already satisfied Gamma, color temperature and gamut are more than correct, the difficulties still being the BT.2020 and finally the DCi-3P.

In this regard SONY announces a coverage of 95% of the DCi. The preselected space that comes closest to it is Space 2, which must of course be edited and enlarged before a correction that will remain partial. After a lot of work I got at best 93.2% DCi coverage for both projectors. it's not the advertised score, but it's not bad either knowing that the XWs do not use dichroid filters, so there is no loss of light output.

Very interesting, I’ve already conceded the NZ9 would be out of range after the cost increases for building materials and now being told I’ll probably need mini-piles for the foundations so it’s nice to have other options in the 2500lm+ range.

Looks like it will be NZ8 vs. XW7000, no HDMI 2.1 on the later but honestly who is gaming at solid 4K 120fps without VRR?! Certainly no one playing anything modern so really don’t think that’s a selling point!


Redigerat av mcmike, 19 april 2022 - 17:43.


Postad 19 april 2022 - 20:44

  • smellymarq
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Synd VPL-XW5000ES inte får linsminne. Lät som en värdig ersättare för min projektor annars. Men känns för jobbigt att skifta manuellt?


Postad 20 april 2022 - 06:25

  • mcmike
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Man kan inte få allt inom denna summa, öppnar upp för ännu en ny modell (XW6000). Jag tror personligen att många fortfarande kommer välja en Epson LS12000 trots avsaknaden av native 4 i denna prisklass😊

Finns inga bilder ännu på de, så hur pass jobbigt det kommer att bli med manuell justering återstår att se. Men visst är det gött att bara kunna trycka på en knapp😋

Redigerat av mcmike, 20 april 2022 - 06:35.


Postad 20 april 2022 - 07:52

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Kul med nya projektorer! Jag hoppas personligen att det kommer en mellanmodell med motorzoom och linsminne. Tycker vw790 är en mkt attraktiv modell idag för typ 100’, en ersättare till den vore perfekt om man inte behöver ljusstyrkan från den dyrare maskinen som lär landa i regionen av 150’ vilket är lite väl svettigt. 


Postad 20 april 2022 - 08:38

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Absolut, ju flera som sätter nya ribbor gynnar oss konsumenter😊 Det "gnälls" en del på andra forum varför den inte fick motoriserad zoom.

Det är ju ändå en helt ny projektor med ny lins anpassad efter paneler, chassi osv. Man kan ju vända på det! Vem går och köper en VW290 nu? Det skulle jag personligen inte göra😊 Ska bli intressant och se tester framöver..

Redigerat av mcmike, 20 april 2022 - 08:39.


Postad 20 april 2022 - 10:55

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Att en Sony native 4K laserproj för 5000 euro inte har motorzoom känns ju logiskt. Snarare väldigt attraktivt pris! Om den fått motorzoom och linsminne så blir det ju svårt att motivera en mellanmodell med just de funktionerna och ngt mer som förbättrar bild. Sen är ju steget stort till 7000 modellen så hoppas verkligen ngt kommer däremellan. Samtidigt är det ju grymt att toppmodellen erbjuder i regionen av 3000 ansi. Det öppnar för bra ljustryck på stora dukar. 

Gnäll är ju inget ovanligt, men det leder ingenvart i detta fall. Är väl bara låta bli att köpa och köpa ngt annat om modellen inte passar. Epson exempelvis kan ju vara ngt med liknande pris och med motorzoom. 

Ser också framemot tester!


Postad 20 april 2022 - 11:27

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Ja kan mycket väl komma en XW6000 som fyller det gapet mellan de två. Men lät ju på det tidiga testet att det gick hyfsat smidigt att ställa in manuellt men det återstår att se.


Postad 20 april 2022 - 16:35

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Det kommer tre nya modeller..


Postad 20 april 2022 - 19:24

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Undrar när den tredje presenteras då?


Postad 20 april 2022 - 19:50

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Undrar när den tredje presenteras då?

Alla projektorerna har presenterats via ett webbseminarium till åf. Länken där uppgifterna kom ifrån är borttagen! Så vi får nog vänta tills den 26/4, då presentation av Sony själva kommer att ske kanske? Men det saknas någonting mellan trådprodukterna, en mellanmodell😊

Redigerat av mcmike, 20 april 2022 - 19:52.


Postad 20 april 2022 - 20:53

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Då får vi hoppas på linsminne och ett bra pris 😊 Gissningsvis 2600 lumens?


Postad 20 april 2022 - 21:39

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Då får vi hoppas på linsminne och ett bra pris Gissningsvis 2600 lumens?

Ja, ersättare till VW590😊

Redigerat av mcmike, 20 april 2022 - 21:39.


Postad 21 april 2022 - 06:03

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Precis så tänker jag med! En modell som lägger sig mellan 5 och 7000 med linsminne, lite mindre ljusstyrka och kanske lite sämre optik. Prislapp runt 80’ sek kanske. Vore smaskens  


Postad 21 april 2022 - 06:30

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Att den kommer ha linnsminne är jag helt övertygad om😊

Bifogad fil(er)


Postad 21 april 2022 - 06:41

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Se där! Då är det bara vänta in officiell release med all info!


Postad 21 april 2022 - 08:50

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Nice! Undrar om den också kommer finnas i mitten av maj?


Postad 21 april 2022 - 09:45

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På tisdag/onsdag i nästa vecka har jag nöjet att få åka till London för att titta på de kommande maskinerna hos Sony. Har känt till dem ett tag men får inte säga något om dem ännu, men det mesta har ju läckt ut nu ändå. Men hoppas kunna tillföra något mer än siffror och specifikationer i nästa vecka :)


/Marcus, The Rock Hemmabio i Lund


Postad 21 april 2022 - 11:47

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Det ser vi fram emot Marcus! Sitter nöjd med 570:in jag köpt av dig men förr eller senare så lär ja vilja ha en ny och då ligger dessa maskiner bra till. 


Postad 21 april 2022 - 14:18

  • jie^
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Kul med en konkurrent till ls12000, som jag sneglar på. Om jag har fattat rätt så är den mindre sonymodellen lite mindre ljusstark än epson, och den har även bättre kontrast / svärta?


Priserna lär vara ungefär samma på Epson och Sony. Sonyn har nog en fördel om den är bättre lämpad för min lilla duk.


Postad 21 april 2022 - 14:48

  • Duddits1
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Hur är det nu, har Sony sluten optik som Jvc?


Postad 21 april 2022 - 15:32

  • mcmike
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Normalt sett ja, men hurvida dessa är uppbyggda har inte läckt vad jag sett😋 Gällande mellanmodellen så får vi hoppas de tänkt till, JVC NP5 har allt förutom laser då😊 Visst vill jag ha laser, men inte till vilket pris som helst eller kompromisser!

Redigerat av mcmike, 21 april 2022 - 15:33.


Postad 21 april 2022 - 17:09

  • jie^
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På min nuvarande får jag klättra upp på en pall och justera linshjulet manuellt, varje vecka. Så om sonys nya fungerar stabilt är det ju rena lyxen, även om manuellt. Helt klart en uppgradering :) Hoppas bara den inte är för ljusstark, för min nästa duk kommer nog inte vara större än 92-100".


Det jag hoppas på är den där djupsvärtan som SXRD kan ge över ls12000 LCD. Tror det är påtagligt även i ett icke perfekt rum.


Postad 21 april 2022 - 19:19

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Hoppas på en givmild zoom, mer än 2.0, på 6000 modellen.


Postad 21 april 2022 - 21:15

  • mcmike
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I bästa av världarna kan vi nog förvänta oss att den har samma zoom omfång som storebror.

Här kan man följa en presentation nästa vecka


Redigerat av mcmike, 21 april 2022 - 21:17.


Postad 24 april 2022 - 14:14

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Grobi kommer också sända på Tisdag..


Redigerat av mcmike, 24 april 2022 - 14:15.


Postad 25 april 2022 - 12:31

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På tisdag/onsdag i nästa vecka har jag nöjet att få åka till London för att titta på de kommande maskinerna hos Sony. Har känt till dem ett tag men får inte säga något om dem ännu, men det mesta har ju läckt ut nu ändå. Men hoppas kunna tillföra något mer än siffror och specifikationer i nästa vecka :)


/Marcus, The Rock Hemmabio i Lund

du vet nog vem som står och knackar på barrikaderna på the rock om ni tar in XV600 :)


Postad 25 april 2022 - 12:41

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Jag sitter ju galet nöjd med VW790 och en Lumagen videoprocessor och det är väl i närmast HDR som förbättringen kan ske, i övrigt är jag tämligen övertygad om att XV700 ensam inte skulle ha en suck mott kombon VW790 och Lumagen. 


Det som förstås skulle kunna förbättras är den absoluta svärtan under 2% APL - men eftersom detta har varitJVCs kungarike och uppenbarligen Sony inte tycker den svärtan är så superviktigoch att den går att få fram med en dynmisk kontrast som på VW790 så kan jag leva med det då kontrasten över 2% APL vida överstiger JVC, både i siffror och ockulärt. 


Om det skulle sitta optik som i VW5000 och dessutom magnifikant ölkar ljustouput skulle det kunna bli intressant. Dock kan en ökad ljusoutput inte enbart bli av godo om SDR matas med för högt ljus. Har t ex hört att GTZ380 inte alls gör sig i en biogrotta för föööööör mycket ljus. HDR skulle fröstås må bättre än 1/10 av behövs ljus som jag har det nu, men i och med tonmappning i absolut världklass så väljer jag en HDR-utgåva före en SDR i alla lägen idag. 


Ska bli superintressant att följa även om jag i mitt fall tror att en Trinnov på ljudsidan skulle vara mer bang for the buck än en ny projektor. 



Postad 26 april 2022 - 14:27

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Datablad och bilder




Postad 26 april 2022 - 15:52

  • Duddits1
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Härligt, bra zoom där, kommer funka hemma hos mig.

När kommer dom till Sverige tro? 


Postad 26 april 2022 - 16:17

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Härligt, bra zoom där, kommer funka hemma hos mig.

När kommer dom till Sverige tro? 

vissa handlare har lagt upp dem på deras sida 16/5-22 typ. 



Postad 26 april 2022 - 16:26

  • Marcus_TheRock
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Enligt Sony här i London så börjar leveranserna först i Juni/Juli. Ska skriva mer när jag får tid men det ser mycket lovande ut prestandamässigt. Det kommer dock ingen mellanmodell till Europa som det ser ut just nu.

/Marcus, The Rock Hemmabio i Lund


Postad 26 april 2022 - 16:52

  • plundvik
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En xw7000 får det bli. Har idag en vw790 som är min klart bästa projektor hittills!


Postad 26 april 2022 - 16:54

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@Marcus_TheRock Menar du modellen som kommer bli den mest intressanta?


Redigerat av Duddits1, 26 april 2022 - 16:55.


Postad 26 april 2022 - 17:11

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Mellan modellen kommer att få samma lins som storebror..

Redigerat av mcmike, 26 april 2022 - 17:14.


Postad 26 april 2022 - 17:19

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Linsen påminner om HW modellerna (XW5000), får hoppas den håller högre kvalitet.. Priset blev högre än ryktet, 5990€




Redigerat av mcmike, 26 april 2022 - 17:27.


Postad 26 april 2022 - 17:31

  • alienrebel
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64990kr verkar priset bli i Sverige.



Postad 26 april 2022 - 17:31

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@Marcus_TheRock Menar du modellen som kommer bli den mest intressanta?

Precis, den släpps bara i staterna.


Postad 26 april 2022 - 17:50

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Det var synd att 6000 inte kommer hit. Hoppas det ändras. 


Postad 26 april 2022 - 18:32

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Jag har två funderingar, varav en är kanske korkad.

1. Hdr tonemapping, är den förbättrad? Har de närmat sig jbc:s svärta?

2. Väger dom inte lite? Jag vill tro att glasoptiken och att vikten går hand i hand. Och bra glasoptik ger bättre bild helt enkelt? (Dock inte alls koll här)


Postad 26 april 2022 - 18:54

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Ja, HDR är klart förbättrad. Sony jobbar nu med en ny teknik som är objektbaserad. De mäter alltså på objekt i bilden och anpassar tonkurvan efter detta istället för efter frame by frame. För och nackdelar kring detta behöver jag utvärdera på hemmaplan men det såg spontant väldigt bra ut vid demon.
Sony hävdar att de har utvecklat optik som i praktiken motsvarar glas men är både lättare och billigare som presterar likvärdigt. Efter visningen här har jag svårt att säga emot, det såg riktigt bra ut även på den enklare XW5000.

/Marcus, The Rock Hemmabio i Lund

Redigerat av Marcus_TheRock, 26 april 2022 - 22:44.


Postad 26 april 2022 - 19:20

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Ja, HDR är klart förbättrad. Sony jobbar nu med en ny teknik som är objektbaserad. De mäter alltså på objekt i bilden och anpassar tonkurvan efter detta istället för efter frame by frame. För och nackdelar kring detta behöver jag utvärdera på hemmaplan men det såg spontant väldigt bra ut vid demon.
Sony hävdar att de har utvecklat optik som i praktiken motsvarar glas men är både lättare och billigare som presterar likvärdigt. Efter visningen här har jag svårt att säga emot, det såg riktigt bra ut även på den enklare XV5000.

/Marcus, The Rock Hemmabio i Lund


Tack för svaren även om du inte kan ge 100%


Låter kanon, jag kommer att försöka investera i en bättre projektor som nästa projekt då jag saknar svärta med min epson 9400 :)


Återigen, tack!


Postad 26 april 2022 - 23:13

  • smellymarq
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Vad synd att XW6000 inte kommer till Europa. Steget upp till 7000 är för stort för mig för att det ska kännas värt. Har en VW520 nu men har suktat efter en laser men 65000:- utan linsminne är inte värt pengen heller.


Postad 27 april 2022 - 05:28

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Review XW7000..


Redigerat av mcmike, 27 april 2022 - 05:28.


Postad 27 april 2022 - 07:28

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Läser jag rätt att 7000 kostar 28000 dollar?


Postad 27 april 2022 - 07:47

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Det stämmer. XW5000 blir prissatt till $6000 och XW6000 till $12.000 samt XW7000 då till $28.000. Eftersom XW7000 blir pressad ner till €15.000 hos oss så tyckte Sony här i Europa inte det var lönt att ta med XW6000 i sortimentet, den skulle kommit så nära XW7000 i pris ändå.



Postad 27 april 2022 - 07:47

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Ja Sony är dyrare i staterna och Jvc tvärtom emot här...VW790 kostar hälften emot här hemma, finns en kvar🌞

Redigerat av mcmike, 27 april 2022 - 07:49.


Postad 27 april 2022 - 10:49

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Ok. Jag reagerade på nära 300’ översatt från dollar men om det blir typ 160’ så förstår jag tänket mer. Så det är ju positivt att vi får 7000 för en så pass bra peng men ändå synd att hoppet mellan 5-7000 blev så stort. 

Men vilken ljuskanon 7000 blir! Undrar om det går att ställa ned lasern såpass att man får behaglig sdr-bild på dukar som är 130-140”?

Redigerat av DPC, 27 april 2022 - 10:51.


Postad 27 april 2022 - 11:39

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Det ska nog gå fint, det går att reglera lasern mellan 1-100%. Uppskattar att man minst kan halvera ljusflödet men måste mäta på det för att säga mer exakt.



Postad 27 april 2022 - 15:31

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Vi ser fram emot mätningar och utlåtanden med spänning!


Postad 27 april 2022 - 20:40

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Ok, antingen är snubben en "fanboy" eller så får Sony tänka om här😊 Svårt att se att båda skulle vara kalibrerade med samma utgångspunkt

Skaplig projektor "hylla" annars😋


Redigerat av mcmike, 27 april 2022 - 20:47.

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